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Shadow Puppets. novichok74. (10/29/05 09:49:04)

lola: novichok74(10/29/05 09:49:04) Shadow Puppets Новости от spikeylover Джеймс будет сниматься в психологическом триллере Shadow Puppets. FROM BAPS (Bloody Awful Poets Society) Frederick Thompson reporting on behalf of Wendy Thompson. Wendy has just called me to say that in the last few minutes approaching 6.00 p.m. in London that Steve Himber has announced that James Marsters is to star in a new film called Shadow Puppets, a psychological thriller. Filming commences next Monday and James will be starring alongside Jolene Blalock, well known as subcommander T’pol from the recently ended series Enterprise. MTS (More than Spike) reporting same thing: "Steve says to us, "It's not news unless you've heard it from me... the name of the Feature Film James will be starring in is called Shaddow Puppet, a psychological thriller which begins filming on Monday...for the next 5 weeks, then he goes back to SMallville and shoots some more over there with them. His co-star will be Joline Balock from Star Trek Enterprises." It's listed as a Feature film. Народ, какие мысли по этому поводу? ------------------- "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны" [off]ссылка на соответствующий топик оригинального форума Marstersverse[/off]

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lola: VasquezE(10/29/05 11:19:06) В imdb кино не числится. Поисковик в Variety дал нулевой результат. В прочих списках тоже не значится. В "Шоуфаксе" есть кое-что http://www.showfax.com/role_selection.cfm?l=1&t=3&p=80520 Category: Features Project: SHADOW PUPPETS Casting Director: ROSS GOLDFARB Пробы на пять ролей - Amber, Charlie, Dave, Melissa, Stacy. Стоимость рассылки - очень дешевая (1-3 доллара в то время как обычно - 5-15 долларов). То есть - или роли очень маленькие, или проект малопрестижный. Дополнительная информация - о партнерше ДМ, Джолин Блэлок Рост - 1 м 70 см Возраст - 30 лет Родилась и выросла в Сан-Диего, неподалеку от ДМ. В детстве была большой поклонницей "Стар Трека", недавно закончила сниматься в "Энтерпрайзе". Также снималась в телефильме "Язон и аргонавты" и минисериале "Охотники за бриллиантами" С 17 до 23 работала фотомоделью в Европе и Азии. С 1998 года живет в ЛА. Замужем за музыкальным продюсером. У них дома два собаки и кошка. С детства обожает серфинг, увлекается сноубордингом, тайским боксом, фотографией, живописью и графикой (предпочитает рисовать карандашом). Ее фамилия - шотландского происхождания: Black Loch, meaning "Black Lake"

lola: VasquezE(10/29/05 11:30:38) По горячим следам: кто зарегистрирован на BAPS, зайдите по этому адресочку tv.groups.yahoo.com/group...age/267801 Просят ни в коем случае не перепечатывать нигде. Вкратце: в первой сцене несколько человек оказываются в некоем лабиринте; они не помнят своих имен и не знают, как они там оказались. Место похоже на психушку: коридор, камеры с мягкой обивкой, запертая железная дверь в конце коридора. Все герои - в нижнем белье. Одним словом, кроссовер с Normal Again так и просится...

lola: VasquezE(10/30/05 04:15:56) Появились сайдзы. Просят не перепечатывать. Геронее и Новичку я отправила, ежели кому еще нужно, черкните здесь адресочки. Вкратце: имеет место Лабиринт с большой буквы: коридор, камеры, жалезные двери. Несколько человек ничего не помнят, но хотят выбраться. За ними охотятся Теневые Создания (Shadowy Creatures), которые, очевидно, очень опасны. Мы видим две пары: Джек и Кейт, Чарли и Клер... в смысле - Мелисса. Чарли и Мелисса выходят из коридора в какой-то бассейн, в котором купается некая Эмбер. Она совершенно не пугается при их появлении. Просит Чарли отвернуться, чтобы она могла одеться. Он видит краем глаза, что ее тень превращается в монстра. Оборачивается - ничего подобного. Он спрашивает, почему Эмбер так спокойна. "А чего волноваться? - говорит она. - Все равно мы все умрем". Написано посредственно. Конечно, тут трудно сравнивать, потому что единственные сценарии, которые я читала в своей жизни - BtVS и еще "Апокалипсис" Копполы. По сравнению с ними, я думаю, все покажется посредственным. Очень интересно, кто режиссер. По идее, во вторник на сайте ДМ будет обновление, и тогда, наверное, узнаем имя режиссера. Уверена на 99%, что имя неизвестное. Впрочем, поживем - увидим. А пока, по первым впечатлениям, человек насмотрелся Лоста и решил снять нечто похожее по дешевке.

lola: novichok74(10/30/05 04:44:17) Лен, спасибо за подробности Геронее и Новичку я отправила Спасибо, получила, буду изучать Написано посредственно. Конечно, тут трудно сравнивать, потому что единственные сценарии, которые я читала в своей жизни - BtVS и еще "Апокалипсис" Копполы. По сравнению с ними, я думаю, все покажется посредственным Обиднооооо Очень не хочется наблюдать за тем, как он своим талантом будет прикрывать огрехи сценария, или того хуже согласился на это дело только ради денег, т.е. особо напрягаться здесь не намерен Ладушки, поживем-увидим и бум надеяться на лучшее ------------- "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

lola: VasquezE(10/30/05 11:15:05) Появилось еще два куска сайдзов - я разослала "полную версию", потому что, насколько я поняла, это все и больше сайдзов не будет. Народ на CDS сравнивает Shadow Puppets с ужастиком Cube (1997).

lola: lag9(10/30/05 11:36:12) Спасибо большое за интересную информацию Только почему-то у меня всё это дело оставляет больше вопросительных знаков, чем восклицательных...

lola: Geroneja(10/31/05 06:03:26) Получила, огромное спасибо ))) Наверное, это паранойя, но мне уже все вокруг напоминает "Лост", и даже не именами ) Конечно, посмотрим, как пойдет процесс, пойду вот гляну, еслили уже фильм на ИМДБ. Неа, нет, только анимационнная короткометражка 1994 года с таким же названием. Будем ждать --------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

lola: VasquezE(10/31/05 06:35:00) Вообще , конечно, создается странное впечатление. С одной стороны, фильм нигде не засвечен. То есть - не просто малобюджетное (2-20 млн.), а микробюджетное кино (меньше 2 млн.), продукция на грани самопальности. И язык, которым написан сценарий, особого энтузиазма не вызывает. С другой стороны, что-то же зацепило Джеймса - человека, избалованого Шекспиром и Ведоном - в этом проекте!

lola: VasquezE(11/02/05 17:33:55) Обновление на официальном сайте, но имени режиссера не сообщается. Только говорится, что он, видите ли, нравится ДМ. А сценарий-то, оказывается замечательный... http://jamesmarsters.com/home.html A MESSAGE FROM JAMES Hey everybody - I had a great time in London. As usual, the London audiences were great. Steve tells me that the feedback has been great and that I turned some of you on to Shakespeare for the first time. Special thanks to my co-star Cheryl Puente for the excellent job she did as Lady MacBeth. As many of you may have already heard, I started today on the feature film “Shadow Puppets.” It is a great script and I really like the director. I’ll keep you all posted as it goes along. James

lola: lag9 (11/02/05 22:27:41) Спасибо за новость! Ну, раз сценарий замечательный и режиссёр нравится - что может быть лучше для актёра?! "флаг в руки и барабан на шею" Дай Бог, чтобы всё сложилось!

lola: VasquezE(11/03/05 11:12:58) На уикэнд 11-13 ноября будет конвенция "Стар трека", на которую приглашена Джолен Блэлок. Народ готовится допрашивать ее с пристрастием. Кстати, забавное совпадение: в 2002 году ДМ и Джолен Блэлок одновременно завоевали приз Face of the Future Award, которую присуждает Cinescape: она - в женской категории, он - в мужской.

lola: novichok74(11/04/05 01:03:37) Кстати, забавное совпадение: в 2002 году ДМ и Джолен Блэлок одновременно завоевали приз Face of the Future Award, которую присуждает Cinescape: она - в женской категории, он - в мужской. Вот и говорите после этого, что нет судьбы. Еще как есть. Сидит она родимая где-нибудь в засаде с дубиношкой наперевес, а потом как выскочит, как выпрыгнет и спасайся кто может =========== "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

lola: novichok74(11/11/05 12:29:27) Утащила с CDS Berengaria "Thanks to Ruadh...so far this is what has been discovered about "Shadow Puppets" Producers are Bob Crowe and Ross Goldfarb Director is Michael Winnick...did "Dueces" in 2001 Tony Todd will be in the cast along with James Marsters and Jolene Blalock." ============ "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны

lola: VasquezE(11/13/05 04:33:31) Вот что пишут о Уиннике на официальном сайте его фильма Deuce Michael Winnick. Director and Writer Award-winning filmmaker Michael Winnick graduated Magna Cum Laude from the prestigious USC School of Cinema-Television. Two of Michael's screenplays have been optioned, and his comedy short The Fight has been receiving rave reviews since its screening at Sony studios. Michael will be following Deuces the sci-fi action thriller The Gifted Ones and the romantic comedy The Better Man. Since graduation Michael has written for such television shows as Meter Maids as well as for numerous popular commercials and infomercials. Michael has also worked as Writer\Producer on the Signs of the Times, a radio show airing on the Cable Radio Network (CRN). Michael has made several animated short films, which have won multiple awards at various film festivals. These awards culminated with Michael winning the Gold Medal at the 1984 olympiad of Animation, an Olympic Arts Festival Event presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in conjunction with the International Animated Film Association, for his appropriately titled short film The Olympics. Написано все это было 2001 году. Разумеется, все это необходимо воспринимать с большой долей скептицизма.

lola: VasquezE(11/14/05 04:44:05) Описание фильма с официальной странички http://www.shorelineentertainment.com/movies/ShadowPuppets.html SHADOW PUPPETS Four people awake in an abandoned asylum without any previous memories or knowledge of their whereabouts. They soon discover that they were subjects of an experiment – an experiment gone haywire – intended to erase bad memories, but accidentally released a monstrous, blood thirsty entity within the asylum. As they piece together their memories, a vicious Shadow Creature stalks them, threatening their lives from the darkness. Berengaria сообщает новости с конвенции Джолен Блэлок - любовных сцен У Дм и его партнерши не будет. А жаль. Симпатичная дама.

lola: novichok74(11/14/05 11:00:12) Лен, спасибо за новостя При таком раскладе не до любовных сцен им будет Хоть бы глазком взглянуть, чего там у них снимается, ведь насколько я понимаю съемки уже идут полным ходом. ---------- "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

lola: VasquezE(11/21/05 17:20:41) TV guide повторяет то же самое описание, что есть на официальной страничке и добавляет, что фильм ему видится в духе "Пилы"... http://www.tvguide.com/News-Views/Entertainment-News/ Anyway, rumor has it that James Marsters is taking a few weeks off from Smallville to shoot the straight-to-DVD spooker Shadow Puppets. The Saw-esque thriller costars Jolene Blalock (Enterprise) and revolves around four people who wake up in an abandoned asylum without any previous memories or knowledge of their whereabouts.

lola: novichok74(01/04/06 18:45:26) Появились первые промо фото Смотреть здесь http://www.shorelineentertainment.com/movies/ShadowPuppets.html И гляньте на это ------------------ "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

lola: lag9(01/04/06 22:45:49) Новичок, спасибо большое! Посмотрела, очень интересно!!!! Форма одежды у них, похоже, абсолютно одинаковая...

lola: Uktalynka(01/05/06 02:27:57) Новичок,как ты их раскопала? ***интересно JM тоже в такие шортики нарядят... ***

lola: VasquezE(01/05/06 07:44:38) Новичок, спасибо за фото! Прическа у ДМ, конечно, прямиком из "Смоллика"... Будем надеяться, что он не все время будет в халатe щеголять...

lola: Uktalynka (01/05/06 10:05:09) Будем надеяться, что он не все время будет в халатe щеголять... Вот я и приглядываюсь к последнему фото ...

lola: Geroneja(01/06/06 13:58:21) хороший халатик, мне нравится ) Новичок, спасибо большое, что повесила ) --------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

lola: VasquezE(01/06/06 13:58:21) Новости со съемок http://www.exisle.net/mb/index.php?showtopic=33226 Говорят, что форум грохнулся от наплыва народа, поэтому я переношу отчет сюда. В двух словах: заканчивается пост-продукция, Джеймс-таки будет щеголять в трусиках (boxers), и у него будет пара "боевых" сцен. В феврале-марте у фильма появится официальный сайт. Создатели фильма надеются, что филь будет идти в кинотеатрах, а не только на DVD. Jill (writergroupie) пишет Okay the latest info I've managed to squeeze out of my sources: The editing is going well and from what I've heard the cast is looking fantastic! Having the priorities that I do, I of course asked how James' performance was and was told he (as always) gave 150% and just knocks it out of the park. Beyond the performance, he spends a portion of the movie in his boxers - ladies, prepare to THUD! Oh, and supposedly James gets a good action sequence or two (and we know how well he can kick butt!) I also heard that Tony Todd gives an incredible intense performance every time he's onscreen as well. I CAN'T WAIT to see the two of them together onscreen!!! I don't get the sense that any decisions can/will be made about theatrical release until the edit is done or closer to done, BUT they still absolute WANT a theatrical release. Other news is that they're hoping to get a website up about the film in February or March, with some more pics and stuff from the film! If/when I find out more, I'll post! But feel free to pass this info on wherever you feel folks might be interested. Jill

lola: novichok74(01/06/06 16:42:54) Сбылась мечта идиотки, увижу ДМ в шортиках!!!

lola: VasquezE(03/08/06 14:01:45) C сайта Тони Тодда http://alwheaties.com/Tony_Todd.html SHADOW PUPPETS!!! Tony plays Steve in the movie Shadow Puppets. James Marsters (best known as Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Jolene Blalock (T'Pol from Star Trek Enterprise) are his co-stars!!! Many Thanks to Tony for writing in and letting me know, "Starting "Shadow Puppets" tomorrow (Nov.2nd, 2005). They've signed James Marsters, and the woman from enterprise. (From Nov. 21st) Just wrapped "Shadow Puppets" yesterday. I really like the film. James Marsters and I became good friends. Rest of the cast is extremely flexible. It was fun. One the most extended, cast and crew, final applause, I've ever had. We had a strange two days, at "Loma Vista", a deserted insane asylum just off the Boyle st. Bridge. six accidents in 48 hours, from heart plapatations, scratched cornea's, Electrician being shocked, whiplash, and our script supervisor fell and broke her foot. But overall everyone was committed, or should've been.

lola: Geroneja(03/14/06 04:54:07) ДМ тут же завел друзей-знакомых, вот дочего общительный человек )) Васкес, спасибо огромное за инфо )) --------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

lola: New York City Girl 11(04/01/06 10:11:11) я бы тоже хотела видеть Джея на большом экране. А еще я хочу, чтоб его песни крутили по радио... Да, размечталась, называется!

lola: Uktalynka(04/01/06 10:26:15) Ну почему же размечталась, просто нужет соответ. пиар зы: добро пожаловать на форум))))))

lola: novichok74(04/03/06 15:12:52) Товарищи появился трейлер кфильму - лежит здесь Поделитесь впечатлением, плииз За наводку спасибо bendy1 - она уже успела понаделать с него капсов смотреть здесь ------------- "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

lola: VasquezE(04/04/06 06:37:36) Скачала. Посмотрела. Первое: трейлер еще не доделан! Счетчик в углу показывает, что это рабочий экземпляр. Поскольку монтаж все вроде бы нормальный, смею предположить, что в него еще не добавили спецэффекты. Впрочем, это только предположение. По-прежнему не уверена, что фильм выпустят на большой экран. Для кинопроката трейлеры делают гораздо более бьющие по нервам. А в целом - ничего. Посмотреть на Джеймса всегда приятно.

lola: novichok74(04/04/06 10:26:09) Эх, моя не выдержала и скачала * пересчитываю мелочь в кармане* Да, по нервам не бьет, но если считать, что этот вариант еще не закончен (что думаю так и есть, так как на официальном сайте ссылок на него еще не выложено), можно предположить, что его еще будут дорабатывать и может атмосферку еще поднагнетут ------------- "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

lola: New York City Girl 11(04/12/06 09:58:50) Спасибо за приветствие! Джеймс в любом фильме выглядит супер, он прерожденный актер, взять хотя бы "Шанс". Я сама не видела, но все говорят, что фильм классный. Прикол - есть ДВД с фильмом, а посмотреть негде. Получается Джемсу просто нужен спонсор, ну, как всегда, все упирается в деньги

lola: VasquezE(04/12/06 14:07:37) Джеймс выписывает на сентябрьскую конвенцию режиссера фильма Майкла Уинника и партнера Тони Тодда. Возможно, это будет один из тех редких случаев, когда Shadow Puppets можно будет посмотреть на большом экране SHADOW PUPPETS EXCLUSIVE All the backstage secrets of new movie Shadow Puppets will be revealed at James Marsters & Friends. Joining James for the weekend will be film favourite Tony Todd and director Michael Winnick. They worked with James on new movie Shadow Puppets and will be talking for the first time about the movie and what happened behind-the-scenes. Tony Todd is best known for his chilling performance as the Candyman and has also appeared in movie classics like The Rock, The Crow, Night Of The Living Dead, Final Destination and the multiple Academy Award winning Oliver Stone film Platoon. Like James, Tony has appeared on Angel, Andromeda and Smallville. A sought after actor in the sci-fi and fantasy genre, Tony has appeared in episodes of cult favorites The X-Files, Stargate SG-1, 24, Hercules, Babylon 5, Charmed, Xena - Warrior Princess, CSI: Miami and MacGyver. The 6ft 5in tall movie star also has the distinction of playing characters on all three of the sequel Star Trek TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager. Michael Winnick wrote and directed Shadow Puppets. The thriller tells the story of eight strangers who find themselves trapped, with no memories, fighting for survival against the unknown. Gold tickets for James Marsters & Friends are selling fast and are allocated on a first come, first served basis. For ticket sales go to jamesmarsters.com Gold ticket holders are entitled to entry to all the weekend talks, screenings and Q&As. They also receive a photograph with and autograph from James, entry to the Saturday night acoustic concert with James, seated dinner on Saturday night, a chance to win spot prizes and purchase autographs and photographs with guests over the weekend ... plus lots more. MORE STAR GUESTS FOR JAMES & FRIENDS WILL BE REVEALED SOON

lola: New York City Girl 11(04/15/06 23:10:07) Было бы клево!!!

lola: VasquezE (06/07/06 13:43:45) На сайте Shadow Puppets появился маленький постер

lola: novichok74(06/08/06 07:58:45) Ууууууу *обижено* а где Марсик на плакатике? "Ну, я так не играю" (с) --------------- "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

lola: VasquezE(08/03/06 11:37:59) Появился официальный рекламный ролик http://www.shorelineentertainment.com/movies/ShadowPuppets.html

lola: novichok74(08/04/06 07:28:51) Лен, а ты уже скачала? Поделишься? А то я в ауте у меня мегабайты летят со страшной силой, а вместе с еими денюжки *хлюп-хлюп* ------- "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

lola: VasquezE(08/04/06 11:29:53) Скачала, естесссно. В общем, то же самое, что было в "протекшем" ранее, только качество чуть получше. Если мы пересечемся до Киева - обязательно перекатаю.

lola: VasquezE(09/15/06 02:48:09) Транскрипт вопросов и ответов режиссера Майкла Уинника и актера Тони Тодда на конвенции Queen Mary. Спасибо Helcat! ************************ This is my last Q&A account as I missed Tony Todd's solo Q&A and Mercedes McNab's Q&A. Michael Winnick and Tony Todd Q & A Q – About the origins of Shadow Puppets MW – It’s a horror movie but it also tries to deal with issues such as whether our memories make us the people we are or whether regardless of memories we’d react in particular ways to circumstances. He said this was an aspect of the film that James was really interested in. He had minored in psychology in college and there is a progression that the characters go through which mirrors various elements of the human psyche. Q – About casting TT – Made some jokey comments about how he knew he wasn’t the only actor being considered for his role and referred to another actor being up for the role (Danny Treho?). As a result he almost blew off a meeting with Michael Winnick to talk about the movie in the first place. MW – Said that Tony had been on the top of his list for the role but after they’d contacted Tony’s people they had also checked out some other actors availability in part because Tony’s people were asking for more money than they wanted to pay. As for James they sent out the breakdown for the roles and got word that James was interested. Michael met with all the actors separately and didn’t actually get the cast together until the start of the filming period which he thought helped because in the film none of them know who each other is. The last role to be cast was Jolene’s and she was cast immediately before they started filming. Q – About where they shot the film MW – Most of the filming was done at a disused mental hospital which had a very strange vibe to it. They had a lot of problems with equipment mysteriously breaking down. Someone almost got electrocuted and it proved to be a very unnerving place to shoot. TT – Made some comment about something in the trailers not working too. Q – About accidents on the set TT – Early on during the set Tony was called to help carry a woman who’d fallen and hurt her ankle up some stairs so they could take her to a doctor. He said they needed a helicopter but had to make do with him. MW – He actually injured his shoulder which he did playing baseball on his one day off. He was diving in at the plate and managed to dislocate his shoulder but was at least safe. Q – About the costume choices and whether any of the actors had problems with them MW – It was clear in the script what the actors would have to wear so he didn’t hear any complaints as it was hardly something that came as a surprise to them. It was a decision tied to the psychological journey of the characters as well. Q – About Michael Winnick’s earlier film Deuce A – It was made really as a test of the technology that George Lucas wanted to use for the recent Star Wars films. Lucas wasn’t directly involved but he had ties to USC and actually awarded Michael his degree. Q – About the release of the film MW – The film isn’t quite finished but is very close. At the moment Shoreline are trying to get one of the main studios involved to get the film a wide release. This would require the studio to invest around $10 million to cover the costs for prints, posters and promotion. They hope to know whether that is going to happen by November. If that doesn’t happen Shoreline will then try and get the film a more limited theatrical release which would require them to negotiate with the theatres directly. Only if that didn’t happen would they look to a straight to DVD release. Q – About it being in Cannes MW – It wasn’t done in time for Cannes but Shoreline asked him to put together a trailer to act as a ‘taster’ for the movie. He was then surprised to hear from friends that his film’s trailer was on line! It turns out that the Shoreline site was hacked into and the basic trailer was stolen and posted on line. Shoreline were impressed it was the only trailer anyone stole. Q – Was there any thing fans could do to aid the release MW – Go to the Shoreline website, view the page, which should be updated soon and contact Shoreline to say how much we’re interested in seeing the film. Q – About the look of the film MW – Most horror films in recent years have gone for a ‘blue’ tone and he chose to go with an orange tone instead. So far he’s had very positive feedback as far as the look of the film goes. Q – What are their favourite horror movies MW – Seven, he’s only seen it once and doesn’t feel the need to see it again. He mentioned some others but I forget which. TT – He mentioned a few films and included Farenheit 911. Michael agreed but said it was a horror movie to him for probably the complete opposite reasons Tony regarded it as a horror movie. Q – Does the film include the clichés of characters doing stupid things ( the questioner cited Jolene’s character unlocking Tony’s character in one of the clips shown earlier) MW – He doesn’t think so. He said it was hard to show in isolated clips but there is a lot of uncertainty as to whether the characters are what they seem and whether Jolene’s really is as sweet and good as first thought. Q – About type casting and genre movies TT – Doesn’t feel he’s been type cast as all his films are different. If he gets offered too many similar roles he takes time off and goes to New York to do a play. MW – He’s mostly getting horror scripts but doesn’t feel in danger of being pigeon holed just yet. Maybe if he did 7 such films in a row it would be a problem. Q – About the producers MW – Talked about the producer Bob who was at the convention and always that bit better dressed than the rest of them no matter what the situation. He said that the producer had even taken Tony to a sporting event during the filming (sorry I’m blanking on if it was baseball or basketball) while Michael had been stuck at the asylum shooting. They joked that this was all part of the remit to keep Tony happy. Q – About locations MW – In addition to the asylum they also shot in a basement swimming pool. This turned out to be the hardest location to get as there was a distinct lack of basement swimming pools in LA. Q – About support for the film TT – Pointed out that many of Michael’s family were involved in the shoot including his mother and one of his brothers was one of the cast. Evidently the brother is one of twins. Q – About green screen acting TT – He hates it because he likes to work with other actors rather than on his own. The art is to totally believe in the special effect and respond in a real way. There was a special effects person on the set who could show them what the effects would look like.

lola: VasquezE(11/01/06 13:15:55) 3 ноября фильм будут показывать на кинорынке в Санта-Монике http://twitchfilm.net/archives/008047.html Distribution rights for Michael Winnick's Shadow Puppets are to be offered for sale by Shoreline Entertainment Inc. at this year's American Film Market (AFM) in Santa Monica, California. The movie is scheduled to be screened at the Fairmont #2 on Friday November 3rd at 1:00 p.m..

lola: VasquezE(04/18/07 00:05:21) Фильм показалаи на кинофестивале в Брюсселе. Подробный пересказ со всеми спойлерами http://www.livejournal.com/?returnto=http://bendy1.livejournal.com/351428.html Вопросы и ответы режиссера http://www.livejournal.com/?returnto=http://bendy1.livejournal.com/351721.html Девушка просила не перекопировать, а давать ссылки.

lola: novichok74(05/05/07 01:45:38) Вычитала на Marsters Sancuary вот такую новость: SHADOW PUPPETS will be getting an exclusive one week theatrical engagement June 22nd-28th in Beverly Hills, CA! The movie will be presented digitally and in full surround sound at the historic Fine Arts Theater. ADVANCE TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE! The "Shadow Puppets" myspace site can link you directly: www.myspace.com/shadowpuppetsmovie ....or you can go to the theater's website (select the date and time you wish to attend). Fine Arts Theater 8556 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90211 www.studioscreenings.com Как, по-вашему, на этом его прокат и закончится? Когда же это все выпустят на ДВД, а самое главное в сети --------- "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

lola: VasquezE(05/16/07 08:14:15) Статья в "Фангории". Там же - фото http://www.fangoria.com/news_article.php?id=4265 May 15: Director talks SHADOW PUPPETS release SHADOW PUPPETS depicts a nightmarish situation—a group of people who don’t know where or even who they are, locked in a strange facility and menaced by a homicidal supernatural force—but its release is a dream come true for writer/director Michael Winnick. Most horror films in SHADOW’s $1.2-million budget range go straight to DVD, but Winnick’s movie is hitting the big screen at the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills, CA June 22-29 (for showtimes and advance tickets, go here), with the possibility of expansion/extension before its DVD release via Anchor Bay July 24. The cast (see pics of ’em below) includes BUFFY’s James Marsters, CANDYMAN’s Tony Todd and STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE’s Jolene Blalock. Winnick believes those names helped get SHADOW onto the big screen. “Because of all the fan support, we just knew we had to get it playing somewhere for at least a week. Especially after the James Marsters and Friends convention on the Queen Mary, where we showed about 10 minutes of footage and they seemed to like what they saw. James’ fans really took the film under their wings and have been promoting it, the Tony Todd fans have picked it up, and we believe Jolene [Blalock’s] STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE fans are about to come on board.” Executive producer Morris Ruskin of Shoreline Entertainment, the company that made SHADOW PUPPETS, adds, “A lot of fans seem to be researching this film [on the Internet]. It’s phenomenal. Every film you make, you have a hope that it’s going to break through on a certain level. You don’t know until you know, but there’s a sense of excitement on this project, so my feeling is that we genuinely have a winner here.” Lensed in 24p hi-def, SHADOW PUPPETS has special requirements for optimal theatrical projection, and the Fine Arts is one of the few that qualify. After meeting with Winnick, the theater’s owners decided to take a chance on the film. “They really liked the movie and said, ‘We just want to play this,’ ” Winnick says. Anchor Bay picked up the DVD rights at last year’s American Film Market; “We had a few bidders,” Winnick notes, “but they really had the best game plan.” As for the disc contents, “There’s a commentary track by myself and cinematographer Jonathan Hale, and a behind-the-scenes [featurette]. It will be in 5.1 Surround sound and widescreen. The shadow creature gets the full audio treatment—it’ll be all around you.” It’s hoped there will be a Q&A session at the June 22 opening-night show at the Fine Arts, and in any case, Winnick says, “I will definitely be there.” In the meantime, check out the movie’s MySpace page here and look for more on the film in Fango #265, on sale in July. —Abbie Bernstein

lola: novichok74(05/17/07 00:43:37) Вах, какая кровавенькая фотка Кстати на Амазоне уже можно оставлять предварительный заказ на покупку фильма вот здесь. ----------- "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

lola: VasquezE(06/23/07 08:37:51) Интервью с участниками проекта в "Фангории" http://www.fangoria.com/fearful_feature.php Me and My SHADOW PUPPETS By ABBIE BERNSTEIN SHADOW PUPPETS stars James Marsters and Tony Todd have a few things in common: diverse careers spanning all genres in film, TV and stage, being best-known for horror roles—and being unafraid of getting pigeonholed in fright fare. “I understand genre, as opposed to an actor who’s just showing up but doesn’t really respect it,” says Todd, star of the CANDYMAN franchise and the NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD remake, on SHADOW PUPPETS’ set. “Maybe that’s why I get hired.” “My concern is playing too many British guys, or playing too many guys with extra-human powers,” Marsters says, referring to his seven years as Spike on BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER and ANGEL. “The role on SMALLVILLE [as artificial intelligence being Brainiac] was more worrisome for me than SHADOW PUPPETS. If I were to say I can’t do anything that’s science-fiction-oriented or thriller-oriented or monster-oriented, I’m going to cut out about 45 percent of the films that are made these days. So I don’t think [doing them is] such a bad thing,” he laughs. In SHADOW PUPPETS, written and directed by Michael Winnick, Todd and Marsters play Steve and Jack, mortal men with total amnesia, who find themselves trapped in a strange building with a small group of others (including Jolene Blalock of STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE), where they are stalked by a malevolent supernatural force. The film is playing in an exclusive theatrical run June 22-29 at the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills, CA; there will be a Q&A session with Winnick following the June 22 7 p.m. showing. Starz/Anchor Bay will release SHADOWN PUPPETS on DVD July 24. “The characters wake up not knowing who they are,” Marsters explains, “not knowing where they are or how they got there, and they’re trying to figure out those questions and to survive. We are instinctually afraid of not knowing things, so I loved the script. This is an interesting role, someone who is afraid and vulnerable and very human. [Because director Winnick] wrote it, he knows what he wants it to be, and that’s all I’m about as an actor: just to find a good script and serve it. I’d like to work with him again. I haven’t had many directors like him. I’ve had apathetic directors who don’t really know or care what’s going on and let me do whatever I want, and I love that; I’ve had directors who know exactly what they want, but I feel like a puppet and I don’t like that, although most of the time, those are the better projects. To have both is a rare combination.” Todd says that both his manager Jeff Goldberg and his 16-year-old son advised him to do SHADOW PUPPETS. “My son is the final barometer. He liked this [script] particularly,” says the actor, who adds that Winnick turned out to be another plus. “He’s a smart guy. He graduated number one from USC in ’92, which isn’t bad. I met him for the first time at a wardrobe fitting. I was in a snarly mood that morning, kind of like Steve, so [Winnick] loved it. Steve is afraid of showing his fear, but he may be the most afraid of everybody, deep down. It was very important for me that we were on the same page about him. On first look, you think Steve has violent tendencies…” Production designer Kristen Ridgway chimes in about Todd from the makeup trailer doorway, “He’s a sweetheart, we all love him.” “Aww,” says Todd, touched. “For a guy who plays such tough guys, that’s pretty good to hear.” Ridgway isn’t done. “He’s not a tough guy—he’s a teddy bear.” Todd feigns alarm at this threat to his image. “Don’t tell them that!” For the scene where we first see Steve, real shackles were employed to attach Todd to the wall. Makeup FX supervisor/prop master Mark “Red Dog” Fenlason, whose friendship with Todd goes back to their days on CANDYMAN, had to apply the restraints, and says he felt uncomfortable chaining the actor up. Todd notes that he understands why. “Any time you’ve got a black man in chains, this is America, it brings back historical connotations. I knew he would let me out, but of course [he was uncomfortable]. Anybody who’s not affected by that, there’s something wrong with their humanity. The image itself is a powerful one.” Marsters and Todd had never worked together before, though Todd guest-starred on ANGEL a few years before Marsters’ tenure and both have appeared at different times on SMALLVILLE. On SHADOW PUPPETS, Todd reveals, “James and I hit it off right away, because we both are gamers, so we’d pull out our portable PlayStations and there we’d be battling at each other.” Playing with Todd—both on the PSP and in scenes—has been great, Marsters reports. “Damn, that guy can act. He’s from stage, like I am. He does not want to spoil [a scene], he does not want to go rehearse it too much, he wants to keep it on the day, but he just owns his character. It’s frightening, and it’s very, very good to play off of. He’s a totally cool guy, professional, laid-back, but when he turns that @#%$ on [for the camera],” Marsters snaps his fingers for emphasis, “he’s got a real anger, and it’s very scary.” If Steve is not the single most primal character Todd has ever played, the actor maintains, “He’s right up there. You’re going to like Steve because, for example, we go to a room where there’s a two-way mirror, and they start f**king around about, ‘How are we going to get through the mirror?’ and I just say, ‘Like this,’ and take a gun and shoot it.” Dealing with the mirror was easier for the fictional Steve than it was for the SHADOW PUPPETScrew, Todd adds. “The first time we shot it, it didn’t shatter. We did this shot of me firing the blank, so that was covered. But then Red Dog shot it and it just blew a hole in it. So they set it up again. The gun misfired before action was called. The third one, half the mirror was still there. I said, ‘Well, I’ll just kick it out.’ They [padded] my leg. But then the producers were concerned about a shard of glass dropping down on me. I wasn’t worried about it, but we had to make an adjustment in the script where I picked up a nightstand that had already been established as being bolted down. So with my adrenaline fully pumped, I ripped the nightstand out and threw it through the glass. And even then it didn’t break completely, but it broke enough.” The actors handled much of their own fighting work in SHADOW PUPPETS. “There’s not a lot of pads you can use when you’re only wearing underwear,” Marsters laughs. “The stunt choreographer is able to keep it safe, but it’s fighting on concrete and I’m just going to have to live with that.” In this area, he praises co-star Blalock: “She’s a trouper. She doesn’t care if she’s bleeding. I’ll be trying to hammer away at a lock and I’ll start bleeding, so she’s like, ‘Wait! Wait!’ and I’m like, ‘No, no, let’s keep going.’ We’re exactly alike. She’ll only try to hold the [camera] roll if I’m hurt, and I’ll only try to hold the roll if she’s hurt.” “Because we like each other, it’s all very cool,” Todd concludes. “I enjoy working with people I like and respect. Most sets that you’re on, everybody’s going to say they like what they’re doing. But here it’s going good.”

lola: VasquezE(07/08/07 11:29:42) Капсы хорошего качества http://www.livejournal.com/?returnto=http://bendy1.livejournal.com/367409.html http://www.livejournal.com/?returnto=http://bendy1.livejournal.com/367958.html http://www.livejournal.com/?returnto=http://bendy1.livejournal.com/368242.html http://www.livejournal.com/?returnto=http://bendy1.livejournal.com/368392.html

lola: VasquezE(07/09/07 09:43:31) На Демоноиде появился торрент http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/1233294/13283440/ Size: 791.69 MB Скачала. Видеофайл - с расширением bin, и в приложении его советуют смотреть через какой-то VLC player If you wish to view on your PC then use a media player called VLC which supports Cue and Bin format movies, but be warned, this and Windows Media Player have been known to show incorrect movie runtimes i.e. 37 minutes when the movie is actually 2 hours long. You can download the VLC media player from www.videolan.org but it's NOT recommended to view KVCD's on your PC as they're specifically encoded to view on your standalone DVD Player and TV. If you are planning on watching on your PC then please don't moan about quality as you have been warned. Одним словом, видит око, да зуб неймет...

lola: amguz(07/09/07 22:52:45) Одним словом, видит око, да зуб неймет... Хм, я не очень поняла, о какой проблеме там предупреждают, но у меня на компьютере стоит VLC и я им пользуюсь безо всяких сложностей. Система у меня - Виндоуз ЭксПи. ________________________ ...but the bother is nothing rhymes, you see. Ugly Business UB @ LiveJournal

lola: novichok74(07/14/07 07:49:07) Леночка, можно будет завтра переписать его у тебя *puppy eyes*?

lola: IrinaVi(07/15/07 01:24:04) Фильм появился уже на нескольких торрент сайтах. В привычном формате avi, в одной части - можно скачать здесь: http://torrentreactor.net/torrents/1074090/Shadow_Puppets_2007_DvDRip_Eng_Ac3-FxM/

lola: Uktalynka(07/16/07 11:42:32) Здорово!!! А кто-нибудь скачать и на слет привезти сможет?

lola: VasquezE(07/27/07 00:45:13) Okей, заказ принят! А пока смотрите на Тюбе все отрывки с Джеймсом www.youtube.com/watch?v=lc8_4UsOE8U

lola: IrinaVi(07/29/07 14:14:43) На торрент сайтах появился еще один вариант закачки (4411 Мб). Судя по размеру, качество видео должно быть высоким.

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