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5.16 Shells (бывший спойлерный). Geroneja. (02/02/04 10:59:42)

lola: Geroneja(02/02/04 10:59:42) 5.16 Shells (бывший спойлерный) Переношу из соседнего топика ) Geroneja Moderator Posts: 611 (2/2/04 2:42) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Спойлеры 5.17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Это со Spoiler Slayer, народ не у верен, к какому эпизоду, возможно, что и 16, но не менее возможно, что 17, так что пусть будет здесь ) One of my sources has passed along a minor tidbit, which would seem to indicate at least some of the events of 16. The info itself, ties in with earlier reports of the location shoot as well. Apparently, there is going to be a major battle in the offices of Wolfram and Hart. The scene that was filmed for the location shoot, was of someone being thrown out of one of the office windows (apparently Angel). The impression was that this wasn't going to just occur in one location, but pretty much go throughout much of the offices of Wolfram and Hart. This ties in with other tidbits I've received, which included a possible battle in Fred's lab/office. It also makes sense that it would be Angel that would go out the window, because the location shoot occurred at night, and he's only one of two members of the cast who could survive such a fall. My guess is that Fred/Illyria goes to Wolfram and Hart at some point, and this is with whom the battle occurs. Now I'm going to speculate just a little bit, and I want to stress that this is just speculation. At this time, I have no info on what Spike is doing in episode 16 or 17, nor any idea as to his role past Episode 15. It is interesting that in 15, Spike is once again considering going to Europe to see Buffy, then half an episode later he's in England. Does he decide to take a side-trip to Italy while he is there? Now it's entirely possible that he is there in 16 and 17, the info for both of these episodes are a bit limited. But if I had to step out on a very shaky limb, I can see this happening. They obviously had plans for Sarah to return, which means the 'Spike is alive' question was going to be addressed this season. It doesn't make sense that he's going to do this any other way but in person, so this would be a good opportunity to do so. Plus, and this also makes sense, he could bring back a Slayer to help in the final battles of the season. Which again, ties in with how I presume Buffy would have been used if she returned. Since as a show, the characters on 'Angel' always have a dark side or tragic past, who better to bring back than crazy slayer Dana. Which, judging on the final speech in 'Damage', doesn't seem that far out there. I should reaffirm that everything I've said about Spike, is pure speculation on my part. For all I know, we're going to discover that he's getting tossed around the offices of Wolfram and Hart with everyone else. Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine VasquezE Member Posts: 378 (2/2/04 18:45) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Спойлеры 5.17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Думаю, это все-таки 16 серия, 17 начинают снимать 6 февраля, если верить filmjerk. Похоже, финал 16 будет очень эффектный... ----------- Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine [off]ссылка на соответствующий топик оригинального форума Marstersverse[/off]

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elendenika: crisl(03/25/04 00:58:38) А вот и песня http://btvs-angel.narod.ru/Angel/Multimedia/angel_multimedia.htm

elendenika: Geroneja(03/25/04 11:00:29) А слова я повесила в спайкфидах ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

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