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ANGEL: Save as.... Geroneja. (02/21/04 12:05:20)

elendenika: Geroneja(02/21/04 12:05:20) ANGEL: Save as.... В этот топик я копирую всю информацию об отмене "Ангела" на шестой сезон и возможностей на продолжение, спойлеров постараюсь избегать, как могу Спасибо Васкес за идею ) *** AlhenaG Member Posts: 12 (2/14/04 5:17) Reply | Edit | Del * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Этот сезон все-таки последний. Новости с Zap2it. LOS ANGELES (Zap2it.com) - Earlier today, an announcement was made to the cast and crew at The WB's "Angel" that this season, the show's fifth, would be its last. "It's official enough to know it's real," David Greenwalt, who co-created the series with Joss Whedon, tells Zap2it. "but I haven't talked to anybody at the network or the studio. I can tell you that it's real, that it makes Mr. Whedon and myself very sad, that we wish it had kept going and we thought it was only getting better. "Joss and [executive producer] Jeff Bell told the cast and crew today. We have no understanding of the inner workings of the corporate world, but we've had a long and fruitful relationship with [producing studio] 20th Century Fox and The WB, for which we grateful. We just wish it could have gone on forever. Apparently, it's not going to. "Joss literally called me this morning, so it's very new." This news comes on the heels of airing the 100th episode of the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" spin-off, the taping of which was marked by a party on the show's sets last November. At that time, the WB's entertainment chief, Jordan Levin, said, "The work that you all do, I cannot thank you enough. This is something that will last. You can see it in the DVD sales. You see it in the fans. They give an incredible amount of attention to almost everything. "You've created a cult here, and it's pretty wonderful to be a part of it. So thank you and congratulations." Next week, on Wednesday, Feb. 18, "Angel" airs one of its most innovative episodes, called "Smile Time." Written and directed by Ben Edlund ("The Tick"), and based on an idea by Whedon, it sees the show's title character, a crusading vampire with a soul, forced to fight evil after being transformed into a walking puppet (with voice by series star David Boreanaz). "It's so brilliant," Greenwalt says. "I just love it. It's one of the finest pieces of filmmaking I've ever seen. It just cracked me up. It's so ridiculous and silly, and yet there's all this heartfelt stuff in it. It's just quintessential Whedon. "But wait until you see the episode that follows it in terms of abject heartbreak. It's just searing." Greenwalt stepped away from "Angel" a few years ago but has remained a consulting producer. Since then, he's worked on two short-lived but critically acclaimed series, ABC's "Miracles" and UPN's "Jake 2.0." But he's contemplating a possible return to his old stomping ground. "I might just go direct episode 20 [of 'Angel']," he says, "so I can say my farewell to everybody. That's something that might happen." As of press time, The WB had made no official announcement. AyurAFD Member Posts: 10 (2/14/04 8:23) Reply | Edit | Del Re: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A statement from The WB: For the last seven years Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer have been cornerstones of our network. The sum total of the work done on those shows has produced some of the proudest moments in our history. Like some of the great series that are leaving the air this year, including Frasier and Friends, the cast, crew, writers and producers of Angel deserve to be able to wrap up the series in a way befitting a classic television series and that is why we went to Joss to let him know that this would be the last year of the series on The WB. We have discussed continuing the Angel legacy with special movie events next year, which is still on the table. In a perfect world, all of these details would be completed before this information went to the press so that we could be definitive about the show’s ongoing future. But in any case, we did not want to contemplate this being the last year of Angel without giving the show the option of crafting their own destiny for this character and for this series. David Boreanaz continues to be one of the finest, classiest and friendliest actors we have had the pleasure to work with and we hope that the relationship furthers from here. The same can be said for all the actors and producers on the show. Elena S Member Posts: 125 (2/14/04 12:09) Reply | Edit | Del ezSupporter Кампании уже начались -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Я знаю об одной - на своих любимых спарклях, но думаю, что каждое уважающее себя заведение начнёт такую кампанию. Geroneja Moderator Posts: 690 (2/14/04 21:57) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Кампании уже начались -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ну вот, праздник называется.. А, может, спин-офф? Мдя-м.. Эх, теперь точно придется уговаривать СМГ, если дальше таки ничего не будет.... Список компаний на сейчас здесь Smth Blue Member Posts: 135 (2/14/04 22:23) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Кампании уже начались -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Блин, если б знала, что так испортится настроение в праздник, в жизни б не полезла в инет на пять минут... Две линки на петиции: http://www.petitiononline.com/angels6/ http://www.petitiononline.com/ai5d0162/petition.html VasquezE Member Posts: 422 (2/15/04 0:59) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Кампании уже начались -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Еще один линк на петицию http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?ai5d0162&1 Два любопытных момента. Во-первых, объявили о-о-очень заранее. В прошлом году официальное объявление сделали 12 мая. Второе - объявили вечером в пятницу, "под выходные". Типа "к понедельнику набежит много других новостей - авось забудут". Теоретически-то понятно. Даже если рейтинги в этом сезоне выше, стоимость сериала в следующем сезоне будет больше. Потому что сроки контрактов истекают после пяти лет, актерские агенты начинают торговаться и т.д. И это ясно уже сейчас. А практически... хочу услышать официальный комментарий Ведона. Интересно, что он скажет. Потому что все эти недавние фанфары ("Ангел - самый сексуальный герой на ТВ!" - на обложке TV Guide, который принадлежит той же корпорации, что и The WB) - в свете последних новостей выглядят несколько странно. Первый отзыв Ведона - пока неофициальный, на Bronze Beta joss says: (Sat Feb 14 22:31:16 2004) Some of you may have heard the hilarious news. I thought this would be a good time to weigh in. to answer some obvious questions: No, we had no idea this was coming. Yes, we will finish out the season. No, I don't think the WB is doing the right thing. Yes, I'm grateful they did it early enough for my people to find other jobs. Yes, my heart is breaking. When Buffy ended, I was tapped out and ready to send it off. When Firefly got the axe, I went into a state of denial so huge it may very well cause a movie. But Angel... we really were starting to feel like we were on top, hitting our stride -- and then we strode right into the Pit of Snakes 'n' Lava. I'm so into these characters, these actors, the situations we're building... you wanna know how I feel? Watch the first act of "The Body." As far as TV movies or whatever, I'm not thinking that far ahead. I actually hope my actors and writers are all too busy. We always planned this season finale to be a great capper to the season and the show in general. (And a great platform for a new season, of course.) We'll proceed ahead as planned. I've never made mainstream TV very well. I like surprises, and TV isn't about surprises, unless the surprise is who gets voted off of something. I've been lucky to sneak this strange, strange show over the airwaves for as long as I have. I don't FEEL lucky, but I understand that I am. Thanks all for your support, your community, and your perfectly sane devotion. It's meant a lot. I regret nothing (except the string of grisley murders in the 80's -- what was THAT all about?) Remember the words of the poet: "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." See you soon. See you soon. И довольно взвешенные комментарии со Spoiler Slayer Tensai at Spoiler Slayer posted his thoughts and speculation on the news.Thought I would bring it over. www.spoilerslayer.com/archives/002777.php Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATS: Musings On The End As expected, I am getting a inundated with emails about the announcement that Season Five will apparently be the final season of 'Angel'. It would probably be best to try to answer most of these here, rather than respond to each and every email. Did you hear the news/see this article, etc? Is it true? Unfortunately, yes it's all true. The WB has released an Official Press Release explaining their reasons for announcing their decision at this time. It also is an early announcement, as they do mention that they are still negotiating for 'Angel' specials. As articles/news is released, I will try to get the various articles posted in the News section, so please send links if you feel that I'm missing any. Why did this happen, it doesn't make sense? Actually, looking back at the stories from earlier this season, it does make some sense. Since before 'Buffy' even ended, I had been hearing rumors that the budget was a big sticking point in negotiations. Add to this the reports that the show was doing a lot of 'in-house' shooting early in the season due to a tight budget, and the very intriguing comments after the season started about finally getting the go ahead for a full season. It's my hunch, that the WB was originally aiming for the show to reach Episode 100, then based on the decent ratings okayed a full season. However, with several new (and pricey) series on The WB's horizon for next season, it's my guess that the cost of paying for another season, just doesn't make sense for the ratings they were getting. It's doing well in it's time slot, but at five years in (and with the addition of James to the cast), it's unlikely that they would improve any further. What about another network, like UPN or Sci Fi? The same reason the WB decided against Season Six, is likely going to keep another network from picking it up. SciFi is definitely out of the question in my opinion, as they're going to be shelling out the big bucks for both 'Battlestar Galactica' and a new 'Stargate' series. 'Battlestar' gave the network it's highest ratings ever, but they still took a few months to decide if it would be worth making it into a regular series. UPN is dealing with the fiasco that is 'Enterprise' and I think it would be iffy at best that they would want to invest in 'Angel', again because at this point the ratings likely aren't going to jump dramatically at this point. How can we save the show? Can you post links to my petition/postcard campaign? I'm going to be honest, I don't feel that anything the fans can do will save the show. Unless we managed to scrape up 10 million viewers, it's probably not going to happen. The WB knows that they have a core/niche audience of a few million, and yet they still determined that the show cannot continue. A couple hundred thousand signatures or postcards will probably not have any effect. However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't let your feelings be known. Send postcards and sign petitions, tell The WB how you feel. Even more importantly, let Fox know how you feel. As for the site, I've always taken the stance that in order to remain neutral, I don't want to single out any particular campaign or petition. So while I will not actively post any links or write-in info, there is a huge amount of information in the Daily Rounds linkage. Please visit these sites for information on how you can participate. We should boycott The WB or it's Sponsors. I've gotten more than a few emails suggesting this tactic, and I have to be honest and say 'Absolutely not'. I am extremely grateful for the five full seasons of both 'Buffy' and 'Angel' that the WB gave to us, not to mention the other shows that I happen to watch and enjoy on their network. I hold no ill-will towards either the WB or the Sponsors who support the show. Broadcast television is a mess right now, with cookie cutter series being produced everywhere. If you aren't a 30 minute sitcom, a reality show, or a police/medical/law drama, you don't have a fighting chance. I give a lot of credit to networks like The WB which take chances on series like 'Buffy' or 'Angel', as well as shows like 'Smallville' or 'Gilmore Girls'. All I can say is Thank You for the wonderful five years you've given me, it's much appreciated. I also know that there are fans out there who would like to thank The WB as well, so please use the Daily Rounds linkage, as many of the petition/write-in campaign sites also have the addresses to where you can send your thanks. How will this affect the final few episodes? This is perhaps the best question I've gotten, and I have to be honest, I really can't say for sure. At this time, my guess is that everything that hasn't been filmed, is subject to change. While I know that Joss always intended to wrap this season as if it was the series finale, we may see some additional faces from the past. With both Tim Minear and David Greenwalt expressing interest in Episode 20, it leads me to believe that 21 and 22 may have already been planned/written by Joss himself. I also think that this could bring an appearance by Sarah Michelle Gellar back into play, despite the reports to the contrary. I also would not rule out seeing Alyson or some of the others finding a way to make it into the series finale. So with 'Angel' ending, is this it for the Spoiler Slayer? This is a tough one, because obviously the site itself isn't solely devoted to 'Angel'. But I'd also be lying if I were to say that after 'Buffy' ended, I've haven't been doing some of my own cost/benefit ratio analysis. The site is not an inexpensive one to run by a longshot, which doesn't even take into account the personal time I devote to the site. Although I've promised that even if all the Joss shows were to go off the air, the site would still stay around and spoiling for other series, this decision by The WB does have me thinking about the future. If 'Tru Calling' were not to make it to season two (and to be honest, 'Angel' has a better chance of being renewed.), 'Wonderfalls' doesn't get picked up (which would make me angrier than 'Angel' ending), and 'Dead Like Me' doesn't get signed for Season Three, it would be a very tough call. However, 'Dead Like Me' seems to be going strong, and 'Wonderfalls' should have a decent chance. Also, as mentioned before, I will more than likely will be following spoilers for the new 'Doctor Who' series. Obviously, if any Buffyverse spin-off or mini-series were to be announced, I'd be right there in the thick of things. I also want to express my thanks for everyone who has written in during the past day, expressing their appreciation for the Spoiler Slayer site. I don't think there's any reason to think that the Spoiler Slayer will be going away anytime in the near future. Especially if you consider the last question I've gotten... Do you think there will be a spin-off next season? As sad as it is to see the end of 'Angel' approaching, I can't imagine that Joss and Mutant Enemy will not be doing anything in the near future. It's rare that a production company can create memorable series that manage to achieve not only a devoted fan following when it's on the air, but turn around and generate very strong DVD sales as well. One only need to look at the success of 'Firefly' on DVD, to show that even a project that ended earlier than it should have, can still be profitable to the studio and production company. Not to mention the critical acclaim Joss and the company has received. Is this the end of the Buffyverse, I highly doubt it. Especially since The WB is already expressing interest in 'Angel' movies or events next year. The strong fan response to the announcement is only going to prove that the Buffyverse is still very viable in terms of being able to pull in a strong, core audience. Maybe it's simply time for something new and different. While we might not see anything for next season in terms of a new series, I think it's almost certain that we won't be Whedon-less for very long. On a final note, this is all still in the early stages of the announcement. I'm certain that over the next few weeks, we're going to see a lot of interviews and comments about this news. As I've mentioned earlier, I will try to keep up with the numerous stories as they come in. In addition, although the site doesn't have the capability of allowing you to directly comment to other fans of the site about the news, I am opening up a post on my personal page for those who would like to express their feelings about the show ending. Please feel free to comment about the news there. ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine [off]ссылка на соответствующий топик оригинального форума Marstersverse[/off]

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elendenika: Geroneja(02/21/04 12:14:52) Рассуждения Стренджер и Елены я не переношу, т.к. там, кажется, спойлеры проскальзывали, ежели вы хотите ознакомиться,то прошу сюда! VasquezE Member Posts: 423 (2/16/04 2:43) Reply | Edit | Del *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Новости: Сборы подписей под петициями продолжаются. Самые забавные 13208. Bill Gates As a world renowned Billionaire I insist that you leave Angel on air or I will buy you out and shut you down.......think about it!!!!!! USA, Seattle. 13239. God (The Almighty Creator) As the creator of heaven and earth I will smite you without a second thought if you DARE take Angel (one of my own) off air.... The Omniverse 13313. Tony Blair PM I am the Primeminister of England. I love Angel. Take it off air and Great Britain will declare war on the USA. Come on then..do you want some???? Londonengland (well thats what you yanks call us...) Что пишут фаны на форумах - лучше не пересказывать. Характерный пример (не смогла удержаться - представила себе эту картинку): Sock Monkey Crawl up my ass and die, WB, and bring a spoon with you so that you can eat my @#%$ while you're up there. Из более взвешенных соображений любопытные вещи говорит небезызвестный следователь лондонской страховой компании denmaroca Vampire Joined: 19 September 2003 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 45 Posted: 14 February 2004 at 11:57am | IP Logged -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So who do you think will be in the spin off? (I'm an optimist.) Woke up this morning and checked my email to find Narelle's announcing AtS' cancellation. Bit of a surprise (I'm English). But not a shock. Following all the shenanigans over the renewal last year, I was convinced then, and still am, that AtS was renewed as part of a deal between Fox and the WB. The question is was the deal simply to get AtS to the magic 100 (syndication et al) with the WB being offered s5 so cheaply that they couldn't lose, or do the WB want something from Fox and a new season of AtS was part of the price? My first thought was that Fox will produce a spin off (AtS s5 being used to keep the Buffyverse fandom involved while the spin off is properly researched and developed) and that spin off will be on the WB. Spin offs have advantages. They usually have higher audiences initially, and they're often cheaper to produce (as they can bring in new, hungrier actors). And they're more likely to succeed than a completely new show. AtS s5 has shown that you can rejig a show, change its tone and send it in a new direction, with positive results on ratings and critical praise. So presumably you can do the same for a franchise. Fox has merchandise to consider. It's where the big money is. And for that you need a shop window. Syndication helps, but it doesn't get the press attention. The press need news, every day. Those on the boards, or more importantly groups of friends, need something to discuss. Nothing is better for that than a new series. And obviously the WB need something (at the right price) to fill those hours. And an advantage of a spin off within a franchise is that it doesn't have to reach 100 episodes to be profitable. It will be syndicated no matter how long it lasts. It will be sold abroad. The DVDs will be sold. There will be merchandise. Hell, Firely will eventually be profitable - if it's not already - and that's not even in the Buffyverse (although it is in the Joss-as-creative-genius-verse). In this context, a new series doesn't have to be developed for US television. We may very well see the Ripper spin off, and the deal may simply be that the WB gets to show it in the States. Perhaps an Australian channel might want to make a series within the boundaries of the Buffyverse? If there is to be a spin off you would probably like one major character to follow on, to provide continuity. A character with a big fan base. One with lots of room to develop, who can convincingly play a range of emotions, who have sufficient grey to be dramatic etc. There are only four regular characters in the Buffyverse who, in my opinion, can fill this role. Those are Angel, Buffy, Giles and Spike (note the alphabetical order). The first two are out - that would simply be new seasons of AtS and BtVS. The Ripper scenario would be a BBC series. That leaves Spike. Spike was originally mooted for the Faith spin off, which was a kind of on the road thing. A scenario with Spike could have him travelling the world training and helping the new slayers (The Slayer of Slayers trains The Next Generation!) An advantage of a vampire is that they're either in buildings or its dark - so you can convincingly film anywhere in the world in Los Angeles (or Vancouver). Throw in a few misfit new, or popular old (Harmony, Andrew, add your own), supporting characters and you've got your series. My second thought had arisen this year from the rise and rise of the DVD. Increasingly important in profits. People like new things on their DVDs. Firefly had four new episodes (at least for people in the US). Normally you have to show the material in the movies or on TV before the you sell the DVD in order to develop the interest. But what if you have the interest already? Why not sell it on DVD first? Would you buy the DVD that showed Spike telling Buffy he was alive? Or one showing what was said between Angel and Buffy when they met after she came back from the dead? Or the new never-seen-on-TV Ripper series? Or Tales of Anyanka? Or Wesley's Quest to Save Lilah? They could always show what's on the DVD on TV later (are these the WB TV movies?). This would basically be a more private version of what happens with movies. But an advantage of DVD is that it's a TV medium - it lends itself to private moments, whereas movies are for spectacle. And private moments are cheaper to film (my first two examples are basically two people in a room). There must be lots of great ideas for one off stories in the Buffyverse that didn't fit the series format. Or stuff developing what was already shown - more of Willow and Tara's romance for instance. Something similar was tried in the UK by the makers of Coronation Street (one of the UK's top soaps). They sold videos showing one-off stories that hadn't aired (two characters' honeymoon trials and tribulations were one, I seem to recall). Only moderately successful, but I think that was because the format was limited (low quality compared with broadcast TV, not much material on a tape etc); the events shown were intrinsically uninteresting (if it was a great story it would have been on the soap), and because that's not why people watch soaps, which is basically to see what happens next. I think DVDs of untold stories of a drama series might work. Either way, I doubt we've seen the last of the Buffyverse. I would bet that there's something, somewhere, in some format next year. Not complete consolation for losing AtS, but a glimmer in the gloom perhaps. My wild speculations for the end of the series (I'm feeling sappy): I don't think there'll be a bloodbath whether Joss wants it or not. Fox will not permit it. I'm convinced it was Fox who prevented any deaths in Chosen other than Anya (where Emma said she wouldn't reprise the role) and Spike (where we knew he was coming back anyway). Bad for potential future developments. Darla will shanshu, but Angel (and Spike) will find out that the prophecy does not necessarily describe a single event. This shanshu will tie into the Illyria storyline, which will be the apocalypse the shanshu vampire can either prevent or bring about. Angel will kill Sahjhan - he will do so in ep 18, and it's his ability to do so that will send him searching after Darla. Spike and Angel will be there for one another at the finish. Near the end Spike will ask Angel what do we do now, and Angel will say that he wants Spike to go. Spike will be hurt, until Angel says that he wants him to go and find Buffy. To find out if there is hope for a future rather than let fear of their not being lead him to spending the rest of his days regretting what might have been. Connor will recover his real past, but not lose the alternate one. That will be enough to save him from the despair and insanity. There'll be something sappy between the two sets of parents - a 'we can be proud of our son' kind of thingy. Lindsay & Eve will take over Wolfram & Hart, which will have been seperated from the Senior Partners - so that they can turn it into your normally evil law firm. Gunn will lose his law knowledge, but will put himself through law school - it'll be pointed out that he may have got the knowledge mystically, but the skill with which he used it was all his. (W&H will pay - the evilly obtained wealth will be used for law scholarships.) Wes will sacrifice himself to save Fred. He couldn't save Lilah, but he'll do whatever is necessary to prevent it happening again. One other thought: ME won't survive. Joss will either do something else genre related (but probably more SciFi than fantasy, whether or not its Firefly) OR he will finally produce the Ripper series for the Beeb - he doesn't need ME itself for that. (Очевидно, Beeb - это Би-би-си?) Мне трудно добавить что-либо к соображениям насчет выпуска "Ангела" сразу на DVD - я просто не представляю себе, как это может выглядеть. Но у меня есть кое-какие мысли насчет очень странных сроков объявления о завершении сериала. Думаю, никто не будет спорить, что сроки очень странные? Еще вчера шли победные отчеты о том, как все замечательно, ДБ красовался на обложке, на юбилейной вечеринке все братались... У меня такое чувство, что на самой вечеринке все и решилось. Возможно, во мне сидит человек, привыкший с брежневских времен читать между строк, но меня сильно зацепило то, что ДБ очень недвусмысленно дал понять, что не будет сильно переживать, если шоу прикроют. Такое впечатление, что перед этим интервью его кто-то отозвал в сторонку и предупредил, что насчет шестого сезона лучше не обольщаться. Или же спросили: "По дешевке работать будешь? Нет? Тогда - до свидания." Если это так, то не исключено, что Ведон узнал об этом задним числом, и, естественно, был страшно уязвлен, что начальство предпочло принять решение на основании разговора с актером, а не с создателем шоу. По крайней мере, его выступление на Bronze Beta кажется мне совершенно искренним. Впрочем, не исключено, что ДБ никто не в какую известность не ставил, и он просто не слишком сильно стремится остаться на шестой сезон. Начальство подсчитало, что заманить его на следующий год можно только большими деньгами, а больших денег платить никто не захотел - и в результате шоу прикрывают. И все же - почему так быстро и так рано объявили? Я по-прежнему ищу объяснения на вечеринке, потому что объявили сразу же после нее, в ту же секунду, как это стало "прилично". В прошлую пятницу - нельзя, была неделя показа 100 серии, следовательно объявили в эту пятницу. Почему в пятницу - уже говорилось: чтобы меньше шума было. Версии: 1. Желание дать сценаристам пространство для маневра. То есть: во время вечеринки Ведон поведал начальству, чем собирается закончить сезон. Начальство схватилось за голову и решило немедленно объявить, что этот сезон последний, чтобы их потом никто не обвинил в том, что шоу закончилось на клиффхэнгере или на смерти героев. Это, впрочем, не значит, что Ведон не закончит "Ангела" всеобщей или почти всеобщей смертью. Я не согласна с denmaroca, что Ведон не сможет "устроить кровавую баню" - как раз, наоборот: если уж все заканчивается, он очень даже может снять свою "высокую трагедию", которую ему не дали снять в 5 сезоне "Баффи" по причине продолжения сериала. А что касается спиноффов - Ведон у нас большой специалист по воскрешениям (и на малом, и на большом экране). 2. Желание иметь побольше времени на раскрутку спиноффа. То есть: во время вечеринки ДБ поведал начальству, что не горит желанием сниматься в следующем сезоне, и, см. выше - про бабки. Начальство решило, что дешевле будет запустить спинофф, и для этого нужно заранее определиться что и как. Я прекрасно понимаю, что вторая версия - типичный продукт денайла, но хочется верить во что-то хорошее... Другие версии будут? И самые свежие новости. Некто на форуме The WB считает, что у "Ангела" все-таки есть шанс talk.thewb.com/viewtopic....=4&start=0 SteelDogDG Super Star Joined: Dec 10, 2002 Posts: 1191 From: CA Posted: 02-15 12:02:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey all. I apologize for not posting sooner but as you can imagine things are a little in chaos right now. First off let me state that the WB gave no impressions to ME that the show wasn't doing well or was pending cancellation. All the indications that ME were given were just the opposite. Joss & company had always known being cancelled was a possibility. However, given the feedback and ratings of the show the staff is a little surprised. All appearances are this was a decision based on the cost of the show. Angel went through some cost cutting last year. However, it remains one of the most expensive shows on the network. The WB didn't feel that the cost to return ratio of the show was worth the investment. The ratings have improved but this is the old chicken in the egg. Did the shows ratings improve because the show is better or because it is after Smallville? Now on to the bigger news. ME will talk to another network about extending the show. This does not guarantee the show will be picked up. However, this does show that ME wants to the show to continue. For those hoping that UPN would be a lock to pick it up, it is not that simple. About a year ago I would say UPN was primed to pick up the show had it not been renewed. However, as most of you know UPN is having its own problems right now. The ratings for its shows are horrible this season and taking on a show everybody knows is headed out the door is a risky proposition. Joss has the Firefly project coming up soon and if he doesn't get a serious taker amungst the other networks things don't look good. This is going to come down to timing. The longer it takes, the worse it looks. Unless Joss does a 180 the show will be shopped. Hope is at least there. На вопросы, кто он такой и откуда знает, товарищ ответил SteelDogDG Super Star Joined: Dec 10, 2002 Posts: 1191 From: CA Posted: 02-15 12:14:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys. Sending a petition to Fox could help. Let Mutent Enemy know you still support the show will help too. However, don't bother with the WB. There is ZERO chance of the WB changing their stance from what I am hearing. As for those that don't know me, I have a friend that works for the Powers That Be so to speak. I am just passing on what that person is telling me. I have been doing that for long time now and most of the people here can verify that I have been pretty accurate to date. However, unfortunately nothing is a certain in this business and that doesn't mean the show ultimately will get picked up by another network. All we can do it write and hope. Другие постеры подтверждают, что мол, до сих пор Стальной Пес не врал. Подождем развития событий... Geroneja Moderator Posts: 697 (2/16/04 3:09) Reply | Edit | Del Re: *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Васкес, спасибо за подборку ) Кстати, не только на форуме WB так думают, еще вчера на ВВВ проскакивала мысль, например, что Уорнеры просто проверяют реакцию фанов и если их устроит то, что они увидят, то они могут и передумать, но если это действительно так и они не сказали Джоссу (а я тоже думаю, что он был абсолютно искренним на Бронз Бэта вчера), то я бы на его месте плюнула бы на них и ушла, так же ж можно психом стать! С другой стороны я еще вчера говорила *вон, свидетели есть*, что это может быть из-за ДБ и денег... С третьей стороны, у Марстерса контракт на два годы, о чем мы знали еще летом, соответственно если будет спин-офф и на WB, то это только спин-офф со Спайком, но вот будет ли он.. А убить всех... Хм, если будет спин-офф, то все идеи Джосса на шестой сезон, о которых он говорил, трансформируются и переползут туда, а если нет, то я тоже не исключаю такую возможность.. мдя-м, но будет надеяться AlhenaG Member Posts: 13 (2/17/04 0:45) Reply | Edit | Del Re: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Интервью с J. August Richards, все по тому же поводу. After the news came down From the WB and Joss himself, I sat down with J and asked him what he thought about the news and managed to squeeze in some fan questions as well. It was a shock for all of us and I couldn’t imagine what he thought so he gave us the exclusive interview below. Rana: J, we just received the news, is it true about the cancellation of “Angel”? J: Yes it is true. Joss came to the set and told us all at the same time. We found out Friday, the 13th, that afternoon. Rana: How do you feel about the decision? J: Well, First, I am gonna miss coming to work with the people, whom I grown close to over the years, and I work with everyday. I am going to miss my character whom I have grown to love and thirdly and im going to miss the world wide Angel fans and family that has supported us. Rana: Is there a chance for future projects with the show? Or maybe being picked up by another network? J: There is already boost talk about doing Angel tv movies in the future but that’s way in the future. Rana: J, we have watched your character change from a street guy with muscle to the one everyone looks for to handle a situation when Angel is not around and now as a lawyer, everyone still looks to you. You are a key part of the show. How do you feel about your characters transformation since the start? J: I am always very excited when my character is going to be making changes and there are still more big changes going to be made. Artistically and creatively I feel this season my character is in the zone and this season you will see my character go to place he has never been to before. Rana: Is there anything you would like to say to your fans regarding the cancellation of the show? J: Yes, thank you for supporting us, specifically me for the four years I have been on the show. I feel so grateful for that and having met so many of my fans around the world has truly been an amazing experience. Thanks for everything and I don’t want to sound final because I don’t feel this is final. The show is not airing next season but I don’t feel its over. Rana: Do you have plans for the future? Or have you even had a chance to think about it yet? J: I have a lot of plans and projects I am working on but the news is so new that I don’t have any immediate plans for anything. Rana: Did you know since the news came out, that over 12,000 fans have signed a petition for the show to remain on the air? J: No I didn't, that’s awesome. Rana: J, we appreciate the exclusive interview about the shows cancellation but I would like to move on to the questions that have your fans on edge. J: oh cool. Rana: So, I have to ask, which one of your cast members came to your party dressed like a hooker? J: ..smiles.. Amy did. The theme of my birthday party was “Pimps and Hoes” and everyone who was there came dressed as a pimp or a hoe and one of my crew members came as a hoe. It was funny because he is very macho and his name Stan Kernf. He was dressed up like a male prostitute you see on Santa Monica Blvd. Rana: That sounds like fun. Ok, so now tell me, why do you find yourself between Alexis and James everyday? J: laughs...my trailer is situated between them.. Rana: very cute.. Now knowing you and your character, I have to ask, when was it you refused to do a scene? J: I refused to do a scene where Amy and I walk into a bathroom that is infested by rats. I was supposed to be submerged in rats in a bathtub. Needless to say I refused. I told the producer this is not fear factor. Rana: shiver.. I wouldn’t blame you there. I don’t have anything against them but I wouldn’t have done it either. Rana: Now tell me, what was the question all four of you guys refused to answer for Ryan Seacrest? J: {smiles} Which of us was most likely to ditch on the Bill at a restaurant. When actually none of us would ditch, we would all fight to pay for it. Rana: J, do you find it hard for fans to distinguish you and your character apart when you are away from the set? J: No. I am very different from my character on the show. My character is ten times more serious than I am. I am always smiling and having a great time while my character is very serious. When people see me they ask why I don’t smile on the show and I tell them I am in character. Rana: now that your show focus’s more of you and the cast being inside Wolfram and Hart, has it changed your work hours? J: Yes, we don’t do graveyard shifts as much as we used to, which sucks for me because I cant function in the morning. Rana: J, all the fans want to know who you spend most of your time with on and off the set, if anyone? J: We all hang out together, so its evenly distributed among everyone. Rana: How was it working with Charisma on the 100th Ep.? Since she’s been gone a while? J: it was fantastic, just like old time. It felt like she never left. Rana: Would you work with any of your cast members in another show? J: In a heartbeat! Rana: J, thank you so much for taking your time to talk to me and give me the exclusive Interview regarding the cancellation of your show and answering some of the fans questions. It has been a pleasure to interview you. I am sad the show is ending but with your personality and talent, I would say finding work won’t be hard for you at all. J: Thank you Rana, It was a pleasure and I look forward to our next interview. You take Care and thank you and everyone for your support. VasquezE Member Posts: 424 (2/17/04 18:52) Reply | Edit | Del Re: "именно без Джосса не было бы ни Марстерса, ни Боре -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Прошу прощения за вчерашнее отсутствие на форуме. С раннего утра до полуночи просидела в Останкино, переводила материалы с Берлинского кинофестиваля для передачи "Интересное кино", ввалилась домой в час ночи без сил и упала в койку. Но зато сегодня наверстываю... Сначала - немного смешного Новое название The WB на форумах - The Wanker Bastards Мнение аналитика (действительно очень хорошего аналитика-профессионала) USA TODAY http://cgi1.usatoday.com/mchat/20040216002/tscript.htm Robert Bianco Chat Transcript - Monday, February 16, 2004 So what happened? WB will put the blame on so-so ratings and rising costs - neither of which would probably be a problem if the show were produced by Warner Brothers instead of by Fox. Here you have another example of the dangers of cross-media ownership, not that Congress has any intention of doing anything about it. I love the show, and think it's having a strong season. (I do miss Carpenter, but her exit was apparently unavoidable, as was WB's demand that the show drop the big story arcs.) And I'd be more willing to let it go if WB had shown any ability over the last few years to come up with something that would do better or be half as good. But here's what really has me worried: the creativity drain that seems to have struck network television. Look at some of the great writers who have left network TV over the last three years: Marshall Herskovitz and Ed Zwick, David Milch, Aaron Sorkin, and now, apparently, Joss Whedon. The networks should be begging these people to stay, and instead they seem to be actively pushing them out. Елена, извини, что я вторгаюсь в твой спор со Стренджер, но мне кажется, что, говоря о фиках, она как раз и имела в виду вдохновение. Не знаю, как Дженни, а я до прошлого года фиков лет десять не писала - не было о чем, не видела героев, которых хотелось бы приручить, не было вселенных, в которые хотелось бы переселиться. И, похоже, больше не будет... Geroneja Moderator Posts: 709 (2/17/04 22:4 Reply | Edit | Del Re: "я до прошлого года фиков лет десять не писала" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Джордан Левин высказался ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: Geroneja(02/21/04 12:23:58) VasquezE Member Posts: 426 (2/18/04 1:43) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Ой, за разговором забыла сказать Васкез - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************* Новости от SteelDog Ok guys. I have an update and I am afraid I jumped the gun a bit. My friend read the thread and asked me to clarify some information. First off it is not official that the show is being shopped around. Unfortunately just like any other company, when something like this happens, employee gosip runs rampid and so does speculation during such a stressful time. ME is no different. The person I know is not a person who makes the decisions and the information I was given was based on employee conjecture. It was also based on previous information that was passed on to the employees had Angel been cancelled last season by the WB. So I think the assumption was that whatever direction ME would have taken last season to keep Angel alive would apply to this situation as well. Again I took this as if this was actually going to happen versus it may happen. It was my fault I jumped the gun and I throw myself under the bus. You guys know I don't post anything that isn't reliable and I think my track record speaks for itself. However, I just thought I would own up to jumping the gun a bit cause I have a little egg on my face right now. My friend didn't want to give anybody false hope and neither do I. For that I apologize. The good news is that some employees still are hoping that this is the direction that Joss decides to go. Many of the employees want to fight to keep the show alive. So I hope that ME does shop the show around. It deserves to go on based on it's success alone this season. I know this is a sensative subject for fans and everybody wants the best. If I am able to post any more information regarding this situation....I promise to dot my I's and cross my T's before I post anything else on this topic (and get approval before posting ). Thanks guys and keep up the fight! А это статья из вчерашней Variety Кое-где я не удержалась от комментариев. Где-то - чтобы объяснить, в чем дело (товарищи пишут на своем профессиональном сленге), где-то - чтобы выпустить наружу пар. This "Angel" has gone to heaven. The WB has opted not to renew the Joss Whedon-produced drama "Angel" for a sixth season. Frog topper (в смысле - босс The WB) Jordan Levin informed Whedon of the decision to cancel the skein (шоу) Thursday night. Move on the surface is a head-scratcher. Twentieth Century Fox TV-produced skein is the net's second highest-rated hour among viewers 18-34 (behind lead-in "Smallville") and fourth among auds 12-34. Its numbers have been solid this year, even against brutal competish on Wednesday night and in a year in which the WB is experiencing double-digit Nielsen declines. But Frog execs are also facing the reality of an aging sked, with skeins such as "Charmed," "7th Heaven" and "Gilmore Girls" potentially facing final seasons next year. У них установка на молодежную аудиторию, и "взрослые" шоу не вписываются в их имидж и маркетинговую политику. Levin also said the rapidly changing economics of network television played a big role in the decision to end "Angel." Skein doesn't repeat well (естественно - потому что все фанаты записывают серии на видео, зачем им пересматривать в прямом эфире?), and Levin anticipates having to double run one or more dramas in primetime next season --- as well as add more reality programs to the Frog's mix. Реалити-шоу гораздо дешевле, но как написала одна девушка со Спарклей, "если я захочу посмотреть реалити-шоу, куплю попкорна и сяду перед окном". "We have a lot of veteran shows that are aging, and we're going to have to make room for new programs," Levin said. "I know this will make lots of fans unhappy. But we have to have more at-bats, and we need to create timeslots where we can repeat shows (the same week episodes premiere.)" Что такое at-bats - не знаю. Кто-нибудь в курсе? "This isn't about the WB bailing out on one of its top shows," Levin added. "The show had a loyal core following, but it didn't have a tremendous amount of new audience upside." All parties involved said the cost of the show itself was not the central factor in the decision to cancel "Angel." См. в моем предыдущем посте мнение аналитика - он пишет прямо противоположное. И Variety дальше тоже пишет The WB made waves three years ago when it decided to part ways with Whedon's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" after a squabble with 20th over its license fee. Вот это, кстати, может стать первым препятствием на пути перехода на другой канал. Fox может потребовать большие деньги за лицензию или предложить "собственное производство" с сохранением лицензии на DVD и сопутствующие товары. Это будет очень невыгодно для сети, которая по сути купит сериал только для одноразового показа. Дальше слова Ведона. Очень резкие. Одно дело - высказаться на фанатском форуме, другое - в главной газете шоу-бизнеса. Whedon said that while he understands the business part of the decision, he's nonetheless "heartbroken." "I thought that if a show was really good and doing really well (in the ratings), it was renewed," scribe said. "I was apparently misinformed." Whatever the intricacies of the Frog's business model, Whedon said the decision to axe "Angel" doesn't seem logical. "I do understand the business of it," he said. "But to me, when they're scrambling to hold on to their audience, their revenue, their dignity, it doesn't seem the best decision. And it's certainly not the classiest." "If there's no place for quality in the equation, I don't know why we're here," Whedon added. Комментарий Fox (держателей лицензии) Dana Walden, prexy of 20th, said she understands the WB's point of view, even if she's disappointed by the net's decision. "I can see their perspective. Jordan has been very honest about the decision-making process," Walden said. "(But) when a show works on your air, you have to find ways to keep it there. Shame on all of us for not finding a way.... There are a lot of disappointed fans." Похоже, The WB предложил им либо снизить цену лицензии, либо поделиться, но товарищи не договорились... Levin said he and Whedon started talking about the show's future a few weeks ago, right around the time of the show's 100th episode party. Conversations about the changing state of the TV business left open the possibility that "Angel" --- despite its creative and ratings strength --- might not be a slam-dunk to return. "He said he wanted to protect his cast and crew, and asked if I could let them know sooner rather than later," Levin said. "These are usually decisions you wait until the last minute to make. But after 'Dawson's Creek,' I saw how important closure was for a cast, and given Joss' request, I owed him (an early decision.) It was a very bittersweet parting and an end of an era for us," Levin added. "I have the ultimate respect for Joss as someone who created two landmark series and stood behind them the whole time." Да, похоже, они сильно поскандалили. Ведон даже отказался ставить финал. Это говорит о многом. Because ratings and reviews have been solid for "Angel" this season, Whedon said his cast and crew were "stunned" when he broke the news to them Friday. "Nobody saw this coming," he said. On the positive side, with casting season just heating up, the show's thesps will now have time to line up projects for next season. Whedon said he and "Angel" exec producer-showrunner Jeff Bell have already mapped out the series finale, which Bell is slated to helm. Whedon continues to explore the possibility of a feature based on his short-lived Fox skein "Firefly." As for "Angel," Whedon said he was glad the show passed the 100 episode milestone, and grateful to Walden and 20th prexy Gary Newman for their support during a two-year frame that saw the natural end of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Firefly" and now the end of "Angel." While there's already talk of some "Angel" telepics, Whedon said it's too soon for him to imagine such a possibility. "All we have left on 'Angel' is to end the season with episodes as strong and meaningful as we can muster," Whedon said. "But then, we were going to do that anyway." И небольшие новостюшки отовсюду AICN http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=17015 A BUFFY-ANGEL Motion Picture?? Hi Harry - Youve still got the best movie site around! My Name's Ben, I attend the Digital Media Arts College here in Boca Raton, fl. Yesterday we were privy to a special forum of screenwriters. No one especially biggish - but Liz Craft, a TV writer for television's "Angel". Craft hinted that the series mightn't be back next year - but didn't say anything.Of course it all makes sense now - some of the other ideas for the buffy universe that are being discussed. As the statement by warner says they are looking at doing a series of telemovies, at one time Craft said that joss whedon had plans for a "Buffy/Angel" film - not telemovie - but decided to wait until both series were off the air. It would be the one movie re-teaming both characters, angel and buffy. she fielded a few questions about it, but didn't know much. just said wait till both shows are off the air and then joss will probably get something going, a'la firefly. i thought that small bit might cheer up some of those angel fans. and also thought the news might be of some use to you. Transcribed by *and with much thanks to* Totally David Boreanaz UK www.totallydavidboreanazuk.com/news.htm 16 February 2004 Anyone expecting any resolving of Angel's love-life will be disappointed. The series will probably be just as open-ended on that aspect.. Jeff Bell answered Fans' questions in Angel UK Mag #8. From Alicia: It doesn't seem like loving Buffy has been a major factor for Angel on his own series. Do you see Angel as truly loving Buffy (The Buffy that is now as opposed to the girl of his memories)? Their transcendant love doesn't seem to have carried over to the newer show. What are your thoughts on this one? My thoughts are that Angel is an adult. I think he and Buffy have come to a place, and you got a sense of this near the end of Buffy, where they were thinking, "We love each other, but the way things are now it ain't gonna work out. We're adults, so let's move ahead with our lives." One of the things that's interesting about my position is that we get lots of fan mail. Some of the fan mail says Spike and Buffy should be together. Some people think Angel and Buffy should be together forever. And we get fan mail from people who think Angel and Cordelia should be together forever. There are lots of different factions with lots of different beliefs, and what's kind of fun is that they're all right in some way. To land too hard on any one idea takes away some of the fun of it. I will say that for everyone who wants whatever pairing together I think they'd be ultimately be disappointed if we actually did it. Once you're together, what's there to pine for? And for people who want them apart, if there's some way to keep their love alive, there's something to keep those people interested and questioning. Не забудем, что Белл будет ставить финал. И свежак с сайта TV Guide http://www.tvguide.com/news/entertainment/040217.asp ANGEL UPDATE: Don't expect a certain Slayer to pop up on the series finale of Angel in May. A source tells TV Guide Online that there are still no plans for Sarah Michelle Gellar to guest-star on the Buffy spin-off, despite the WB's announcement Friday that this would be the show's final season. It may be just as well, judging by all the anti-Buffy e-mails I've been receiving. "We don't need no stinkin' Buffy to have a quality send-off for Angel," writes Claudia. "He is so much more than Buffy!" Adds Megan: "How about no to a Buffy/Angel reunion? What agenda are you pushing, Michael?" Well, for starters, Megan, I'd like SoapNet to acquire Santa Barbara. http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040217/APN/402170872 "It seemed like we hit our stride, so this is a big shock," Whedon told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "It's like a hale 49-year-old fellow just having a heart attack and dying like that." The show maintains a small but loyal cult-fan base, but WB executives decided the numbers were not high enough to justify the program's cost. There may be hope for resurrection. Although nothing is finalized yet, the WB has proposed a few "Angel" TV movies to tie up any loose ends in the story. "It's my fervent hope that all my cast and my writers will be much too busy," Whedon said. "It's not that I'm not interested in the idea, I just want steady jobs for my people. But I definitely think there are more stories to tell." A lot depends on whether Whedon and 20th Century Fox Television, which produces the show, will succeed in shopping a sixth season of "Angel" to another network, such as TNT, which carries reruns of the show, or UPN, which previously picked up "Buffy" after it left the WB. Whedon also plans to ask "Buffy" star Sarah Michelle Gellar about a possible guest role on one of the final episodes. Her character's romance with Angel was one of the vampire's defining storylines. "I'm sort of assuming she wouldn't want to," Whedon said. "But I intend to find out." http://www.eonline.com/News/Items/0%2C1%2C13510%2C00.html?eol.tkr Whedon responded to the news with typical wry humor, releasing a mock statement celebrating the series' sixth season pickup ("It's really wonderful...Angel is hitting new strides in terms of creativity and appeal, and everyone is so full of energy...") before saying the cancellation "sucks." "Angel is as strong as it's ever been, except for that's it's dead," said Whedon. "I'm heartbroken." The network gave no reason for driving the final nail into Angel's coffin, but the series has been on the bubble since last year. Despite a dedicated following, ratings for the show have failed to break the 4 million mark this season, as opposed to its first year when the show averaged 4.8 million viewers. Whedon also refused to speculate. "I can't speak for the WB's reasoning, and this would probably be a bad time for me to comment on any of the shows they're NOT canceling," he said. "But they provided a home (albeit a temporary, foster home) for both Buffy and Angel that otherwise would not have existed, and I'm grateful for that." The network said Whedon was told about the cancellation in time to wrap up the show's storylines for the May finale. "Like some of the great series that are leaving the air this year, including Frasier and Friends, the cast, crew, writers and producers of Angel deserve to be able to wrap up the series in a way befitting a classic television series," the network said in a statement. "We did not want to contemplate this being the last year of Angel without giving the show the option of crafting their own destiny for this character and this series." According to the statement, there's also the possibility of Angel-related "special movie events" next year. Internet-based rumors about the potential special prompted the network to come clean about Angel's fate before arrangements were finalized. http://www.cnn.com/2004/SHOWBIZ/TV/02/17/tv.angel.cancelled.ap/index.html LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- The WB has done what no vampire slayer could: It killed "Angel," the do-gooder bloodsucker with a soul. "Angel" creator Joss Whedon may try to shop the show elsewhere. There may be hope for resurrection. Although nothing is finalized yet, Whedon is talking with the network about possible "Angel" TV movies next year to tie up any loose ends in the story. A lot depends on whether Whedon and 20th Century Fox Television, which produces the show, will succeed in shopping a sixth season of "Angel" to another network, such as TNT, which carries reruns of the show, or UPN, which previously picked up "Buffy" after it left the WB И маленький прикол со Спарклей: M'Lu You know what we need? A frog-in-a-blender emoticon. (Напомню, что "лягушкой называют The WB) Кстати, фаны начали делать сайт, посвященный спасению шоу. Пока есть только главная страница, но обещают, что скоро появится много чего интересного. www.savingangel.com И давно уже существующий http://www.supportangel.org/ снова оживился... VasquezE Member Posts: 428 (2/18/04 14:2 Reply | Edit | Del The Spike Show? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Свежие новости. Похоже, Ведон действительно собирается умыть руки и писать комиксы. Date Posted: 22:25:30 02/17/04 Tue Author: royd_9 Author Host/IP: ppp190-243.lino.sympatico.ca / Subject: Confirmed: Joss Whedon to write X-men Joss Whedon will be writing a 12 issue-run on Marvel Comics' new mutant title: Astonishing X-men. The new title begins in may 2004, it features art by John Cassaday, and becomes the core title of Marvel's "X" line. There is a short interview with Joss Whedon at www.wizarduniverse.com X-MARKS THE SPOT Whedon, Cassaday launch new X-Men title Hit televisions shows just weren’t enough for Joss Whedon, he had to have the X-Men too. After creating both “Buffy: The Vampire Slayer” and the hit spin-off “Angel,” Whedon’s now signed on to write a new X-Men title debuting in May. Alongside superstar artist John Cassaday (Planetary), Whedon will launch Astonishing X-Men, the newest title to join the ever-expanding X-line of books. “For the last couple of years, I’ve really been reading New X-Men pretty avidly,” Whedon told Wizard. “I was really into the book and I don't have three shows on the air anymore, just one. I love the world so much. I love the book. I felt like, ‘Well, my schedule is opening up a little bit and these guys are all so cool, it'd be so much fun.’ Then, John Cassaday expressed interest—that made it exciting and everything kind of fell into place.” While Whedon’s team members are still top secret and he’s wary of releasing too many details about his upcoming 12-issue run, Cassaday did mention that it was a hard deal to turn down after the artist heard about the cast of characters he’d be allowed to draw. “I doodled some character ideas way before I'd given Marvel a firm answer,” said Cassaday. “Some characters were instant and easily handled, but there are some concepts I'm still tinkering with. I can't say I'm intimidated by any of them, though. I just feel lucky that so many of my favorites are on our team. It certainly makes a difference.” For a full five-page feature on how the entire Whedon/Cassaday X-Men deal came together with exclusive quotes from all the creators on board the project, check out Wizard #151, on sale March 31 Но с другой стороны, пресса не хочет его отпускать за просто так и даже намекает, что неплохо бы запустить The Spike Show... TV Guide Online http://www.tvguide.com/tv/roush/dispatches/ Matt Roush Dispatches Buffy, and to some extent its spin-off Angel, helped put WB on the map — much as The X-Files was key in establishing Fox's network identity. I still remember my shock when I first put in the tape of the Buffy pilot, with expectations that couldn't be lower — after all, I'd seen the movie. I wasn't counting on much from the series or from the mini-network that up until then had little to recommend itself. (This was before Felicity, Dawson's Creek and Gilmore Girls, mind you.) Sarah Michelle Gellar's delightful performance as the spunky slayer, the warm wit and wisdom of Whedon's worldview, and the dynamic presence of David Boreanaz's soulful Angel (who would prove himself to be a leading man capable of carrying a series of his own), all were revelations to me. Over the years, I have come to expect a certain level of quality from WB, and I have also become accustomed to the network not making that many regrettable programming decisions. Losing Buffy to UPN was one, letting Angel go before its creative team was ready is another. I will miss this world terribly. I think WB will come to miss it as well. It's yet another body blow in a discouraging season for fans of offbeat TV. How many more reluctant goodbyes will we be forced to make to our favorite series before this year is over? USA Today http://www.usatoday.com/life/columnist/hipclicks/2004-02-17-hip-clicks_x.htm Hip Clicks Whitney Matheson Tuesday, Feb. 17: No Angel: Well, I'm not exactly happy about the WB's decision to put a stake in Angel. And I'm going to be even more steamed if they decide to renew sludge like One Tree Hill and The Surreal Life. More than 32,000 viewers have signed this petition to keep Angel alive; at the very least, might the WB consider launching Spike: The Series? Posted 5 p.m. ET Знаете, господа, а ведь USA Today - это серьезное издание, там не дураки сидят... Значит не мы одни такие, кто этого хочет? http://www.tvguide.com/news/entertainment/040218.asp HIGH STAKES: Angel fans may be deeply divided as to whether or not a certain Slayer should play a part in the show's series finale in May, but exec producer Joss Whedon isn't: He wants Sarah Michelle Gellar back. "We'll put out some feelers [again] to see if there's some interest there," he told TV Guide Online in an interview last night. "We'd certainly love to have her." But Gellar nixed an earlier offer to guest-star on Angel this season and Whedon says he isn't "banking" on her changing her mind. Still, we have to ask: If the Chosen One were to reappear in the Buffyverse, which of her undead loves would she be returning for — Spike or Angel? "You think I'm going to tell you that? I'm not going to tell you that," Whedon says. "If she were to come back it would be to answer that question." MORE HIGH STAKES: In other Angel news, rumors that the axed WB drama could follow in Buffy the Vampire Slayer's footsteps and put down stakes at rival network UPN are just that — rumors. "We've talked about the possibility," Whedon says, "but it's a longshot." A UPN spokeswoman had no comment, but an Angel insider confirms that execs at 20th Century Fox (Angel's producer) are putting together a proposal for UPN. Конечно же, Ведон обращается к фанам, чтобы иметь за плечами поддержку. Конечно же, он нами манипулирует, нагнетая страсти - но ему нужно срочно получить много голосов в свою защиту, чтобы сказать - смотрите, какую фанбазу я к вам приведу, если захотите. И меня это совершенно не коробит. Я уже обдумываю, как буду писать на UPN, что шоу "Ангел" - это хорошо, а шоу "Спайк" - еще лучше. ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: Geroneja(02/21/04 12:30:06) Интересный кусочек из December 2003 issue of Buffy Magazine Quote: Jordan Levin, top programming executive at the WB network, has revealed that he's keen to broadcast any potential spin-off that Joss may be planning. "Oh, absolutely," Jordan told journalists at a recent press event. " Given our relationship, I would expect that unless there's something contractual [with another broadcaster], that we would have a conversation about it. I think the WB is where a show like that belongs. And, given what's happened elsewhere, I think Joss would like to have it here." Я не знаю, какой там у них производственный цикл, но смею предположить, что интервью давалось в конце октября-начале ноября. Рейтинги тогда стабильно держались в районе трешки. Высказывание Левина - явно ответ на вопрос журналиста, а не его собственная инициатива. И все равно - товарищ знает, что спиноффа ждут и хотят... "given what's happened elsewhere" - о чем это он, интересно? И забавный кусочек из статьи в "Калгари-Сан" www.calgarysun.com/perl-bin/ Cancellation bites by Kevin Williamson Calgary Sun And while it's hard to comprehend -- what with the current epidemic of creative dysentery called reality-TV -- that the small screen could get any worse, it took another small step towards a lousier place late last week with news that The WB network had staked the Buffy The Vampire Slayer spinoff, Angel, after five seasons. There are many appalling ironies here -- not the least of which is that this smart, stylish entertainment gets nixed the same time the reality-romance genre's revolting answer to dwarf-tossing, The Littlest Groom, debuts. But the worst of them all is that Angel, which took a few years to find its footing, is enjoying its best, most confident season to date. Что реалити-шоу - это "эпидемия творческого поноса" - это точно! VasquezE Member Posts: 440 (2/20/04 18:37) Reply | Edit | Del Последние новости -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.tvguide.com/news/entertainment/040220.asp ANGEL UPDATE: Angel may be dead, but the show's fans sure aren't. Less than a week after the WB drove a stake through the Buffy spinoff, more than 45,000 Angel addicts have signed an online petition at PetitionOnline.com to keep the toothy drama alive. Campaigns to save the show are also being organized at numerous fan sites, including SupportAngel.org. But does any of this really matter? "It [helped] Roswell," says a WB rep. "It was as good as gone and the big fan campaign brought it back." In other words, the ball's in your court UPN. Сайт www.savingangel.org/ открылся. Советую заглянуть. Ну-c господа, кампания началась. До 27 февраля открытки шлются на UPN UPN Dawn Ostroff, UPN Entertainment President United Paramount Network 11800 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025 Я собираюсь завтра отправить открытку следующего содержания: Ms. Ostroff, As a Russian "Angel" fan I can't influence the Nielsen ratings, but I can assure you that this show would significantly raise your profile all around the world. It's in your best interests to pick up "Angel" for the 6th season. И открыточку какую-нибудь с Кремлем выбрать. Конечно, текст здесь совершенно не важен, открытки наверняка будут оценивать на вес... А вот здесь голосуют Which T.V. show will be hardest to live without? http://www.journalnow.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=WSJ%2FPage%2FWSJ_RelishMain&c=Page&cid=1038852833402 Сегодняшние результаты: Angel 14 33% Everybody Loves Raymond 7 16% Frasier 2 4% Friends 9 21% Sex and the City 10 23% Примем участие? А чтобы немножко поднять настроение, предлагаю конкурс на самое оскорбительное ругательство в адрес The WB, которое вы либо видели в Сети, либо придумали сами. Для почина - название текущей общеспойлерной ветки на Спарклях: GD #41-The last title was an insult to @#%$ eating cumrags Да, до "говноедских кончальных тряпок" я бы не додумалась... Elena S Member Posts: 140 (2/21/04 0:06) Reply | Edit | Del ezSupporter Знаешь, я не рискую посылать открытки, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- т.к., если мою не дай Бог заметят, мне бы не хотелось, чтобы твбоссы имели возможность задумать, откуда в России знают о сериале, который туда не продавали. VasquezE Member Posts: 443 (2/21/04 0:52) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Знаешь, я не рискую посылать открытки, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Знаешь, я глубоко убеждена, что читать их никто не будет... Важно, чтобы, как написал кто-то где-то, чтобы большой начальник не мог войти в свой кабинет из-за горы открыток перед входом... Geroneja Moderator Posts: 721 (2/21/04 3:01) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Знаешь, я не рискую посылать открытки, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Васкес, спасибо за ссылки Эх, попытка - не пытка! Я только что голосовала - у "Ангела" 61%!! Jaruschka Member Posts: 92 (2/21/04 18:49) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Знаешь, я не рискую посылать открытки, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Елена, даже если телебоссы и задумаются над тем, откуда в России мог появится "Ангел", что с того? Отмазка может быть проста, как дважды два. Я ведь тоже открытку из России посылать буду, что не помешало мне шестой сезон "Би" (в России также не демонстрируемый) смотреть вполне официально. В Германии . Откуда им знать, может, ты где-нибудь в Америке какое-то время жила. У "Ангела" уже 65%. --- О величии эпохи спросите у раздавленных ею Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Edited by: Jaruschka at: 2/21/04 18:54 VasquezE Member Posts: 445 (2/21/04 18:5 Reply | Edit | Del Re: Знаешь, я не рискую посылать открытки, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Точно! "Я тут, будучи проездом из Вашингтона в Нью-Йорк через Москву..." Немножко болтовни у Кристин. Уверяет, что аннуляция стала для всех сюрпризом. http://www.eonline.com/Gossip/Kristin/Archive2004/040220.html It's been a rough week for TV fans. As if the end of Sex and the City weren't tragic enough, Angel is leaving us, too. The cancellation came as a surprise to everyone--at least that's what I choose to believe. As those of you who read my chat transcript already know, I checked in with the flacks-that-be after hearing rumors last week and was assured the show had not been axed. And these network and studio reps have never led me astray before. А это - с ASSB In the latest Entertainment Weekly, under "What to Watch" for Wednesday (keep in mind that they very rarely give Angel a mention, and ALL the reviews they give are snarky): 9-10pm Angel (The WB, TV-14-V) It's canceled. You're bummed. And a letter-writing campaign is no doubt already underway. But at least we get this episode written and directed by Joss Whedon. И оттуда же... Stupid Questions this week with... Alyson Hannigan She played a sapphically inclined witch on TV's Buffy the Vampire Slayer and a sexually curious flutist in the American Pie movies. Next week, you can spot Alyson Hannigan as a cop-in-training on a two-episode guest stint on Fox's That '70s Show (airing in February). We caught up with her in London, where she can currently be seen with Luke Perry in a stage production of When Harry Met Sally. Read below to see what happened When Alyson Met a Bunch of Really Stupid Questions. --Scott Brown and Adam B. Vary You will soon appear on That '70s Show. We haven't watched that show in ages. What the hell is happening on it? Is it still in the '70s? Ah, yes, I don't know what year it is, but definitely in the '70s. Could be late '70s. You costar with Ashton Kutcher. Who's getting punk'd in this scenario? Actually, I really was convinced the only reason I was going to be on the show was for some sort of elaborate punk. I was watching my back. If anything weird happened, I was looking for hidden cameras. How is faking an orgasm with Jason Biggs different than faking one with Luke Perry? Is the 91210 theme running through your head? [Laughs] Uh, no, but it will be now--thank you very much for that lovely visual. Well, I guess the orgasm with Luke is a lot bigger, and I have to do it more. I have to do it every day. Sometimes twice. Twice on Thursdays and Saturdays. You're married to Alexis Denisof, a regular on Angel. So you pretty much have to guest-star or sleep on the couch, right? [Laughs] Well that would be nice, although it's really not up to him. I'm hoping that they can just shoot Angel over here. I think Wesley needs to go back to the Watcher's Council over in England. Do you sing "Surrey With the Fringe on Top" as well as Meg Ryan did? Um. Not yet. Maybe I should try to make people's ears bleed. Why not? I'll try it on one night. See, that's the great thing about theater. That one night, I could try to go for the bleeding ears, and then the next night I could go for... opera! You were in that lesbian magazine, FHN. Did you worry that the lesbians were exploiting you? [With great fake enthusiasm] That's why I did it! Ha ha ha--huh? That's not so good. Oh, dear. I'm sorry, I missed that joke. It's probably the time difference. Ohhh, I feel dumb. This joke's not working out. Uh, never mind. So, do you find it suspicious that Buffy co-star Anthony Stewart Head became Anthony Head when he went back to England? What happened to Stewart? Was Stewart jettisoned over the North Atlantic? I think it got lost in his luggage. We suspect witches and lesbians You cracked it. That's probably it, but I suspect it's got something to do with the Screen Actors Guild ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: VasquezE(02/21/04 12:53:01) Геро, перечитай название топика, пожалуйста. Эх, сплошные фрейдистские оговорки... И еще один опрос, на сей раз - в "профильном" издании. http://www.thefutoncritic.com/cgi/gofuton.cgi?action=home Which series ending this season are you going to miss the most? Текущие результаты: Angel: 55.15% The Chris Isaak Show: 2.36% Frasier: 4.79% Friends: 20.50% Sex and the City: 15.40% Soul Food: 1.81% Вот здесь, господа, лучше проголосовать. Я этот адресок и на общеспойлерную закину... Новости с savingangel.org За два дня они собрали 6 тысяч долларов. На рекламу в The Hollywood Reporter уже хватит. Теперь они обдумывают, где еще нужно дать объявления и стоит ли делать щитовую рекламу. В общем, размах тот еще...

elendenika: Geroneja(02/21/04 16:56:45) Мдя-м, это называется нефиг давать Геро после встречи с одноклассниками, которых она не видела пять лет, клаву в руки )) Васкес, спасибо, что заметила, но, может, действительно что-то в этом есть? ) Уже поправила ) А размах действительно очень серьезный ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: VasquezE(02/22/04 11:17:03) Очень интересная информация к размышлению о причинах закрытия. Эдди со Спарклей нашел на Slayage.com старые статьи за 2001 год о том как UPN купила "Баффи". По прочтении этих статей складывается впечатление, что в случае с "Ангелом" проблема была не столько в пересмотре старых контрактов с актерами, сколько с пересмотре условий лицензии, предоставляемой Fox на студию The WB. Quote: Her bloodsucker-battling prowess could make even a WWF hulkette like Chyna cower in her leather leotards. So it only makes sense that the Smackdown Network would try to get its hands on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Despite early speculation that the cult hit was too costly for UPN's junior-sized pocketbook, the network is reportedly one of several bidding for a chance to land the in-limbo WB series. Both Hollywood trade papers reported Thursday that UPN has made an offer to producer 20th Century Fox Television for Sarah Michelle Gellar's stake-wielding alter ego--joining a list of potential suitors that's said to include NBC, Fox and Buffy's current home, the WB. It's been exactly three weeks since the Frog Network's exclusive (and very publicly battled) contract negotiation period expired, leaving the show open for another network to snatch it up. At issue? Money, of course: The WB reportedly offered as much as $1.6 million per episode, while 20th Century Fox asked for between $2.3 million and $2.5 million per episode--aiming for a deal much like the WB nailed down for its biggest hit, 7th Heaven. Вот этого я не поняла. То ли сама лицензия стоит полтора-два миллиона за серию, то ли Fox требует, чтобы в шоу вкладывали не меньше этой суммы (напоминаю, что права на DVD остаются у Fox, равно как и вся прочая продукция - календари, плакаты, товары с символикой). По идее второй вариант ближе к истине, потому что в EW за 1999 год я читала, что стоимость серии "Баффи" составляет полтора миллиона. Но точно не знаю... Продолжение статьи: Daily Variety contends that the WB is still in the running to keep Buffy, and now may have budged past its once-final $1.6 million offer. Meanwhile, various reports continue to speculate about who's still in contention: The Hollywood Reporter says ABC has dropped out of the running, while UPN and NBC are still interested. Variety, meanwhile, indicates that Fox (up to this point seen as the most likely candidate) also remains a distinct possibility, and UPN nabbing Buffy doesn't appear very likely. Whatever final bit of haggling goes down, insiders claim a deal could be announced soon. Not only would a deal keep series creator Joss Whedon pleased for a while longer, a new contract would also finally end what's been an unusually public snipe-fest over Buffy's fate after five seasons on the WB. Even this week, the war of words continued in the press. WB chief Jamie Kellner bluntly told Entertainment Weekly, "It's not our number-one show. It's not a show like ER that stands above the pack." Whedon was apparently none too pleased with the rhetoric, and he lashed back in the New York Daily News. "It makes me angry to see this show belittled," he said. "For Jamie Kellner to call it a teen show and dismiss his own product angers me. It doesn't breed love." Back in January, Gellar herself even got into the act, telling E! Online that she'd stay on the show "if, and only if, Buffy stays on the WB." She later changed her mind, saying she'd stick around no matter where it goes. Of course, no word on whether her loyalty would actually include moving to a scrapper network like UPN. But hey, at least she'd get free season tickets to XFL games. И еще одна цитатка: Now that ``Buffy the Vampire Slayer'' is headed to UPN, the WB isn't wasting any time distancing itself from the series. Among the WB's more interesting moves in recent days: - The WB had previously planned to run a tribute ad in ``Buffy'' 100th episode section scheduled to run in the Hollywood Reporter next week. In the wake of the show's defection, and creator Joss Whedon's harsh comments about the WB's top management, the ad has now been pulled. UPN has stepped in with its own congratulatory ad. - Stock photos of ``Buffy'' thesps have been pulled from the show's official, WB-sponsored website. WB insiders didn't want to give UPN easy access to pictures with which it could promote the show's upcoming move. ``We're only exercising our contractual right to exclusively promote the show,'' a WB spokesman said. - A promo spot following Tuesday's ``Buffy'' episode warned viewers that there were only three episodes left before ``The WB series finale'' of ``Buffy.'' That's technically true, but there's no doubt WB execs wouldn't mind if viewers thought the show was ending altogether. None of the WB's moves are particularly harsh or out of line with how other networks have behaved in the past when shows have switched webs. For example, when the WB acquired ``Sabrina, the Teenage Witch'' from ABC last May, the WB couldn't mention the ``Sabrina'' title on-air until mid-September. And when the WB snagged ``The PJs'' from Fox, the latter network used most of the summer to double-run the animated series, thus lessening the value of those repeats to the WB. И еще одна виньеточка: July 2001. Quote: ``Buffy'' star Sarah Michelle Gellar defied expectations and made an appearance during the UPN press session. The Viacom-owned network has been wooing Gellar since word leaked out that the thesp was less than pleased with moving from the WB to UPN, whose biggest show is ``WWF Smackdown!''

elendenika: VasquezE(02/24/04 03:35:53) http://www.voy.com/14810/2729.html Eliza talks about Angel's cancellation Eliza was on On Air with Ryan Seacrest this afternoon, and the first thing she talked about (after being asked about her shoes), was Angel's cancellation and the fan effort to save the show. Eliza talked about how shocked and angry she was that Angel had been cancelled, how horrible is is for the fans to loose Buffy one year and Angel the next, and voiced her support for all the fans working hard to save Angel. No mention if Faith could make an appearance on the finale though (Tru Calling wraps a month before Angel does, so she would be available). She has mentioned several times before that she thought Faith would to return to Angel at some time. It's great to see former cast out there promoting Angel and the Save Angel campaigns. §Є §Ь§а§Э§а§Я§Ь§С §¬§в§Ъ§г§д§Ъ§Я: From larrypigtails: Enough Sex and the City! What say you of Angel?! Kristin: That it's quite possibly the greatest tragedy I've ever endured, aside from that one time my Barbie Big Wheels got crushed by the neighbor's Winnebago. Honestly, guys, I have been in a serious funk for a whole week with Angel's cancellation and the end of Sex and the City. I feel as if they've ripped out my heart and fed it to me with a spoon. But my misery aside, here's where it all stands, as far as I know: Joss' camp and the studio are not giving up. Sources say the show has been pitched to UPN and "it's being discussed." You can lend your support by contributing to Variety and Hollywood Reporter ads, or signing a petition, at these Websites: SupportAngel.org and SaveAngel.org. Go now! From end_of_the_road: Regarding Angel's impending end, I heard that Sarah Michelle Gellar is reconsidering an appearance on Angel. Is this true? Kristin: Yes, though at this point it's just "considering." Joss really wants her back for the very end--as we all do--and she has been offered a spot. If she says yes, I'm guessing it will take some rejiggering from the writers. I hear they'd already begun writing the finale script. From rachelbee: Why didn't you warn us Angel was getting canceled? It's your job! Kristin: I know! But I didn't know, and I'm sorry. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, was stunned to learn of the show's cancellation, including the reps at the studio and the network, the cast and, of course, Joss Whedon. In case you missed it, here is Joss' statement about the cancellation: "This news is, needless to say, surprising, but it's really wonderful that the WB let us know so early on that we were picked up for a sixth exciting season! Angel is hitting new strides in terms of creativity and appeal, and everyone is so full of energy, of new stories, it's just comforting to...[rereads memo]...Oh. Oh, that's different. That sucks. Especially since the whole 'new strides' thing was actually true. Angel is as strong as it's ever been--except for that's it's dead. Truthfully, I'm heartbroken. This is a show, a staff and a cast I've felt privileged to work with. I only wish to continue that. I can't speak for the WB's reasoning, and this would probably be a bad time for me to comment on any of the shows they're not canceling. But they provided a home (albeit a temporary foster home) for both Buffy and Angel that otherwise would not have existed, and I'm grateful for that. All we have left on Angel is to end the season with episodes as strong and meaningful as we can muster--but then, we were gonna do that anyway." From aliciajo: Can I just say RIP Angel? Kristin: You can. But you likely won't get out of this chat alive. Run! Run for your life! From platypirock: What's the deal with Angel? Any hope for a save by UPN, Ё¤ la Buffy? Kristin: An insider close to UPN tells me higher-ups are trying not to pick up other networks' "leftovers" anymore, so I'm thinking it's not likely. I wish I could tell you otherwise! If the price is right, UPN might, just might, pick it up. They should, dammit, after seeing from Buffy that this devoted fan base will follow a show anywhere. But I'm guessing that would mean a smaller price tag and possibly cast or staffing cuts, and that is something Joss has said he'd never do (a reporter at TCA asked him if he'd ever pull a David E. Kelley-Practice move, and he said if they couldn't do the show well, they wouldn't do it at all). Also, don't forget that David Boreanaz sounded more or less ready to move on during his recent Q&A with us. "I'm really itching to explore other characters and do other projects. I think I've been stuck in this medical school for a while, and I need to open up and get out." So, like I said, it is not likely, but crazier things have happened (think Roswell), and we should muster all the support we can. Rah-rah! As SupportAngel.org says, "Love the show? Show the Love!"

elendenika: Geroneja(02/24/04 11:06:30) Васкес, спасибо за информейшн Вот, даже Элиза в шоке! Я бы, кстати, хотела увидеть Фейт в "Ангеле" в этом сезоне ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: Elena S(02/24/04 11:56:53) "Вот, даже Элиза в шоке!" Будешь тут в шоке - "Ангел" вполне мог быть "запасным ходом", хотя бы в качестве гостевой звезды. Никогда не помешает иметь такое в заначке. Тем более, что она там очень хороша была - впрочем, как и в своём сериале.

elendenika: VasquezE (02/24/04 13:04:30) http://tv.yahoo.com/ Промотайте вниз и голосуйте. По состоянию на 23.00 Yahoo! TV Poll "Angel" has been cancelled - this season will be its last. How do you feel about this? Thanks for voting! 1859 votes to date I am furious beyond belief. 36% 679 votes I'm sad, but it's not that big a deal. 17% 329 votes Yay! I was never big on that show. 45% 851 votes

elendenika: Elena S(02/24/04 13:40:58) Заработала машинка! :) По состоянию на 23:47 (2389 votes ) I am furious beyond belief. 44% 1068 votes I'm sad, but it's not that big a deal. 15% 372 votes Yay! I was never big on that show. 39% 949 votes

elendenika: VasquezE(02/24/04 15:43:20) 1.45 Yahoo! TV Poll "Angel" has been cancelled - this season will be its last. How do you feel about this? I am furious beyond belief. 56% 2191 votes I'm sad, but it's not that big a deal. 12% 487 votes Yay! I was never big on that show. 30% 1200 votes

elendenika: Geroneja(02/24/04 16:25:55) 1.30 по Киеву, 2.30 по Москве: Yahoo! TV Poll "Angel" has been cancelled - this season will be its last. How do you feel about this? Thanks for voting! 4324 votes to date I am furious beyond belief. 57% 2495 votes I'm sad, but it's not that big a deal. 12% 524 votes Yay! I was never big on that show. 30% 1305 votes ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: Jaruschka(02/25/04 00:28:45) 10.30 Yahoo! TV Poll "Angel" has been cancelled - this season will be its last. How do you feel about this? Thanks for voting! 7265 votes to date I am furious beyond belief. 62% 4542 votes I'm sad, but it's not that big a deal. 10% 775 votes Yay! I was never big on that show. 26% 1948 votes --- О величии эпохи спросите у раздавленных ею Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Elena S(02/25/04 00:48:20) Немножко статистики (что поделаешь - цифирная душа!) Голосовалки на яхе висят 3-4 дня. Наибольшее число голосов (вообще - и за, и против) собрало голосование по сериалу "Друзья" (16212). "Ангел" за неполный день собрал больше семи тысяч. Может поставить новый рекорд.

elendenika: VasquezE(02/25/04 02:57:05) Елена, а нельзя узнать, в какой день его повесили? Потому что объявление на ASSB появилось примерно за полчаса до момента, когда я проголосовала и "сняла результаты". Мне интересно, насколько "чистым" был первый результат, сильно ли успели повлиять на него фаны. И, кстати, данные на сейчас 13.00 "Angel" has been cancelled - this season will be its last. How do you feel about this? 7485 votes to date I am furious beyond belief. 63% 4723 votes I'm sad, but it's not that big a deal. 10% 789 votes Yay! I was never big on that show. 26% 1973 votes Геро, спасибо, что поменяла название (извини, что я заморочила тебе голову... ) Из новостей Saving Angel.org Campaign UPDATE! Campaign Status Total funds raised as of February 25, 2004, at 01:30 GMT: $9,097.18! Within 38 hours, we have met our first two goals by raising funds for ads in both The Hollywood Reporter and Variety! Our original estimate was $7,000 for both ads, and we now hope to spend less, but until all arrangements are finalized, we’re holding a full $8,000 aside for the ads. Final figures and ad publication dates will be posted as soon as we sign off on each deal. We have to keep the pressure on! Our next attention-getting goal is to raise funds to buy us two weeks on Guerilla Billboards advertising trucks that cover the Santa Monica/Los Angeles area. (Although just having it drive around the block where the WB has its headquarters would be worth the price. Or, you know, park across the street from the main entrance for about an hour while the driver takes lunch? We get to work out the route taken by the trucks.) A draft of the billboard ad will be available as soon as we can finalize the design and upload it to the site. Our <billboard> ad can’t run until "on or about" March 15. If Angel is already holding a house warming party for his new place, we’ll run an ad congratulating ANGEL on either renewal by the WB or being picked up by another network... which in the latter case would make having that truck parked by the WB corporate headquarters really worth the money Я представляю себе чиновников, которые будут выглядывать в окно и видеть это объявление!

elendenika: Elena S(02/25/04 07:50:34) "Елена, а нельзя узнать, в какой день его повесили?&quo Ну, под присягой я этого не скажу, но судя по разделу View our previous polls до 23 февраля включительно висело голосование William Petersen is thinking about leaving "CSI." How do you feel about this? Fri, 20 Feb 2004 - Mon, 23 Feb 2004 А до него What do you think is the biggest media circus going on right now? Tue, 17 Feb 2004 - Thu, 19 Feb 2004 Рискну предположить, что "наше" голосование висит с 24 и будет висеть до 26-27 числа

elendenika: VasquezE(02/25/04 09:48:27) Елена, спасибо! Твои данные в общем совпадают с моими жалкими попытками вычислений по изменению числа голосов тех, кому "до лампочки": за полсуток они увеличились примерно в 2 раза, следовательно опрос идет около суток. Конечно, здесь есть нюансы дневного\ночного времени и куча прочих факторов... но так глубоко я решила не соваться. Теперь мне интересно, насколько возможен мухлеж в этом опросе. Я пока проголосовала дважды - со своего и дочкиного компьютера. Интересно, работает ли здесь такое же безобразие, как на Зап2Ите? И интересно, отслеживает ли кто-то эти опросы и (что важнее всего) зафиксировал этот "кто-то" результат "чистого" голосования, до вторжения фанатов? Ведь по большому счету только мнение мейнстримной аудитории представляет маркетинговую ценность. Хотя на Яху тоже не такая уж точная оценка: далеко не весь мейнстрим пасется в Сети.

elendenika: Elena S(02/25/04 10:42:23) "насколько возможен мухлеж в этом опросе" Не знаю, может, появилось что-то новое (сомневаюсь, правда), но способов определения уникальности голосующих я знаю всего два - по ip (даже не смешно) и с помощью cookies (маленьких текстовых файликов, запихиваемых в компьютеры). Оба варианта вполне допускают жульничество. Можно, конечно, отследить, откуда приходит основной поток народу на эту страницу, что может навести на мысль о не совсем корректных результатах, но кому это нужно?

elendenika: Geroneja(02/25/04 12:08:13) Васкес, да я всегда рада, раз народ просит поменять название - меняем Яху система очень популярная в Сети, так что пропускаемость народа за сутки колоссальная, но вот я, бывая там каждый день, т.к. у меня там одна из почт, не всегда на ту страчку захаживаю.. Хотя.. Главное, что это прошло по основным форумам, так что голосовать будут и жульничать тоже будут ) ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: VasquezE(02/26/04 05:03:48) Пишем письма? The WB решили не повторять "Ангела" в мартовско-апрельском перерыве The WB site has a contest where you can "vote" for your favorite Smallville episodes from each year. The winners will be shown for FIVE weeks from 9:00 to 10:00 on Wednesdays!! Last I looked that was Angel's time slot. So not only do we get our show cancelled, now there are going to be five weeks of Smallville repeats instead of Angel repeats. В связи с этим - новая кампания, в которой вполне могут принять участие все желающие This one has to be done carefully, since we don't want to hurt another show in order to help Angel. After all, the people at Smallville didn't come up with this special "best of Smallville" showing, the suits at the WB did it. They're having voting on the WB website to pick five episodes of ten selected by the producers of Smallville as "viewer's favorites" to be shown for five weeks starting two weeks from tonight for five weeks during Angel's timeslot instead of Angel repeats. Are we going to sit back quietly for this one? http://www.thewb.com/Shows/WithFeedback/0,9310,74510,00.html Если хотите дальнейшие подробности http://www.voy.com/14810/3425.html You can't enter anthing on the WB "vote" webpage to let them know how you feel--but you can sure flood the WB with comments about why you'd rather see Angel at 9:00 Wednesdays instead of Smallville repeats. I usually do not advocate email, but for this special purpose let's flood out their box. Be creative in how you word your emails to try to avoid spam filters: 1. Do NOT mention the word Angel in your email. Instead, mention Smallville (NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT THAT SHOW PLEASE) and say that you'd rather NOT see more Smallville on Wednesday night instead of "the show that usuallly is shown at 9:00" or "Joss' show" or "Whedon's show" or the "vampire show" or "your favorite supernatural show" or something else like that. Get past the spam filters they will be setting up. Think creatively! 2. Mention that you want to see the same Wednesday night shows next season as you see this season, and change the wording of that around too. Think like a spammer for this campaign. Here's the email address: faces@thewb.com. SEND -- SEND -- SEND and let's hope they get the message. Also, here is the WB web form for feedback where you can tell them you'd rather be watching Angel Wednesday nights instead of more Smallville:

elendenika: Geroneja(02/26/04 11:55:09) И народ уже пишет )) Но WB - гады, схлестнуть фанов "Ангела" и "Смоллика" - это ж кем надо быть.... Кстати, я там понимаю, что последней показанной серией до перерыва будет 16-я? ---------- Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(02/27/04 03:16:32) Похоже, да... хотя я надеялась на 17 - о "пригородном пыточном рае" Новости: Теледива Кристин тоже советует бороться... E!Online http://www.eonline.com/Gossip/Kristin/Archive2004/040227.html Don't Hate TV Execs for Arresting Your Favorite Series--Save a Show with Your Vote by Kristin | Feb. 27, 2004 (The artist formerly known as Wanda And so it begins. That nail-biting, hair-pulling, edge-of-your-La-Z-Boy time of year when we wait...and wait...and wait to see if our favorite shows will survive to see the light of fall. We are tubers. We have no patience. And, personally, I think it's the cruelest form of torture imaginable (well, other than that dentist dude on Alias who rips out teeth--that can't feel good). Last week's surprise cancellation of Angel was a wake-up call that some of the shows we are expecting to see next fall could instead go up to the big rerun channel in the sky. And, right now, network execs are making their decisions about what sticks around (final schedules are announced in May). SOS! So, now seems the perfect time to roll out our fourth annual (eesh, I am getting old) Save One Show campaign. This Year's Endangered Series List: Angel: To be honest, it was a difficult decision whether to include Angel because, as you know, it has already been canceled. However, as you also probably know, Joss Whedon's camp has pitched the former WB show to UPN, which would be our target here. Despite my comments in this week's chat (that the peeps at UPN say it's not likely), I never say die when it comes to my favorite undead. So, in addition to voting for Angel (if that's your calling), make sure you check out the petition at SupportAngel.org. Tru Calling: So strange. Fox put a new show up against Friends and Survivor on Thursday nights and (looky there!) it didn't do so well. Despite Buffy fans' excitement over the return of Eliza Dushku, Tru Calling is currently rated 131 out of 165 shows in the Nielsens and doesn't look likely to get a second season. Now, go vote. And if you want to testify about your TV addiction, email me about why that show is your must-see TV (put the show's name in the subject line), then check back for the results next week. And speaking of endangered faves, not to sway your vote or anything, but... Fandemonium! What's a poor, shell-shocked Angel fan to do after the show gets slaughtered? Naturally, get together with other Angel fans and drown those sorrows. That's what Angel-philes did over the weekend at a charity event called the "Wolfram & Hart Annual Revue," which benefited the Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center, a South Central revitalization project. In attendance were Sarah Thompson (Eve), Julie Benz (Darla), Andy Hallett (Lorne), Tim Minear, Jeff Bell and David Fury. I couldn't help but ask a few questions of Tim M.--love that man, as he is behind both Angel and the show I won't shut up about, Wonderfalls (premiering March 12 on Fox...set your TiVo or face my wrath!). As expected, he was saddened by the cancellation news, but that didn't stop him from taking a friendly crack at Angel boss Joss Whedon. When asked if he'll ever work with Joss again, Tim said, "I'm sure we will. Clearly, he needs me. He really had the one idea, and I kept it alive for him. And then I left, and look what happened--he had three shows on the air, and now he's gonna have none." Meanwhile, Julie Benz says that there are no plans for her to return this season (we all know what that means; she's probably on the set as we speak). But Tim spoke of another possible love interest--well, sorta. When asked if he was a Buffy-Angel worshipper or an Angel-Darla worshipper, he said, "I don't understand how you could watch 'Becoming, Parts I & II' and not be a Buffy-Angel 'shipper. And I don't understand how you could watch anything I wrote, and not be a Darla-Angel 'shipper. But really, I'm an Angel-Lindsey 'shipper."

elendenika: Elena S(02/27/04 12:18:45) Окончательный результат голосования по "Ангелу" на "Angel" has been cancelled - this season will be its last. How do you feel about this? 15342 votes total I am furious beyond belief. 60% 9357 votes I'm sad, but it's not that big a deal. 10% 1605 votes Yay! I was never big on that show. 28% 4380 votes По общему количеству голосов всё-таки не дотянули до голосования по "Друзьям". Хотя голосов "за" заметно больше - что несколько обесценивает массовость.

elendenika: VasquezE(02/28/04 09:05:04) Забавно - куда потерялись еще два процента? Smth Blue(02/28/04 09:34:05) Голосовать у Кристин: http://www.eonline.com/Gossip/Kristin/Archive2004/040227_poll.html%3Cbr%20/%3E И в понедельник люди собираются голосовать на TRL - Now as for the time difference.... TRL airs 5pm here (US East Coast). I am not sure what time difference it is to you but I do know for the English it would be 10pm. 11pm for Denmark. So perhaps that helps you some? I can safely say if you vote during the afternoon/evening for you it would be around the right time. And just to mention then in case others are not aware. There are two different editions of TRL. US and UK. So if you don't see it there it does not mean it did not happen. I don't know if the UK Edition has a site where we can vote and try to over throw both but if so let us know. The more attention drawn the better here. When you click on the link you may not see the song we need requested but you can type it in at the bottom. Be sure to include comments such as "Save Angel" and so on calling attention to why that song is picked. Please though do make comments in good taste and don't use profanity. We want them to play the song and comments and being nice will help this cause more. quote: Originally posted by ~Kassix~ ~For those of you who haven't heard there is a huge effort underway to keep Angel on the air. To that end we've decided to gain some free publicity by overthrowing MTV's Total Request Live for the week of March 1st -5th! The plan is to get a series of songs voted to the #1 spot on the chart and post messages supporting our cause. Monday- March 1- Train- Calling All Angels Tuesday- March 2- Aerosmith- Angel Wensday- March 3- Shaggy- Angel Thursday- March 4- Dido- White Flag (We get David on TV!) Friday- March 5- Mandy- Barry Manilow Thanks and looking forward to working with you all! PS Spread the word to everyone you can think of! We need as many votes as we can muster~ http://www.mtv.com/onair/trl/vote/ Ну и так, для вдохновления Люди организовывают ралли в поддержку сериала: http://www.saveangelrally.com/ И сдают кровь: The blood drive is an appeal to all Angel fans to go and give blood on a certain day, in this case it will be March 17th. It is being organised with The Red Cross. Many fans are planning to congregate outside of the WB and/or UPN and then go on to the local Red Cross centre to give blood. EDIT: I should point out that it will take place all over America, not just California. Cчастливо,

elendenika: Geroneja(02/28/04 12:26:14) Ого!!Тома, спасибо за ссылочки ) ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: VasquezE(02/28/04 14:04:32) Спасибо за ссылки! Обязательно проголосуем! А вот мой вклад: The SavingAngel.com site has raised 13,618.00!!! Комментарии с ASSB: That is amazing! I bet UPN, TNT and the WB would be surprised to see that not only do we love our show, but that we have money to spend! Wow, they could buy a 30 second ad on UPN Friday Night Movies! Новая петиция - на UPN: http://www.petitiononline.com/upn4ats/petition.html и комментарии: Here's the petition for UPN to pick up Angel. Please tell as many people as possible. Click yes that you buy products from ads during Angel. I do even if mine aren't from UPN ads И еще кое-что. Похоже, некоторые местные отделения The WB хотят, чтобы шоу продолжалось: This was originally posted by Teep on BAPS. I am bringing it over with permission. --------------------------- Hi Everyone, I think I just found some pretty exciting news. Several WB affiliates owned by Tribune Broadcasting have posted a weekly news bite regarding the Angel cancellation and urging viewers to write in to save the show!!!! I've included the link to my local station but you can also check out Tribune to find out if you WB affiliate is owned by them. Why is this exciting news? Tribune has the second largest number of stocks in The WB. If they are urging renewal, then we have a really good shot!!! Please remember that I recommend savINGangel.org as the best site to actually get things done (yes, I'm personally biased because I'm working on it!). http://wb56.trb.com/entertainment/wbnetwork/stv-angel-pkgnews.special I think Wednesday nights affiliate call in may have helped. It certainly couldn't hurt to call your local WB affiliate again this Wednesday night at the half hour mark and leave a message. Patrick J. Mullen, President Tribune Broadcasting Company Ste. 1800, 435 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA Phone: (312) 222-3333 Fax: (312) 329-0611 И - не могла удержаться - забавный комментарий со Спарклей в адрес The WB Zoriah WB: Please change your mind, it's obviously badly in need of replacing.

elendenika: Geroneja(02/28/04 16:25:22) Спасибо за ссылки ) Пошла я по петициям, но сумма впечатляет ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: VasquezE(03/01/04 08:23:15) Мэтт Р& TV Guide Online http://www.tvguide.com/tv/roush/mattask/ Roush Room ASK MATT Monday, March 1, 2004 Question: So, it's Sunday night (Feb. 22) and Arrested Development isn't on the schedule. TVGuide.com can't find it in a listings search. So where is it? Is it gone? Has what we saw coming before it even first aired come to us finally? Or will it return in March? How about airing the last episodes in the summertime? And about Angel: Is there any chance UPN will pick up the show, giving us a cool post-fifth-season Buffy dйja vь? I'm afraid that there won't be anything left to watch in the 2004-5 schedule. — Gene Matt: About Angel: No news, only speculation at this point. About Arrested Development: Not to worry — unduly, anyway. I completely understand the anxiety when a show disappears off the schedule at the last minute (Andy Richter Controls the Universe, anyone?). But Arrested Development will be back in its rightful place March 7 with the previously scheduled Heather Graham episode. And Fox is even planning to give the show a bit of a promotional boost on March 17, by scheduling a special Wednesday episode following an hour-long American Idol. (Of course, that's a mixed blessing, depending on how much of the Idol audience tunes out.) So it looks as if Fox is sticking by the show, at least through this season. Chalk up its Feb. 22 absence as a sweeps casualty. It probably made sense to get the show out of the way of ABC's Super Millionaire stunt and the Sex and the City finale. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question: I am writing in regards to your recent review of Star Trek: Enterprise. Yes, the Star Trek franchise has been around a long time and Enterprise struggled to find its own identity during the first two seasons. But, as you mention, the show has started to find its way during Season 3, so I find it hard to believe that you practically advocated its cancellation. There may have been over 600 episodes of Trek in the past, but Enterprise has stories to tell that previous Trek series could not, such as the beginnings of the Federation and the Romulan War. Plus, what do you think UPN will replace Enterprise with if they cancel it? C'mon, Matt, it's not like UPN has a load of high-quality dramas just waiting on the back burner for a spot on the schedule. You know they'll just throw more reality garbage like America's Next Top Model in Enterprise's place. Those of us who hate the reality trend need to stand behind the comedies, dramas and sci-fi shows that are trying to stay alive. We just lost Angel. — Sierra Matt: I'm not second-guessing the opinion I expressed in that Enterprise column, but I do wish the timing hadn't been so awkward, coinciding with the cancellation of Angel (which I did not see coming). Looking back on that review, I wish I had structured it differently, to make it clear I was reacting to the buzz that the show was in danger of being canceled (thus posing the question: Does Enterprise need or deserve to be saved?) as opposed to looking like I was actively suggesting it be yanked, which wasn't the intention. There is a difference between my dismay over the premature cancellations of Farscape and Angel and my feelings over Enterprise's — and for that matter, the entire Trek franchise's — tenuous situation. Just because the genre is something of an endangered species shouldn't mean we should give every show within the genre a blanket pass. If Enterprise were on par with, say, Next Generation, that would be a different story. And a different argument. This epic Xindi battle has taken Enterprise to a more intriguing new level, but I'm still not sure it's enough. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question: As you well know, Joss Whedon and his Mutant Enemy crew created the wonderful Firefly last year, only to watch it fail at the hands of Fox, who put a show that was already made for a small audience in the Friday night Slot of Doom. This year, ME alum Tim Minear has helped create Wonderfalls, a show that I have been eagerly anticipating since I heard about its conception. Needless to say, I was less than pleased with the time slot Fox has chosen for the show: Friday nights at 9 pm/ET when it premieres in March? Say it ain't so. My question: Do you have any reason to believe that Fox, or audiences for that matter, will give a genre show any more of a chance than they gave Firefly? I'm hoping that I'm wrong, but the scheduling of this debut seems to me that Fox is just throwing the show out there to see if it sticks, without showing it too much support. How many interesting shows must suffer at the network's desire to find a repeat performance of The X-Files? — Matt Matt: I wish Fox would free up a piece of its Monday lineup to give a show as special as Wonderfalls a better shot, but that's not the world we live in right now. I'm fearful that Wonderfalls will wither on Fridays, but given the surprise success of Joan of Arcadia an hour earlier, maybe there will be some crossover audience for another show about a young woman who hears strange voices where she least expects them — from funky inanimate objects like wax lions and stuffed animals. Wonderfalls isn't a Joan clone, though. It takes itself much less seriously, and is a lot more ironic and snarky. And I predict many who watch will be mooning over the romantic chemistry between the lead actress (Caroline Dhavernas) and the smitten bartender (Tyron Leitso) who indulges her strangely funny ways. My fear is that the audience smart and discriminating enough to watch something like this is not going to be in front of the TV on Friday nights in the spring. I would be thrilled to be pleasantly surprised, as I was when Joan took off in the ratings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question: Instead of begging and protesting, let's just pay the WB (or UPN) for another season of Angel. I for one would gladly fork over $50 for a new season and I don't doubt you could find thousands of other fans who would do the same. I don't have any idea how much it would take to tip the balance, but surely an extra million or two straight to the bottom line would make a difference. — Craig C. Matt: You'd think. And what a novel way of going about financing TV: sort of the grass-roots, Internet, Howard Dean approach. (Now I'm thinking of starting a telethon to raise enough money to keep CBS from inflicting another summer of Big Brother on us.) If the letters and postcards I've been getting from all over the country — and world — are any indication, the industry is going to have to develop a very deaf ear to ignore the protestations of the many Angel-Joss Whedon fans out there. It's inspiring — if it weren't so annoying that it had to come to this. _________________

elendenika: VasquezE(03/02/04 02:58:29) Делаю кросс-пост сюда и в общеспойлерную ...чтобы подключить максимум народа Вот здесь можно проголосовать на "Ангела" как лучшее шоу, и Спайка, как лучшего героя http://www.spacecast.com/shows/spaceoriginals/spaceys.asp выскочит надпись 2 annual spacey awards vote now Кликаете по надписи, грузится новое окошко, с рекламой каких-то игр, но потом в нем же спрашивают, будете ли голосовать - OK. Вылезает много разных категорий, нужно проголосовать по всем Спайк против Лекса Лютора, полковника О'Нила из SG-1, Кларка Кента и любимца Эндрю - капитана Арчера... "Ангел" против "Шпионки" (Alias) "Смоллика", "Энтерпрайза" и "Taken" (минисериал Спилберга) И новости: E!Online http://www.eonline.com/ Watch With Kristin - Chat Transcript Monday, March 1, 2004 angllvr33 asks: Anything on Angel? Kristin replies: Still crossing my fingers UPN will pick up our baby!! Coming up this week, Angel and Spike come back from England and Angel will try to contact our girl Willow (hmmm … maybe Alexis’ red-head wish will come true?) and as you know, Fred is no longer Fred but evil, crazy-eyed Illyria. On that note, can I just say I was a MESS after last week’s episode? Those scenes with Fred and Wes were heart-wrenching … as if saying goodbye to the show weren’t sad enough. Ugh. There just isn’t enough Kleenex in the world t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youngangelarosie asks: talk angel! Kristin replies: Word is that Adam Baldwin (no relation to the Brothers) will come on the show, stepping into Eve’s role as the liaison to the senior partners. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- andrs asks: What more can you tell us about Wonderfalls? I'm intrigued! Kristin replies: It's fantastic! I've seen the first four episodes and love it dearly -- but it's on Friday nights, so it will need all the support you can muster. Wonderfalls is about a girl (newcomer Caroline Dhavernas) who works in a souvenier shop and the tchochkis talk to her ... Is she crazy? Is it God? We don't know. Regardless, she becomes an unwitting do-gooder, sort of like Buffy but without the weaponry and hotpants. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- park450 asks: Did you cry when Fred die? Kristin replies: like a wee babeh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seba_88 asks: Come on, who would vote for Good Morninf Miami with shows like Angel, and Tru Calling, Miss Match, Arrested Development... I'll just stop before I fully realize of everything we'll losing this season Kristin replies: True dat. I take back the apology. The Fort Wayne News-Sentinel http://www.fortwayne.com/mld/newssentinel/8079735.htm Posted on Mon, Mar. 01, 2004 TV Gal gives midseason a fresh start BY AMY AMATANGELO WHERE HAVE I SEEN THEM BEFORE? Eric Balfour, Milo on the first season of "24," Gabe on "Six Feet Under" and Jesse in the pilot episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," is Eddie, Teresa's boyfriend on "The O.C." HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK All times listed are EST for Wednesday through Sunday. The way I see it, Fred can't die on "Angel" (Wednesday, WB, 9 p.m.). Too many women (Tara, Cordy, Anya, Jenny Calendar) have already died on Joss Whedon shows. Although I thought last week's episode was excellent, it is basically a retread of last season's story line. Except that instead of giving birth to a demon, the demon has taken over Fred's body. By the way the campaign over at www.savingangel.org is still going strong. And they have an absolutely fantastic tagline: "We will follow Angel to Hell ... Or Another Network." Keep up the good work, guys. TO THE TV GAL READER BELONGS THE SPOILS Gina Torres currently stirring up trouble as Julia on "24" will guest star on the March 11 episode of "CSI." _________________ http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/495/495567p1.html Exclusive: Angel Producer Talks to IGN FilmForce Will efforts to save the show be for naught? March 01, 2004 - The WB may have made the decision to put a stake through the heart of Angel but the fans and some WB affiliates aren't letting the series go without a fight. The online petition has now risen above 60,000 signatures and WB affiliates owned by Tribune Broadcasting (including KTLA in Los Angeles and WGN in Chicago) have protested the cancellation. Fans have already started raising money for the renewal effort, something that has Joss Whedon and series co-executive producer Jeff Bell a little worried. "We had a big fan party," Bell told IGN FilmForce staffer Ken Plume late Friday. "We told people there to please save their hard earned money. We're just telling people, 'Thanks for all your support but please don't spend your money.'" That's not to say that Bell and others at the Angel production offices aren't supportive of efforts to save the series, such as the packets of hair gel some fans are sending to executives at the WB. "Hair gel... If people want to do what they're doing because it's fun and it makes them feel like they're participating, I'm for it. It's just we're hearing about people raising a lot of money. It's telling that the fans are willing to spend more money saving the show that the WB is willing to spend to have it." There's a resignation to Bell's voice that immediately tells you he doesn't believe the outlook for the show's future is good. "If there's any shot at all, it's at UPN. That's going to happen strictly on financial reasons for them." If UPN wants the series, the clock is ticking, according to Bell. "I believe there was a ten-day window to the offer and I think that's coming up but I don't know the end date to that. It seems like a long shot. I think we all took it as we are cancelled for next year and if something else happens, fantastic but we've been 'bubble boys' for so many years now so to actually have some knowledge that it's ending and sort of treat it as such is in some ways ... at least we know. It was really difficult last year not knowing and as a show runner trying to keep all my great writers from taking a job that pays them more money on other shows, saying, 'I really think we're coming back, I really think we're coming back.' Luckily we did and I got all those wonderful people to come back. "I love the show and I love the people we work with. It's been great. They've told us we are cancelled and we're going under that umption until we hear otherwise. It's just too hard not to. "We took a big budget hit to come back this year and we really struggled to keep our show as cool as we felt it really could be with less money. I don't see it coming back, if anyone else picks it up, with more money. It's probably less again. And I would really hate to keep some sort of corpse alive that was a shadow of what it was just to keep it going. I'd much rather go out on top, with a bang with it being every bit as cool as we can make it. Right now I'm just figuring that episode 22 of this year will be our big finale. "I don't see how we can make it for a lower price. It would become some other show. I think there are so many factors for the show to come back and to succeed and all those would have to be weighed at the time. So we're really not focusing on that right now, we're just focusing on making the last handful of episodes really cool." Rumors began cirulating almost immediately about some potential guest stars helping to make those episodes even more cool but, according to Bell, nothing has been finalized in the guest star department just yet. He reports that the cast and crew are keeping their spirits up while still facing the inevitable fate of anyone that works in Hollywood: someday you'll have to look for a new job. "Like everyone else, my agent's out putting my name in the hats around town. Most of us are pretty busy here just trying to keep the ship afloat." So is there any chance that Bell would take a staff writer position at, say, Dark Shadows? Bell laughed at the obvious joke. "You know, I'm thinking I've been on a really great vampire show for three years. And I hear it's not funny." Meanwhile, there's still work to be done for this season. Regardless of what happens, everyone is under contract to stick around until episode 22 wraps, which will be in mid-April. "There's still mourning but there's a feeling of 'We have to get back to work.' The nice thing is that, by the time we get to the wrap party, it's going to be a really fun party as opposed to finding out a few weeks before we wrap that it's over and there's a sort of dark cloud hanging over it. I think the wrap party's going to be a celebration of five years of a really great TV show. "We knew we were doing really good shows this year and our [Nielsen] numbers were up. I think what [the WB] said at the 100th [episode] was true in terms of their love for the show and what we've contributed to WB. At the end of the day it really is all about their bottom line and if we don't make [financial] sense to them, they're not going to keep us hanging around. We all appreciate knowing. It's like someone finding out they only have six months to live so every one of those days is going to be precious. For all of us here, we're really enjoying one another and just loving the time we have here. We're just making the most of that." The WB had mentioned the possibility of television movies in their initial announcement. Does Bell think that is a genuine offer or just a way to deflect criticism? "I do think the WB creatively appreciates Angel and they feel it's one of their best written shows. I think it's a money thing. I think if it makes sense financially they'll do it. And if it doesn't, they won't. I really do think it's as cut and dried as that. There's very little romance left in television." _________________ TV Guide Online http://www.tvguide.com/tv/roush/review/ Roush Riff WB's cancellation of Angel after this season marks the end of a rich era in smart, scary fantasy that began in the spring of 1997, when Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer (from which Angel was spun) helped put the small network on the map. I hope Whedon's crew will have time to deliver a memorable finale, with the prospect of TV-movie adventures to follow — maybe a reunion with Buffy someday? But I foresee a long period of vamp withdrawal, and all I can say is that WB's proposed remake of Dark Shadows for next season had better be good. Trading Angel and Spike for a reincarnation of Barnabas Collins? I don't know what to think.

elendenika: Geroneja(03/02/04 11:26:48) Васкес, спасибо за ссылки, начиталась, наголосовалась )) ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(03/02/04 16:20:55) Последние новости - неутешительные Похоже, UPN не горит желанием приютить у себя "Ангела" SyFy Portal http://www.syfyportal.com/article.php?id=1298 UPN To Pass On 'Angel' Author: Michael Hinman Date: 03-01-2004 Source: SyFy Portal If UPN is going to grab any show from The WB, it apparently will not be the popular "Angel" series, which wasn't popular enough with overall viewers to keep it on the air. While fans are going out of their way to try and save the show, one network that was a ray of light, apparently is going to pass on the opportunity to bring Joss Whedon back to its airwaves. A Viacom source tells SyFy Portal that UPN is reportedly going to say no to bringing the series over from The WB, putting the final nail in the coffin for the series. "The show is just too far in its lifespan to really make decent money on it," the source said. "It was a mistake for UPN to grab 'Buffy' so late, and it ended up costing (the network) money. 'Roswell' is another example of how it just isn't feasible for UPN at this time." The WB cancelled "Angel" last month, effective at the end of the current season. In the announcement, The WB said it wanted to give the series a chance to end the way the producers want it to end, and that this would be a fitting way to do it. After the cancellation, the producers apparently opened up talks with UPN, but even at the beginning, some people connected to the show admitted that earning a UPN pickup was a "long shot."

elendenika: Geroneja(03/02/04 17:08:21) Такого на ночь начитаешься, так вообще ничего не хочется! Эх, но надеемся пока.. ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Loy Yver(03/02/04 17:51:28) Человек живет надеждой (с). Но все это крайне печально. Жаль. Очень жаль. -------- Suum Cuique (c) Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Geroneja(03/05/04 17:00:30) Никто не нает, правда ли это, но а вдруг??? Копирую сюда и в спойлерный раздел: I got this on the http://www.saveangel.org/ site. It was in the forums: http://www.pixsys.co.uk/angel/forum/ The topic can be found here for anyone who wants to read/see it: Here’s what Rebecca on the saveangel.org forums had to say: Okay, so I got this off of the City of Angel Forum. I think its not true, but I am going to post it anyway. The person who posted this, posts often, so I know it isn’t spam, I just don’t think its true. So here goes: "My friend flukie (inside info guy) has informed me that the WB has signed Angel up for a 6th season provided that the rating increase and the pleas to keep angel alive are massing over the 2 million mark so the WB will consider Angel to be its most important asset." Okay, seriously, I do not know how reliable this is. The guy who wrote it posts often, so I know he is not just spamming the site. Everyone at City of Angel were saying that it was a lot of crap too, but here is what he had to say in response. "no no joke this is serious my friend know loads of stuff before most people get a wind of it and he’s about 98.6 % accurate on all Angel things." The WB hasn’t confirmed anything on this yet. Just to let you know. So take it with a grain of salt. I’m not believing anything until it’s been confirmed. I’m not gonna get my hopes up or anything because then I will just be let down even more. Let’s hope this turns out to be true. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- « Previous Article - Back to the Homepage - Next Article » Forum for this article : Answer to this article March 5th, 2004, by Sandy, Canada Just a further note, I noticed today on the WB website "Angel will return" message board that the WB is not immediately deleting any posts that refer to fans rallying together to save Angel, the scheduled Rally in LA on March 12th, or references to go and sign the petition. Previously they were deleting any message containing this info right away. When I tested my theory the message I had posted was still on the message board hours later. Also, there were many others directing fans to the save Angel websites, petitions and the LA Rally. I thought this was kind of strange as they were deleting messages with these references immediately before. Maybe this is a sign. http://www.buffy.nu/article.php3?id_article=3446 -------- Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(03/06/04 13:42:58) Странные дела... Нашла я оригинал, откуда все это происходит... http://www.cityofangel.com/phorum/read.php?f=2&i=146666&t=146666 Само по себе звучит бредово : почему 2 миллиона открыток? Почему не 1 и не 10? Но в общем и целом такое впечатление, что на The WB "процесс пошел"... Правда, не совсем понятно, в какую сторону. Я внимательно просмотрела ветку, на которой появился пост "Оза". Нашла там одно очень любопытное высказывание. Author: RavenU (57.69.19.---) Date: 03-05-04 18:33 I'm full of cynical hope at this point that OZ info may be right how ever wrong about the WB caring anything about UK viewers or DVD rights. Angel is shown on a FOX owned network in the UK and they are the ones who get the money from DVD sales, the WB never enters into. With that said I could see Levin do an about face on Angel, for one he has already created more free publicity for the WB by cancelling the show then they ever got while it was running this season and the WB is in bad need of press, even bad press since it is tanking big time in the overalls for TW. Two, so far since the announcement of Angel's cancellation 2 of the drama pilots the WB was concidering for the fall have had to push back production due to scheduling conflicts and production problems pushing them beyond the fall time frame and into mid-season. This is a blow to the WB line up especially since one was Global Frequency - the action-adventure drama based on the comic book and the one I think more than DS was the replacement for Angel in the line-up. Three, I think with people focusing some of their postcard to affiliates and putting pressure on them - I think Levin is feeling the pressure from all sides and Tribune in particular with a 22% share can apply pressure to the netlet's CEO since his company had a 10% lodd in revenues last year. One rule in Hollywood don't piss off the stockholders - just ask Eisner about that one. Человек действительно разбирается на профессиональном уровне, и в курсе последних новостей, это видно по последней фразе про Айснера - я читала материалы о том, как его скинули. Поэтому могу сказать, что Ворон У - либо настоящий инсайдер, либо кто-то, кто очень внимательно отслеживает все события в мире шоубиза. Tribune действительно очень сильно давит на The WB - на Спарклях многие писали, что их местные филиалы, которые принадлежат Tribune, отвечают на письма зрителей советами не сдаваться и писать в верха. Поэтому информация товарища ВоронаУ очень любопытная. Я, например, еще нигде не видела упоминаний о том, что Dark Shadows и Global Frequency не успевают к сроку из-за производственных проблем - такие вещи стараются не выносить на суд общественности. Если это правда, у The WB складывается хреновая ситуация с осенним репертуаром, и они могут пойти на попятный и продлить хотя бы на 13 серий, а там видно будет... В связи с этим - новая голосовалка. На Яху снова голосование по нашему вопросу. Какое шоу больше всего стоило бы продлить на следующий сезон? Лидирует "Ангел". Стоит поддержать, поскольку это действительно существенный момент, на который могут обратить внимание. http://tv.yahoo.com/ Данные на 23.00 Which of these endangered TV shows would you most like to save? Thanks for voting! 8508 votes to date Angel 38% 3236 votes Ed 9% 801 votes Tru Calling 7% 631 votes Arrested Development 8% 691 votes Boston Public 11% 1014 votes Enterprise 9% 789 votes Miss Match 6% 565 votes One Tree Hill 9% 781 votes Еще одна голосовалка - не "во спасение", а так, для забавы (и - для протокола - это не я написала неправильно фамилию Дэвида, это товарищи на сайте так отличились). http://spacecast.com/Index.asp?projectPollID=40 Which of these soon-to-be cancelled Angel actors is most likely to have an acting "afterlife"? David Boreanz (Angel) 25% James Marsters (Spike) 25% Alexis Denisof (Wesley Wyndham Price) 25% Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia) 25% Пока все кандидаты идут очень ровно.. Посмотрим, что будет дальше. Кстати, прочитала где-то, что голосовать за "Ангела" на http://spacecast.com/ можно неоднократно. Правда, там долго грузится, зараза...

elendenika: Geroneja(03/06/04 16:26:53) На половину второго по Киеву: Which of these endangered TV shows would you most like to save? Thanks for voting! 9298 votes to date Angel 38% 3573 votes Ed 9% 874 votes Tru Calling 7% 684 votes Arrested Development 8% 752 votes Boston Public 11% 1086 votes Enterprise 9% 876 votes Miss Match 6% 607 votes One Tree Hill 9% 846 votes Неплохо идем, учитывая выходные дни ) Васкес, большое спасибо за ссылочки, информация про Tribune все время проскальзывает то здесь, то там, 22% - это немалый вес, так что кто знает, как оно повернется... Бум надеяться! ------- Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Loy Yver(03/06/04 19:08:03) Васкез, Геро, Спасибо большое за информацию. А вдруг?.. Чем черт не шутит?! -------- Suum Cuique (c) Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(03/07/04 05:09:45) Новости по кампании спасения: они собрали 17 тысяч и планитруют широкую рекламно-спасательную кампанию: They've raised over $17,000, and have three ads going out: The Hollywood Reporter March 9 Variety March 15 Mobile billboard campaign in Los Angeles running March 15 - March 26. Guerilla Billboards. И писать они теперь будут начальству над Джорданом Левином: This is our new game plan: While continuing to flood Tribune with our support, as per their request, we've also decided to think big and hit The WB where it hurts the most: The Big Bosses, AKA The Big Shareholders. Time Warner, Inc. holds 66% of the stock of The WB, and so we picked our new target for a post card avalanche from among the Time Warner brass. These are our current targets: Time Warner, Inc Jeffrey L. Bewkes Chairman, Entertainment and Networks Time Warner, Inc. 75 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10019 USA Tribune Broadcasting Company Patrick J. Mullen, President Tribune Broadcasting Company Ste. 1800, 435 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60611 USA We chose Mr. Bewkes because his position is higher than Jordan Levin's (head of The WB) in the corporation, so he has power over Levin, and because he is part of the upper corporate structure, working in the division where the stock is held. Any way you slice it, having Mr. Bewkes aware of our efforts and commitment to save ANGEL, is a great thing. As stated above, we also chose to continue to hit Mr. Mullen, the president of Tribune Broadcasting Company, to provide Tribune with the fan support they asked for, if and when they decide to voice their dissatisfaction with the loss of ANGEL. Tribune Broadcasting Company holds a 22% stake in the WB Network making it second largest shareholder, behind Time Warner's 66% share and ahead of the 11% held by WB network executives. С учетом того, что на The WB "горят" два телепроекта" - ситуация становится действительно интересной...

elendenika: Geroneja(03/07/04 12:16:29) Плюс чикагская Tribune все знаю, как настроена ) То ли еще будет! На 12-е марта назначена демонстрация в поддержку "Ангела" в Л.А. ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Loy Yver(03/07/04 13:30:45) На 12-е марта назначена демонстрация в поддержку "Ангела" в Л.А. Хм... Да... Ну, думаю, что не ошибусь, если скажу, что душой мы будем с демонстрантами. ---------- Suum Cuique (c) Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Geroneja(03/07/04 17:02:18) Еще кое-что появилось, дублирую в оба топика BSKYB BACKS ANGEL I sent 3 emails to Sky Tv in the UK last week and i have just got a reply back. As people know Sky One show all new episodes of Angel here in the UK so i wanted to know what they thought about Angel being canceled and what they knew about it. I asked several questions about Angel and they have replied to each of them. Here is the reply i got : Thank you for your email, we are glad to hear you are enjoying the new season of Angel on Sky One . Here at Sky One we too where suprised by the decison to cancel Angel after its current season. Angel has always been one of our more popular programs with a loyal and passionate fan base. To answer your question yes Sky have been in contact with both the producers of the show and the American based broadcast network The WB and we are told that discussions are going ahead behind closed doors to try and secure a sixth season of Angel but unfortunantly we are not privy to the information from these discussions. Sky One have assured the producers of the show they have our 100% support and we intend to continue showing Angel on our channel should an agreement be made to secure another season. As to your question of other networks picking up the show, unfortunantly we do not have information on this but be assured everything is being done to try and bring Angel back to Sky One next year. Kind Regards http://www.buffy.nu/article.php3?id_article=3481 ------- Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(03/08/04 03:37:51) Ситуация развивается... А это - наш старый друг Стальной Пес с форумов The WB. Говорит, начальство заседает. Значит, еще не все потеряно. Авось, что-нибудь назаседают... This was posted by SteelDogDG over at the WB forums. He appears to be reliable. Quote: Hi all. Just wanted to update you guys. Just when I thought all was dead, I received a ray of hope. There are some additional meetings going on this week with the PTB. I cannot elaborate with who but only tell you that it is someone we are all familiar with. Don't get all excited yet. These are only talks. However, it appears that the several campaigns going on just can't be ignored. Even though this is not a shining light, there just might be a light at the end of the tunnel. This might not turn out to be anything. However, the fact that additional meetings are occuring means that at least somebody is listening.

elendenika: SanAnn(03/08/04 03:42:45) Хотелось бы мне тоже поверить в этот свет в конце туннеля. Одна новость о том, что кампании не прошли для руководства незамечанными, уже обнадеживает.

elendenika: VasquezE(03/12/04 04:26:58) Из колонки Кристин E!Online http://www.eonline.com/Gossip/Kristin/Archive2004/040312.html Divine Intervention from Angel's Admirers--and a Quippy Q&A with the O.C. OGs The results are in on this year's Save One Show campaign--where you, the fans, voted for the endangered series you most want to save from cancellation. I can think of only one word to describe them: holy-freakin'-poop. Over the past two weeks, more than 400,000 (!) E! Onliners from around the world--Latin America to Australia and Asia--sounded off in our poll. The winning show received an astounding 85 percent (!!) of the votes. That show is the WB's Angel. As promised, I am writing letters to the network suits (at both the WB and UPN, which has been pitched the show) to help make your voices heard. The original plan was to do this for the top three contenders, but because Angel took such a huge chunk of the pie, the other series--including Arrested Development, Boston Public, Enterprise, Ed, Miss Match, One Tree Hill and Tru Calling--each received only 1 to 3 percent of the votes. So, this year, SOS is all about Angel. To the Powers That Be at the WB and UPN: TV fans around the world have spoken through E! Online's Save One Show campaign, showing overwhelming support for the recently canceled Angel. On their behalf, I am here to beg, plead and share with you the top five reasons this undead champ deserves to live. 1. The Fan Efforts Are Unprecedented. Not only have Angel supporters signed petitions (more than 75,000 on one site alone) and donated their own money for full-page ads in the Hollywood Reporter and Variety, they're taking positive action by sending flowers to WB executives such as Jordan Levin (who, in turn, has passed them along to children's hospitals), organizing rallies in Los Angeles and Hamburg, Germany--and even holding a blood drive to keep Angel alive. You will not find more dedicated fans! 2. The Ratings Are Strong. Its average of 3.7 million viewers this season--those aforementioned die-hard fans--proves Angel packs more Nielsen's power than most WB and UPN shows. And thanks to syndication on TNT, many new viewers are discovering the series. 3. The Fans Deserve a Good Send-Off. The cancellation happened so late in the game that mastermind Joss Whedon simply doesn't have time to work up an adequate farewell--one with all the brilliant touches I'm sure he'd imagined for Angel's swan song. According to my sources, producers have contacted Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan and Michelle Trachtenberg about returning, but due to the late notice, none have yet been able to commit. Sarah might be available, but Alyson is starring in a London play and Michelle has been cast in a Disney movie, so they aren't expected to be back. 4. The New Dynamic Is Working: It has been around for five seasons, but Angel really hit its stride this year with the addition of James Marsters and the big, fancy Wolfram & Hart set. The storylines have kept us on the edge of our seats--proving there is lots more life in the show. 5. It's One of the Best Dramas on Television: Sorry, but it has to be said. With shows like The Help, The Mullets and Run of the House getting screentime this season, the WB and UPN should feel lucky to have a show like Angel to avoid sinking further into a pit of mediocrity. Angel has more heart and soul than any of that cheesy "family programming" and boasts some of the best writing on television, which is why it's consistently championed by critics and fans alike. It's never too late to do the right thing. Save Angel, and you'll be a hero to millions of fans around the world (and one lowly tube maven who'll never be the same without it). И новое интервью Ведона в SFX http://www.totallydavidboreanazuk.com/ARTICLES%20UK/sfx1162004.htm Angel Axed- Extract of Joss Whedon Interview-SFX APRIL 2004 #116 -Transcribed by Karen on Totallydavidboreanazuk America's WB Network announced on Friday 13 February that Angel was to be cancelled at the end of the current season. Despite the show's ratings having improved, the network still felt that the numbers didn't justify a sixth season. "It's the end of an era," Joss Whedon tells SFX in an exclusive interview. "Even more than the conclusion of Buffy was, because I really don't know when the Buffyverse will appear again in filmed form." As fans were disheartened to recently learn, the WB cancelled the show despite the fact that its format had been pretty dramatically rejigged to make it more standalone as opposed to featuring long story arcs, and more importantly, that the show's ratings had actually been going up. But as far as the show's creator is concerned, the cancellation will not impact all that much on the series' final episode. "We had such a hard time getting this season at all that I came into it figuring that it might well be our last," says Whedon. "What I came up with at the very beginning of the year was a season-ender that really would have closure for the entire show as well as the year, but then opened up a lot of interesting avenues should we get our sixth season. I then became convinced that we would, because things were going so well. So while it was a horrible blow to find out that we were being cancelled, I didn't have to change what we were doing and could proceed straight ahead. What we planned to go out on was very much a statement that applies to what the show has been about since day one." In previous interviews, he noted that he had come up with the perfect note for the "symphony" of Buffy the Vampire Slayer at the end of year five when the character sacrificed her life to save the world, but Angel doesn't represent quite the same thing. "While this is a good note for the end of this particular movement," he says, staying with the metaphor, " I did not feel that this particular symphony was over. Originally I wanted to go out after five on Buffy because I was very tired; it wasn't that I didn't think there were more stories to tell. And I'm glad I got to do those last two seasons. With Angel, the burnout level is not as high. I don't have to run it day to day, I've had great partners on it and it hasn't been a drain on me. And it's really defined itself so much so many times, that it's remained very fresh. The show has done extra-ordinary stuff from the very first season." Fans might possibly find solace in the fact that the WB and FOX, the studio behind the show, have expressed interest in potential Angel TV Movies for next season. While initially not holding out much hope for such a thing, from a business point of view Whedon understands why it might be a good idea. "I'm interested if the manpower exists," he explains. "But if all of my actors and writers have other jobs, not so much. If I was to find a confluence of people who were into it, there's a possibility it could be interesting. Without the writers, though, there's no way I would be interested. You're never going to put something on screen just because you can. It's always got to be because you should."

elendenika: Geroneja(03/12/04 11:07:55) Васкес, спасибо Что-то как-то грустно мне, но будем надеяться --------- --------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(03/12/04 16:05:54) Ну, скажу я вам... Народ выходит на улицы Save Angel Week Kicks Off with LA Rally Campaign efforts span the globe as fans plan rallies and blood drives in the upcoming weeks. 10 MARCH, LOS ANGELES-- ANGEL fans from around the world are showering WB Co-CEO Jordan Levin with signs of devotion to their favorite vampire with a soul. From flower arrangements to advertising to rallies and blood drives, the campaigns to save the cancelled WB series ANGEL have hit full steam. Burbank area florists received a mini economic boom as over 100 flower bouquets began delivery Wednesday to the offices of The WB, all aimed at Jordan Levin. Cards expressed sympathy for the potential loss of viewers, as well as words of support if the network reverses its decision. The initial suggestion came from The WB's own online message board, and spread to all the campaign sites. On Friday, the Save ANGEL Rally kicks off "Save ANGEL Week" which runs through March 19th. The LA Rally will draw hundreds to a peaceful demonstration in front of the Warner Brothers studios in Burbank, California. Rally organizer Pepper Aahz said, "We're going to show the WB executives that there are enough fans to make a difference, that we are willing to fight for ANGEL." Next Wednesday, March 17, will be national "Give Blood for ANGEL" day. Fans from around the country will be stopping by their local Red Cross blood bank to donate in the name of the series. Individual donor cards reading "I gave my blood for ANGEL" will be sent to the network in demonstration of how much fans want to see the show continued. One campaign, at SavingAngel.org, has ads running in industry magazines, beginning with a March 9th full-page in The Hollywood Reporter. On March 15th, a similar ad will appear in Variety. Earlier in the week, viewers were buoyed by insider information that their efforts had already returned the production companies and The WB to the negotiating table. A source with connections to Mutant Enemy posted a tip that talks were currently underway to bring ANGEL back from the dead. An earlier message sent from News Corporation's UK satellite company BSkyB seemed to confirm that the parties were feeling the pressure from both ANGEL viewers and broadcasters. ABOUT THE SAVE ANGEL RALLY The Save ANGEL Rally was originated and organized by Pepper Aahz, a 25-year-old mother of two in San Jose, California. Aahz feels a strong connection to the show, for a particularly personal reason: her autistic son learned to speak because of it. "Therapists and surgeries didn't have the same impact on my child as a good guy saving the world with a cool sword. After two years of watching, he now has a semi-full vocabulary." Said Aahz, "I owe it all to the cast and crew of Buffy [the Vampire Slayer] and Angel." Through the series, Aahz has found friendship and escape from daily worries: "Because of this show, I have met the most amazing people. Every Wednesday, the same group of us meet to watch ANGEL, and regardless of personal stress, we can always put it aside for one hour, together." FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Pepper Ahz, Organizer, Save Angel Rally-LA SaveAngelRally.com pepper@saveangelrally.com

elendenika: Geroneja(03/12/04 16:39:24) А люди пишут открытые и доовльно странные письма Джоссу, которые вызвали уже бурю недовольства: Columnist Hank Green couldn't imagine there was more than one Joss in the public eye. Disappointed at not finding an open letter to Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, he drafted one. Dear Joss Whedon, You are very good. Not only did you bind my soul with a story of nerdy yet surprisingly attractive high school students overcoming insurmountable odds to become a band of vampire-slaying and world-saving misfits, you wrote it to an audience of us. Us being nerdy high school students with a strong internal desire for a tangible reason to live. You ended Buffy with flair and simplicity. The lives were going in all the right places, the final scene was touching, brief and thought-provoking, and the lives that were ended were beautiful and perfect. We were done with high school, for a couple years by then, had enjoyed going to college with Willow and Xander, but it was time for the epic battle to be won. The reason I am writing, however, is that you created Angel. A spinoff, and by all rights, one aimed at angsty twenty-somethings who had a strong internal desire for a tangible reason to live. In our twenties, Joss, is when we should be finding our own reason to live. But what happened is that you provided us another band of our peers (and a 200-something-year-old vampire) who lived for undeniable truths. Helping the helpless, saving individual lives, destroying evil no matter what form it took. That's what Angel Investigations did, and that is where tens of thousands of fans found meaning in their lives. Now, 5 years later, we're out of college and in the workforce, just like Cordelia and Fred, or we're doing our best with only a high school education like Gun, and the Fight of Angel Investigations has become our fight. Our lives are largely without meaning but, in that City of Angels you created, there is something to fight for. Did you know this? And what did you think when the WB came to you and said this would be your last season. Did you think "Finally all those twenty-somethings will be able to find their own meaning in life?" That's what I thought, pleased that I would be free from my last binding TV interest. Or did you think, "I bet tens of thousands of twenty-somethings across America will band together and fight for this show. They will fight because they finally have something to fight for. They will fight because without Angel their lives lose the vicarious and fleeting meaning the show gives to them. They will fight to the tune of raising over $17,000 that should, by all rights, be going to John Kerry's campaign"? Well they are fighting, and SavingAngel.org did raise over $17,000 dollars for print and billboard advertisements shouting "We will follow Angel to Hell...or another network!" I don't know why the WB would renew Angel for my sake. I certainly still watch the show, and though you've just killed off the only female character (aside from the obedient pit bull in a valley girl's body; Harmony), and all of the male characters are annoyingly broody and relatively unattractive, I am still enjoying the plot twists, and moral messages, not to mention the "good fight" against "evil doers." But I haven't watched the WB in over a year. I don't have a television, so I download Angel every week from supernova.org, and, to save bandwidth and time, they cut the commercials out. The WB doesn't make any money off me, so why should I be disappointed they're pulling the show? What I'm disappointed about is you forcing a fantasy world onto lonely intelligent high school and college graduates who had full lives ahead of them. Buffy was gone and maybe, just maybe, we could have found lives of our own. But you took our good years, the years where we lose our self consciousness and do our best to break free of the useless American Dream. Many of us are stuck now, and with slogans like "Angel has been saving the world for years, now he needs your help" the lost are reaching out for the crutch you've provided for them and that has now been yanked away. They don't need it, and the only way I will be pleased with you as an individual (I will always respect the plotlines and fantastic writing of both series) is if, at the shows end, you give the lonely confused Angel fans of the world something real to care about. You need to show them one or a thousand things in the real world that are worth fighting for, and then I will respect you and we can be friends again. Love, Hank http://www.knotmag.com/ ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(03/14/04 07:12:16) Странное письмо. Я бы обвинила Джосса в другом - что он привил нам вкус к хорошему ТВ, которого остается все меньше и пеньше, и что теперь вообще ничего смотреть не захочется. По делу: На Спарклях мне попался на глаза очень любопытный обмен мнениями относительно финансовой стороны дела. Я посталась "законспектировать" его и сделать более читабельным. spikeylover Just read the thread at ASSB about the rally The exec claimed that if we really want Angel to return, we should pressure Fox to lower its licencing fee, saying that they raised it the same way they did Buffy after the 5th year, which is why they can't afford it." Eddy Why didn't they say this when they canceled the show? Zoriah Hmm I wonder if there was any substance to what the WB'ers said about liscensing fees being an issue - I mean yeah it sounds like more hedging/excuses/bs BUT if it is a valid issue, should we do something about this? Target the FOX guys? ECH Obviously because the offical statements are meant for the general public, they aren't going to say to the public that in deep negotiations with Fox we offered X and they wanted Y and we couldn't do it so talks feel apart. And, The WB still wants to preserve its relationship with Fox pertaining to shows like Lost in Space or other future works, so you won't see The WB badmouthing Fox or blaming them for the death of AtS in any interviews or offical releases from the network. However, off the cuff stuff is sometimes acceptable. In fact Fox's semi offical policy has been to steadly raise the license fees for its shows, and this also completely goes along with what I heard about Fox scoffing at the WB when it came to license fee negotiations. Now, I don't think in any way the WB are nice guys, but this is big business and for the most part big business is amoral and all about the bottom line. unfilthy Angel already took serious budget cuts this season. I may not trust Fox, but when Bell says that they can't make a quality show if they have to cut the budget again, I tend to believe him over WB rumors. ECH This isn't even about the budget of AtS as much as it is about how much money Fox wants out of the deal. Just look at Buffy during season 6, there was no way in hell they were spending 2.35 million on each ep, basically Fox was making out like a bandit and taking a large percentage of the license fee for themselves. Fox could have set the license fee for Buffy under 2 million and still made a profit, however Fox wanted the extra money for themselves. Even if the WB decided to shell out extra money for AtS to Fox, it doesn't mean Fox will necessarily end up using the extra money to have better production values for AtS. More then likely Fox would just pocket most of the money and sprinkle bits of it to AtS. Ocipital Thing is for the first few years Angel was produced at a loss, syndication was a paltry 250l/ep. Its the way Fox and I do believe the studios generally work, they undercut existing shows then up the price when the networks hooked. Unfortunatly it means long running shows have to be hiked a lot to subsidise the huge losses made on shows that fail. Thats besides the point though, guven that the WB had a 2 year option, and Fox were in no position to ask for more money (other than any pre-existing escalators) И собственно новости. С 16 по 26 марта кампания по спасению будет проходить на грузовиках, развозящих по городу рекламные щиты. Если хотите посмотреть, как это выглядит - сходите http://www.gbtruck.com/ А это - маршрут следования 1. 8:30 – 9:00 Warner Brothers Studios West Olive Ave., Burbank 2. 9:00 – 9:30 WB Corp. & WB TV Network Offices 4000 Warner Blvd., Burbank 3. 9:40 – 10:10 KTLA Studios 5800 Sunset Blvd., LA 4. 10:15 – 10:45 Paramount Studios Melrose Ave., Hollywood 5. 10:50 – 11:50 Hollywood Reporter & Daily Variety Magazines 5055 & 5700 Wilshire Blvd., LA 6. 12:00 – 1:00 The Ryan Seacrest Show 6805 Hollywood Blvd., LA 7. 1:00 – 1:30 E! Entertainment Magazine 5750 Wilshire Blvd., LA 8. 1:45 – 2:15 Titan Magazine 8205 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood 9. 2:25 – 2:55 FX Network Offices 1440 South Sepulveda Blvd., LA 10. 3:00 – 3:30 UPN Network Offices 11800 Wilshire Blvd., LA 11. 3:35 – 4:05 TNT Offices 1888 Century Park East, LA 12. 4:05 – 4:35 HBO Offices 2049 Century Park East, LA 13. 4:40 – 5:10 Fox Television 2121 Avenue of the Stars, LA 14. 5:15 – 5:45 20th Century Fox Studios 10201 West Pico Blvd., Santa Monica

elendenika: Geroneja(03/14/04 12:42:34) Васкес, спасибо за новости )) Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Странное письмо. Я бы обвинила Джосса в другом - что он привил нам вкус к хорошему ТВ, которого остается все меньше и пеньше, и что теперь вообще ничего смотреть не захочется. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Полностью поддерживаю Первое интервью ДБ после отмены "Ангела", линия партии, я так понимаю... Just weeks after the drama series Angel celebrated its 100th episode, fans were stunned to hear it had been quietly cancelled by the Warner Bros network. But for its star, David Boreanaz, it was not all bad news after five seasons of playing TV’s vampire with a soul. Were you shocked or surprised when you heard the show was cancelled? I really wasn’t shocked or surprised. This is the way the business is. Like I said when I started the show, I worked on scene to scene, show to show. My commitment to it was 22 episodes each season, and when that’s done I’d consider it over. So it was actually a big relief for me and, personally, it gave me a big sense of freedom. I felt like a big weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Why is that? When you do 100 episodes and you’re carrying a show, it’s a lot of pressure. People rely on you for their jobs – the camera people, the craft services people, the lighting people. Yet you really owe it to yourself to examine what’s right and what’s wrong for you as an artist. I don’t owe anybody anything – I owe myself and my family. So for me, I feel like, ‘Oh, I don’t have to hold that cross anymore.’ As heavy as it may be or as light as it may be, it’s not a negative. It’s a good thing! How did you feel about the petition to save the show? I felt bad for the fans. When the producers took the show and re-tooled it in a way that took it in a different direction, it should have been the responsibility of the network to put a keen interest into it during that time. So I don’t think they handled it in the classiest way. And the fans are the people the network really screwed over. Will you keep any of the props or memorabilia from the show? I’ll keep a few things, but nothing major. There aren’t any of (Angel’s) suits I’d wear. You came back for the end of Buffy. Could Sarah Michelle Gellar come back for the Angel finale? If it happened it would be great, but I’m not generally in favour of “reunions” because there is no reason to go back. It took a lot to get me to do Buffy. At one point I really didn’t want to do it, but as a favour to Sarah I did it. Is your wife (actress Jaime Bergman) pleased you’ll be home more with her and your son? She’s not home that much either now her career is starting to bite. But I do hope to be home more with my wife and son because I’m not on set for nine months of the year. That is one thing about the show I won’t miss. Angel, Thursdays, 11.30pm, Seven/Prime http://www.slayerverse.de/tanet/net_buffy_us/?navi=news.php&id=6155 --------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Loy Yver(03/14/04 20:03:05) Хм... Мдямс... Ну и "линия партии"... Может быть, я что-то не так поняла, но, похоже, "бобик сдох". Или, как говаривала в подобных ситуациях моя прабабушка (мир ее праху!): "Кина не будет, кинщик спился". Дамы, стукните меня, да посильнее, если я не права. Я буду рада. ------------- Suum Cuique (c) Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Geroneja(03/15/04 11:07:21) Я те дам сдох ) Если честно, то мне наоборот показалось, что он специально на эти вопросы обтекаемо отвечает, будто заранее была дана установка говорить то-то и то-то.. Эх, посмотрим, не будем пока бобика хоронить... ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: squirrelD(03/16/04 01:35:26) Зубы проч от бобика!!!!!! Хотя меня тоже это его "я не я и хата не моя" задело, но с другой стороны, а как еще он может реагировать? Стенать, вот мол, сволочи работы лишили? ------------ James Marsters.ru Eliza Dushku in Russia Forum

elendenika: VasquezE(03/16/04 06:53:34) Вот и Ванда\Кристин вроде пока надеется... E!Online http://www.eonline.com/ Watch With Kristin - Chat Transcript Monday, March 15, 2004 nobledisaster asks: I heard rumblings that Angel might have some breath of a chance left in it. Please tell us heartbroken fans that there's a glimmer of hope! Kristin replies: BIG OLD AD in Variety today, rally on Friday, win from this year's SOS campaign (85 percent of the votes!!), flowers and candy bars to the higher-ups ... the momentum just keeps building!! Honestly, every day I'm more and more hopeful ... Though, sadly, haven't heard any concrete good news as of yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seba_88 asks: Do you think the SOS's gonna change their desition? More than 30,000 persons (including me) voted for Angel; I mean, that gotta do something Kristin replies: Wrong. THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY THOUSAND OF YOU. That's GOT to send a message, no? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- laurelene asks: Is it true that Michelle Trachtenberg is coming back to Angel? Kristin replies: Read this week’s big ol Angel column, if you haven’t yet. According to the show’s rep, Michelle, Sarah Michelle and Alyson (Hannigan) all have been asked to come back to the show, but so far, no commitments. Michelle is doing a movie for Disney, Alyson is doing a play, and Sarah Michelle is supposedly ready and willing, but we’ll see what actually goes down. My HUNCH based on everything I’ve heard (including Sarah’s interview with Sci Fi wire) is that Alyson and Sarah will appear, and that Michelle will not. In the meantime, producers have worked up a storyline that might or might not include the actually players: Angel and Spike will come across Buffy’s new beau (I hate him already, don’t you?) and will have a “run-in” with both Summers girls (Buffy and Dawn) though it remains to be seen whether they will be SEEN. The only KNOWN guest star in that episode (numero 20) is Andrew. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- chloe1292 asks: Now we just need angel on fox... Kristin replies: FO SHIZZLE! Or, make that, FOX SHIZZLE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- milesfrom730 asks: This five week hiatus thing sucks! Will we be given Angel-ic-y goodness when the show returns? Do tell. Kristin replies: The ETERNAL hiatus sucks even more, no? Illyria is going to meet up with Fred’s parents, as Fred. And Wesley will be PISSED. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kristin: Thanks for being here and keeping me out of the pool hall (or SADLY away from daytime tv, as the case may be .. ay yai yai). Don't forget to watch Arrested Development on Wednesday and Sunday, Wonderfalls on Thursday, and DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN to save Angel! Peace out, mo fos.

elendenika: Geroneja(03/16/04 11:42:37) Вот, даже Ванда/Кристин надеется, а мы чем хуже? -------- Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(03/17/04 09:06:09) Что любопытно - ДМ помалкивает. Ни слова, ни полслова. А тем временем рекламные грузовички-то поехали... ----------- http://www.sparklies.org/gallery/categories.php?cat_id=109

elendenika: Geroneja(03/17/04 12:07:15) Ага, ДМ молчит, видать, что-то знает )) А грузовички хорошие, внимание точно привлекают ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(03/22/04 10:12:46) Грузовички... Грузовички доехали до агентств новостей. Могли бы и раньше, но на выходные, похоже, репортеры расслабились. Зато в начале рабочей недели проявили энтузиазм. The Hollywood Reporter написал, Reuters и CNN подхватили... "Save 'Angel' Campaign Takes Flight" http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=597&e=1&u=/nm/20040322/tv_nm/television_angel_dc Save 'Angel' Campaign Takes Flight 2 hours, 15 minutes ago Add Entertainment - Reuters TV to My Yahoo! By Chris Gardner LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - "Angel" acolytes are nothing if not devoted, determined and organized. Fans of Joss Whedon's soon-to-be-canceled WB Network drama series sprung into action last month once it became official that the spawn of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" would get the big spike in May. The Save Angel postcards and full-page ads have been flowing into The Hollywood Reporter and other publications for weeks, but "Angel" fans distinguished themselves from past fan-fueled salvage initiatives last week by hiring (at $700 a day) a billboard truck to drive around Los Angeles and park at strategic locations (including THR's Wilshire Boulevard offices, Warner Bros. and the WB, Paramount, UPN, HBO and 20th Century Fox) for maximum impact and, of course, free media exposure. ("We will follow 'Angel' to hell . . . or another network," the billboard promises.) Theresa Fortier, one of the instigators of the http://www.savingangel.org/ Web site, said the group has raised some $22,000 from several hundred donors in just a few weeks. The truck will cruise around for at least another week, and more print ads are likely to be placed. "We've made it clear to (donors) that what we're doing wouldn't necessarily save the show, but if no one was gonna go broke, we'd appreciate whatever they could give," Fortier said. "We just want it known that we're concerned that the end seems near for quality TV drama. We don't want to lose the one last tie we have to the Joss Whedon universe." Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

elendenika: Geroneja(03/22/04 12:21:45) Хорошо, что хоть после выходных опомнились, особенно такие товарищи, как Рейтерс и CNN ) ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(03/26/04 04:17:05) Новости Интересные дела творятся в Сети... Руководитель Mutant Enemy Крис Буханан лично заглянул на Bronze Beta и оставил послание следующего содержания: Message From Chris Buchanan, ME From the Bronze Beta Buchanan says: (Fri Mar 26 00:49:13 2004) [Edit/Delete] Hi, Chris Buchanan here from Mutant Enemy. Long time lurker, first time poster. Thought it was about time (OK, it's way past time), to give all of the ANGEL fans an enormous shout out/thank you directly from Joss and all of us at Mutant Enemy. Your kind words, support and efforts (flowers, beanie babies, postcards, mobile billboards, adverts, etc., etc.) in the weeks since the cancellation of ANGEL was announced, have been darn near overwhelming. We really, really appreciate the love. It goes without saying here at the Bronze Beta, but I also wanted to let you all know that the Buffy/Angel-verse will never die. While we consider the possibility of Season 6 of ANGEL as remote as the discovery of WMDs in Iraq, Mutant Enemy already has plans for more tales from the world of ANGEL. I can't comment on exactly what form they'll take, but rest assured, it's in the works. Thanks again to all of the fans, the "Save Angel" organizations, and your efforts taken in our behalf. You kids are the best! Buchanan Естественно, народ ухватился за plans for more tales from the world of ANGEL. Особенно мило это звучит в сочетании с интересными формулировками из последнего интервью Белла: I was thinking of doing a Spike and Andrew [Tom Lenk] road trip episode. И в другом месте I know there is a faction of fans who want the reformed, 'Mr Romantic Season Seven of Buffy Spike... It's not that he's changed or we've forgotten that, it's just that he hasn't been put in the circumstances yet where you have seen just that side. Меня это YET царапнуло еще вчера, когда я его в первый раз увидела. А уж сейчас-то народ резвится вовсю. Естественно, Версия №1 - The Spike Show. Соло или в ансамбле - неважно. Есть и другие забавные предложения. Eurydice I'd even watch the Wonderful World of Eve and Harmony if it meant another Whedon show. And Harmony can smack Eve around in every episode. But I'm still clinging to my "Los Angelus Idol" pitch for a sixth season - in which there's a season-long reality talent show mixed in with the regular Angel plot line - Lorne gets to audition all the contestants, Angel and the Fang Gang get to judge them on talent and originality of their demon costumes, and the losers are "escorted" off the show by being killed along with the Monster of the Week. I'll let you know when Levin returns my phone calls. Узнала кое-что, чего, к своему стыду раньше не знала. с ASSB Q&A If something Spike-centric comes to pass, it won't be because of the Save Angel campaign. (It *might* be because of the Spike fan campaigns that've been ongoing since BtVS season 2.. season 2's "Soul For Spike!", season 3's "Bring Back Spike!", season 4's "Scoobie Spike!", the long-running Redemptionista campaigns (BAPS, etc..), Spuffy, "Spike on Angel!", Spangel... THOSE postcard/letter/online campaigns might have something to do with it....

elendenika: Geroneja(03/26/04 12:18:04) *скрестила пальцы и замерла* Если будет сериал о Спайке и Эндрю с гостевыми участиями остальных товарищей, то это просто мечта! ) Васкес, спасиб за новости, помню, читала, что во втором сезоне Спайка ж должны были еще в 10-й убить, но все решило не только решение Джосса, но и то, что Спайк (а лучше скажем Спайк в исполнении ДМ) так понравился зрителям ) --------- Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Loy Yver(03/26/04 21:15:58) Васкез, Спасибо большое! Новости приятные, если не сказать больше. Тьфу-тьфу-тьфу!!! Чтоб не сглазить! *скрестив все пальцы и сжав все кулачки, уползает под сковородку, надеяться* --------- Suum Cuique (c) Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Geroneja(03/27/04 16:45:49) Утащила с ВВВ, автор - Stars go blue, начало а-ля "Serenity" - вне конкуренции )) The Meeting: Place: A conference room somewhere in Hell-LAY Enter Jordan Levin accompanied by two non descript men in suits. Levin is wearing a suit, tie and a sporty bowler. A short time later Joss Whedon arrives. He is in full browncoat regalia. Brown Pants, boots, and suspenders. Surprisingly, he is cleanshaven. Whedon is followed by David Fury and David Greenwalt. Both are attired in vintage Hawaiian shirts. "You're late!" barks Levin. For some reason he has a cockney accent. "You're lying'" retorts Whedon. He has forgotten that his hat was to be in hand, metaphorically speaking. The good guys not wearing hats and all. "What did you say to me?" asks Levin. Whedon recovers himself quickly. "I meant that we are here at the appointed time. If you say we are late, it is only because you are upset about something and have decided to go on the offensive." Levin accepts what is hardly an apology, but since it is close to the truth he says what has been bothering him. Nodding he states "I have been on edge lately. Your fans unnerve me. The postcards, the flowers, the billboards," shudders, "the media attention. It is a rabid group of rebels you lead, but they are frighteningly well organized and funded." Joss grins maliciously. "That's my fandom." "Their efforts won't help, of course" Levin continues without noting the comment, "The decision has been made. "Sure, Angel's numbers were up, but this was a business decision. The money is just not there. For your production costs we can make a full season of "The Surreal Life". Chuckles happily to himself. "Ron Jeremy and Tammy Faye. Now that is good family programming." Joss idly examines his fingernails, but glances up when the laughter stops. Greenwalt and Fury exchange looks. "So why am I here," He asks carefully. "if Angel is still dead?" Levin nods. "I was hoping to make Amends." Joss' mind wanders briefly to happier times and thoughts of miracle snow, but is snapped back to reality by Fury popping his knuckles loudly. "What did you have in mind?" Levin starts eagerly. "Have you heard about this new vampire show the WB is producing called Dark Shadows? We thought that you...." Joss stops him with a dark look. "I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling. Why don't we just ignore you said that until it goes away." "If I had wanted schooling, I'da gone to school," Levin snorted. "What about my offer, Joss. Can't you see the potential? Joss winces at the word, then quickly recovers. "You just cancelled my freaking show! The one about the vampires?! And now you want to talk to me about a vampire show?" Levin stares accusingly. "You think you're better than other people." "Just the ones I'm better than," Joss retorted. Getting warmed up he starts in on Levin. "So, what made you kill my show? Were there monkeys? Some terrifying spacemonkeys maybe got loose?" Levin grins. "Keep throwing out ideas like that. Excellent." The suited men take surreptitious notes behind him. "Monkeys work cheap." "Did the price of blackmarket beagles crash?" Whedon continues. "Was that all the financial backing there was supporting my show?" Levin begins to look puzzled. "Is he, you know, crazy?" he whispers to the two Dave's. Fury nods, hiding a grin. "Bug shagging crazy." "Totally sack of hammers,"Greenwalt throws in for good measure. Whedon begins to wind down from the rant. He places a square gaze on Levin. "Angel will not die, Levin. You know why? Because my cast is so very pretty. This show is just too pretty for God to let it die." "Maybe not on the WB, but somewhere and somehow the story will continue." "In the meantime, I believe that our business here is concluded. Gentleman." Whedon nods and begins to exit the room, followed closely by his crew. Levin leans towards them. "You may live to regret this! We may never give you another opportunity like this one! You could have really taken off!" "I've been to flight school," Joss said laconically. "and now I can fly free. Universal helped me regain Serenity and no power in the 'Verse can stop me." "Will you at least call off the fans?" Levin pleads from the doorway. "I find that to be problematical." Whedon replies as he continues into the hall. I'm late for a meeting with Mrs. Laurence Fishbourne. Haven't you heard? I've got a Big Damn Movie to make!" Fury giggles. "Think Pee Wee Herman still has Larry's number from the Playhouse days?" Greenwalt elbows him. Joss sings the Firefly theme song loudly as they stride into the night

elendenika: VasquezE(03/28/04 14:17:00) Геро, спасибо, забавная виньеточка... Кстати, в среду планируется еще одна демонстрация в защиту прав чело... тьфу, вампира, - одним словом, будет ралли перед офисом Warners в Бэрбенке. Aint It Cool News http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=17268 Coming To Burbank!! Giant Wednesday SAVE ANGEL Rally!! Wednesday, March 31 2004 Time: 3 pm - 7 pm PST Location: Gate 11 at The WB Ranch 411 N. Hollywood Way Burbank, California I am – Hercules!! Someone wrote in a week or two ago about spotting pro-“Angel” picketeers around the Warner Bros. lot in Burbank, and I thought to myself, “Dang! I can carry a placard! Wish somebody told me about it!” Now imagine if every “Angel” fan in Los Angeles were to converge on Burbank. I’m pretty sure they all read Ain’t It Cool. This could be our chance. PRESS RELEASE: SAVING ANGEL CAMPAIGN Announces Los Angeles Rally Saving Angel to hold Viewer Rally at The WB Ranch on Wednesday, March 31, 2004. On Wednesday, March 31, 2004, dedicated viewers of The WB television program Angel will gather at the Warner Brothers production ranch in Burbank, California to show support for the series and protest its untimely cancellation. The rally is the latest step in a campaign orchestrated by Saving Angel (www.savingangel.org and www.savingangel.com ), the coalition of Angel viewers who have come together in hopes of keeping the show on the air. SavingAngel has collected over $30,000 from devotees around the world, funding an unprecedented series of measures which have garnered national media attention. "We had hoped that we would touch a nerve in the viewing public, but never expected the response to be so huge, nor the media coverage to be so encompassing." said Lisa Rowe, SavingAngel Media Liaison. "I believe that it sends a signal to the powers that be in TV that viewers really do have a desire to watch good scripted shows, and are speaking up about it." So far, the campaign has included thousands of postcards and emails to network and media targets on a changing schedule, full-page ads in Variety and Hollywood Reporter, and a mobile billboard driving through the streets of Los Angeles (photos attached). The campaign has emphasized its desire to see quality scripted TV programming remain on the air. Swing the crebbil!

elendenika: Ariel BtVS(03/29/04 19:44:07) Всетаки очень хочеться спинофф со Спайком в главной роли! Мне кажется что Джеймс что заслужил и уже давно. Хватит уже на вторых ролях бегать не маленький уже пра и свое шоу заиметь ем более что талант позволяет! Впринципе я согласна и на фильм со бсеми ними, но сериал было бы практичне (подольше бы светился на экране) Я тут ое что нашла.. Не знаю ...может будет кому интересно... если что не обессуте 13 февраля 2004 года руководство телеканала "The WB" объявило об окончании сериала "Ангел" после завершения его пятого сезона. Цитата из пресс-релиза: "Последние семь лет сериалы "Баффи" и "Ангел" являлись одними из основ в нашей работе. Мы очень гордимся общим итогом, который подвели эти два телешоу за время своего существования на нашем канале. Последовав примеру с великолепными сериалами "Frasier" и "Friends" которые также завершаются в этом году, мы посчитали что актёрский состав и съёмочная команда сериала "Ангел" заслуживают того, чтобы создать великолепный финал и закончить сериал так, как это должно делать классическое телешоу. Поэтому мы заранее известили Джосса Ведона о том, что это будет последний сезон "Ангела" на канале "The WB". Мы продолжаем обсуждать продолжение "Ангела" в виде нескольких специальных телефильмов в следующем году, и этот проект остаётся открытым. В идеальном случае, детали об этом должны были быть оглашены ещё до того, как информация об окончании сериала вышла бы в прессу, чтобы мы смогли полностью определиться с будущим "Ангела". В любом случае, мы не хотим объявлять об окончании сериала без возможности дать этому телешоу и его главному герою новый путь развития. Дэвид Бореаназ был и остаётся одним из лучших классических актёров на телевидении с которым мы имели честь работать. Мы надеемся, что наше сотрудничество продолжится и в дальнейшем. То же самое относится ко всем остальным актёрам сериала "Ангел", его продюсерам, сценаристам и режиссёрам..." Джосс Ведон о завершении сериала "Ангел" на канале "The WB": "... Некоторые из вас уже слышали эти весёлые новости. Думаю настало время прояснить ситуацию, чтобы ответить на самые острые вопросы. Нет, мы даже не предполагали что это может произойти именно сейчас. Да, мы будем заканчивать нынешний сезон. Нет, я не думаю что "The WB" поступает правильно, хотя я благодарен им за то, что они предупредили заранее и наши работники уже начали подыскивать себе новую работу. Да, моё сердце разбито. Когда заканчивалась "Баффи" я готовился к окончанию этого сериала, и поэтому прощание с ним прошло легко. Когда отменили "Firefly", я уже собирался переносить его на "большой экран". Но вот "Ангел"... Мы действительно начали считать что он находится на вершине успеха, что мы сумели наконец найти высокую волну... - и вот всё это неожиданным образом разрушилось. Я настолько привязался к персонажам этого сериала, его актёрам, историям которые мы рассказывали зрителю... хотите знать мои чувства? Пересмотрите первую часть "Тела" (5 сезон "Баффи" - прим. переводчика). Что касается продолжения в виде телефильмов или чего-то иного, я не думаю что у этой идеи есть перспектива. Я искренне надеюсь, что наши актёры и сценаристы найдут чем заняться. Мы с самого начала планировали, что нынешний финал будет прекрасным завершением 5 сезона и одной из великолепных сюжетных развязок для сериала в целом что разумеется, дало бы нам интригующую платформу для следующего сезона). Пока мы будем продолжать выполнение задуманного. Я никогда полностью не вписывался в картину современного телевидения. Я люблю сюрпризы, а вот телевидение сюрпризов не любит, за исключением моментов когда нужно проголосовать против чего-либо. Мне повезло создать этот очень странный сериал и работать над ним до самого конца. Я не чувствую себя счастливчиком, но я понимаю что это именно так..."

elendenika: VasquezE(03/30/04 04:07:40) Ариэль, спасибо за перевод! Немножко новостей. Ничего супер-такого нет, но кампанию продолжают освещать в СМИ Entertainment-Rewired http://www.entertainment-rewired.com/features/interviews/lisarowe.shtml Interview with LISA ROWE, co-creator of the SAVING ANGEL campaign! story by Ranting Ryan By now you've probably learned that Angel has been cancelled. And if you're an Angel fan, you've probably heard of the efforts the people over at SavingAngel.org are doing to try and save the show. We spoke with the lovely, smart and funny Lisa Rowe, who is one of the fans heading up the campaign. Not only does she kick booty for doing this, but she's also a former Penn State student. On top of thanking Ms. Lowe for doing the interview, we here at Rewired.com would personally like to thank her and everyone else at SavingAngel.org for taking the initiative to try and save a show that we too love. So tell me about the creation of Saving Angel. Tell us what you’ve done so far to save the show. Well you see, there’s always been some animosity between the Angel and Buffy communities. There are the Sparklers, the Angel/Buffy shippers, Buffy/Spike shippers, etc. The day word of cancellation came out we got together and said “dammit, if we don’t do anything, then nobody will have their favorite characters or ships.” So we got all of the groups together and pulled them in one big ol’ chat. We decided what needed to be done. So we got two ads up, one in Variety and the other in The Hollywood Reporter. We got back page in Variety, which is a great place for that. That’s really good placement. There’s an outlet called Guerilla Billboards, they get a big ol’ truck and drive it around a route of Los Angeles of your choice. So we got it for three weeks. It’s sitting in front of studios and executive offices and the Ryan Seacrest show every day. We’ve gotten really good feedback on this. Have any executive or actors noticed? The executives have noticed. We’ve gotten word that WB and FOX have seen them and they’re quite impressed that we’ve mobilized. We’re working on a rally. Some people are going to a convention in California that approached us about speaking about what we’re doing. We are being filmed and interviewed by the TV Guide channel and a couple other interviews as well. So that’s our game plan at the moment. We’re not unreasonable and we’re not delusional. We realize that there is a slim chance at that. We just felt that we needed to make a stand. Good genre TV is dropping by the minute faster than we can say. TV is becoming a wasteland. There is one other element in this also, we hear that WB is targeting the demographic that they had with Dawson’s Creek. We’ve just proven that we have funding and that we can mobilize about a show we care about. Executives need to look at their TV demographics. The largest generation is the baby boomer generations and the Gen X’s. We are not undesirable. We kind of wanted to make our stand on this. If it opens the network’s eyes, that’s great. If that means that we get Angel TV movies, that’s great, if it means we get more Whedon stuff, that’s great. But we know that there is a slim chance. It seems that the show was off to a great start this year with a new story-arc and new cast member, James Marsters. Were you surprised when WB decided to axe the show? Yeah, I think we were all surprised. I think Joss was surprised. There was a WB event shortly before this, I think it was the 100th episode, and WB President Josh Levin talked about how they had room for two vampire shows (they are remaking Dark Shadows), and then a week later they just decided to cancel it. The ratings haven’t been super great, but it’s a genre show. But you know what? The viewers are very stable. With this show, they’ve moved it around so much and the ratings have remained stable. It’s not to be scoffed at. It’s not like the WB have the next Friends. They aren’t in the top three networks. So they’re basically trying to make room in their schedule for genre shows and Dawson’s Creek them up and they’ve all tanked… Birds of Prey, Tarzan. Genre audiences are a bit picky in good plots and good writing. Have you been contacted by any of the actors, studios? Not the actors. The week that we started this, I was out for the Wolfram and Heart party. The writers were all there. Jeff Bell, Drew Goddard, and I’m the kind of person who just walks up and says hey. I brought flyers for the campaign. David Fury expressed concern. He was afraid people would take food out of their children’s mouths to help fund money to post an ad. I said no we’re not doing this, we’re just contributing here and there, just to let you and them know we want good TV. Some are just pitching in a few dollars. We don’t’ want any more Get Me Off Survivor With Dates shows. So he knew we really were about making our feelings known about this. Especially initially, they felt there was no chance. Realistically, these are their jobs. They have to figure out how to pay their mortgages like everyone else. So they have to keep their eyes open on the next horizon as well. Living in limbo isn’t a cool thing. They were very touched and moved and they also felt that this is one more demonstration on how good the Angel/Buffy fans are for the show. How long have you yourself been an ANGEL fan? I’ve been a genre fan ever since I could read and watch movies. I’m a big fan geek. In some of the interviews I’ve done, I’ve been trying to communicate that we’re not nutty people. We’re normal people that have a love for well-made programs, some that have genre tendencies. And we’re kinda annoyed. That’s how we all got together on this. We’re pissed off that these shows are disappearing. So what’s the age range of the people who are contributing to Saving Angel? We range in age from around 20-mid-to-late-40’s. There are some women who don’t want to say as well (laughs). The contributors that we’ve had spans from 15 years old and up. We’ve had kids who had their parents contribute for them. Most of our donations have been in $5-20 donations, and then some have given only a couple of dollars. It just shows how many people are out there. We were actually pretty stunned by how fast we got donations. We kept looking at the totals and kept saying, “Oh my god, it’s that high already?” We shut off the donations when we hit our first three target goals because we didn’t want anyone second-guessing how our funding was being used. We’re not getting paid to do this; we’re contributing our own time. That’s how much we love this show. How can people help? They can go to the Saving Angel website and learn more. They can donate time, money, call their cable providers, etc. www.savingangel.org or www.savingangel.com

elendenika: VasquezE(04/01/04 15:29:38) Новости с ралли: Date Posted: 18:48:43 03/31/04 Wed Author: mackettric Author Host/IP: 209-232-190-200.ded.pacbell.net / Subject: Saving Angel Rally Report I was at the Saving Angel rally briefly right when it began. So far there are 17 people, including me and I'm at work now. More were showing up all the time, so hopefully there will be a lot more. The billboard truck is parked right across the street from the rally, and the TV Guide tv crew were there to do some filming, and Jeff Richter (I believe that was his name) from the Television Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror (the folks who put on the Saturn Awards) was there to give his support to the campaign. I took a few pictures, a few didn't turn out of the billboard (darn cars), but you can get a feel for the set up. There are more people there then the pictures represent, but we really do need to get more people there, so if anyone can ditch work early and get down to the Rally, please do. Here's a link to the pictures. http://homepage.mac.com/mackettric/PhotoAlbum4.html AND: Date Posted: 19:16:01 03/31/04 Wed Author: mackettric Author Host/IP: 209-232-190-200.ded.pacbell.net / Subject: More information In reply to: mackettric 's message, "Saving Angel Rally Report" on 18:48:43 03/31/04 Wed Just talked to someone at the Rally, there's A LOT more people there, it's packed. Several TV camera crews including a crew from On Air w/ Ryan Seacrest. Looks like it's a huge success.

elendenika: VasquezE(04/02/04 08:27:25) http://www.skyone.co.uk/programmes/features.asp?fID=Angel%20editor%20questions&prog=22&pollresult=1 Q And Angel Most of you just want to know why Angel has been cancelled but here's a selection of your Angel questions, answered by the editor of the Official Angel Magazine, Martin Eden. Vicki: Will we be able to buy Angel season six on DVD even though it’s not going to be shown in the UK? I’m afraid not, Vicki. After filming finishes on Season Five, there are no plans – at the time of writing – to film any more seasons of Angel. Having said that – who knows? – there might be a TV movie or something , maybe even a mini-series, which would most probably be available on DVD eventually. Candace Behrens: Are the rumours true that Sky One is trying to save Angel? I would really like to know because I am just dying for some good information! Can you also give me any more new information about Angel’s current situation? I would really appreciate it! Sky One actually released a statement to some of their viewers who made enquiries. Sky’s statement basically said: "Unfortunately, the decision not to commission another season is with the network in question (i.e. The WB) and beyond our influence." As for the show’s current situation - filming finishes in the middle of April and then, for the time being, that’s it. At the time of writing, there is no official news of any more Angel or any Buffyverse spin-offs - although the President of Mutant Enemy has stated that "Mutant Enemy already has plans for more tales from the world of Angel". There were no further details, so I don’t know any more! It's frustrating, isn't it?! Michael Findlater: Does the magazine have any plans to lobby The WB for a stay of the show’s execution? To be honest, Michael, we're quite a small fish in a very big pond. We would have just the same impact as popular websites and such like, so we’re happy to let them continue their hard work while we focus on putting the magazine together. What we have been doing, however, is alerting readers to established campaigns/petitions and updating information, both in our news pages and in personal replies to readers' emails. Adam Hughes: Is the Save Angel campaign going to make any difference? Yes, and no. I think the campaign makes a very big difference in terms of making the TV executives sit up and take notice. It makes people realise how much the fans love the show and how hungry they are for more. Look at Farscape - a popular show, cancelled in a very similar (i.e. stupid) way to Angel, and they're filming a mini-series right now - and I'm sure that happened, in part, because of the massive Save Farscape campaign. Hopefully, the Save Angel campaign will also make executives think harder about cancelling other popular shows in the future. Personally, I was baffled by the decision, especially since Angel was doing so well in the ratings. To answer the question from a business perspective, however, I think that when this type of announcement is made, a lot of meetings have already been had and a lot of decisions have already been set in stone. When a show gets cancelled, the actors and writers are going to start to look for new projects to work on - life has to go on. Lauraleafo1: Will both magazines continue now that neither Buffy nor Angel will be on the air? Absolutely, and the same goes for the Buffy Magazine. There are still a lot of exciting things happening. Plus, you never know what’s around the corner in terms of spin-offs, movies and TV movies. Joss Whedon is too talented not to be a regular presence on our screens. If you'd like to put an Angel question to the editor of the Official Angel Magazine, Martin Eden, e-mail us at contact@skyone.co.uk, subject line 'Angel'. Напомню, что SKy One - часть империи Руперта Мэрдоха, которому принадлежит Fox И на той же страничке голосовалка - с кем должна быть Баффи: Сейчас результаты таковы: Ангел - 46% Спайк - 54%

elendenika: Geroneja(04/02/04 10:52:24) Васкес, спасибо большое за новости ) ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(04/08/04 11:39:03) Пошли какие-то невнятные слухи, что шестой сезон может состояться на канале USA network Date: 04-07-04 18:33 Posted by Tony http://50.lycos.com/ No fooling it says theyve heard Angel migh be getting picked up by another network.Scroll most of the way down,it says the save angel from cancellatton got dropped from the lycos top 50,but they hear Angel might move to another network. heres the link to the whole thread http://www.cityofangel.com/phorum/index.html Интересный комментарий с ASSB crumpet USA network is owned by Universal Studies. Universal Studios bought the movie rights to FIREFLY from 20th Century Fox; they're the guys who "wanted to work with Joss Whedon for the longest time" and are currently bankrolling SERENITY. Joss has a good relationship with Universal Pictures right now - whether that could translate into a relationship with USA is anybody's guess. (And you FIREFLY fans: if 20th Century Fox were to relenquish their television rights to Universal as well, then FIREFLY could show up on USA. Вопрос лишь в том, насколько люди выдают желаемое за действительное...

elendenika: Geroneja(04/08/04 15:27:54) Хм, так таки USA... Я сразу подумала, что они с Юниверсал связаны, но также сразу начала сомневаться.. Эх... Посмотрим ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Ariel BtVS(04/09/04 01:13:07) Эх надежда урает последней! Може т нам еще чего перепадет! Впринципе фильм как продолжение был бы пристижнее! Но из чисто эгоэстическиж соображений (чаще и дольще его буду видеть) хочу сериал!

elendenika: VasquezE(04/09/04 12:30:49) Да, привыкли мы иметь Спайка регулярно и большом количестве... Кстати, посмотрите, какие открытки насчет спиноффа делают фаны для посылки телебоссам http://www.sparklies.org/gallery/categories.php?cat_id=30&page=2

elendenika: Geroneja(04/09/04 15:34:03) Ой, какие открытки!!! Ням-ням, я тоже такие хочу )) ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: Ariel BtVS(04/13/04 03:28:25) А здесь Баффи и спайк и прямо на рабочий стол!

elendenika: Ariel BtVS(04/13/04 03:38:05) sorry? т.е. сдесь туда почему то не вставилось http://www.luminesce-impression.com/photogenic/coupleart2.html

elendenika: Geroneja(04/13/04 10:33:47) Ариэль, спасибо ) Но все ссылки с обойками - прошу в раздел Links ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(04/19/04 06:10:08) "New York Daily News" - ãàçåòêà æåëòîâàòàÿ, íî âñå-òàêè... http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/story/185116p-160440c.html Trying to save fallen 'Angel' Viewers can stir up a fan-fare It turns out David Boreanaz's vampire "Angel" isn't immortal after all. His WB show is scheduled to die at the end of next month. But that's not keeping the actor's devout fans from trying to work some magic. Since the network announced in February that "Angel" will end after its fifth season, fans have organized Internet campaigns to persuade the network to bring it back. They follow a long line of activist TV viewers who have organized to bombard networks with everything from Tabasco (in honor of "Roswell's" hot-sauce-craving aliens) to bras (sent by "Farscape" fans who wanted to prove that the show had devoted female followers.) "We believe what the consumer wants should at least be listened to," says Theresa Fortier, a 32-year-old member of SavingAngel.org. "We've had Joss Whedon-created programs on for eight years, and this is the last tie we have to his universe." That universe - Whedon is also responsible for "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and the failed "Firefly" - is mystical and thought-provoking. It also tends to be populated by beautiful people, appealing to younger audiences. Campaign season So far, "Angel" fans have staged two protests outside the WB's headquarters; raised more than $35,000 to buy ads in trade magazines and drive a truck with a "Save Angel" billboard on its sides, and written countless letters to advertisers and network executives. WB execs insist the show is through. They say it gets more expensive each year, and the low ratings don't justify the cost. This season, it averaged 3.9 million viewers. "We constantly need to make tough calls about shows," says Paul McGuire, senior vice president of network communications at the WB. But some fans say that, for canceled shows, there's the possibility of a miniseries, a movie or transition to another network. When Sci-Fi's "Farscape" was canceled last year after four seasons, hopeful viewers sent the network flowers, singing telegrams, a Halloween jack-o'-lantern that resembled one of the characters, cupcakes and more. They also used the Internet to try to find financial backers for the program. Their year-long effort paid off. A four-hour "Farscape" miniseries will air this fall. "The only reason we're making the miniseries is because the fans found me a consortium of partners who made it possible to put together," said Brian Henson, the show's executive producer. Helping fans network "The Internet has allowed people who might never get together [to obtain] network addresses and has made organizing so easy," said Robert Thompson, director of the Center for the Study of Popular Television at Syracuse University. After fans rallied, UPN saved "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Roswell" when the WB threatened cancellation. But those were relatively new shows that were considered to have a shot at higher ratings. Executives say "Angel's" ratings probably won't increase. As for story lines, "Farscape's" Henson says it was important to tie up the loose ends left when it was abruptly canceled. "Angel's" creators are leaving some wiggle room with the final plots, just in case a new opportunity arises. "We've answered a lot of questions, but we're going out with some unanswered things to play with in the future," said executive producer Jeffrey Bell. "There's been talk about the possibility of an 'Angel' movie. But we're going to go out big." << Previous Topic Next Topic >> Forum Jump Объявления Вопросы и ответы Who are you? Acting Speaking Singing Not just a man, not just an actor James on Smallville Angel Discussions (Spoiler free Zone) Spike on ATS (Spoiler Zone) Buffy Discussions Links Offtopic Fanfiction, poetry and fanart Fanfiction discussions Fan Fiction Recommendations Bookmarks del.icio.us Digg it Facebook Blogger Yahoo MyWeb Email «Prev1 2 …4 5 6 7 8 Next»Jump

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