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ANGEL: Save as.... Geroneja. (02/21/04 12:05:20)

elendenika: Geroneja(02/21/04 12:05:20) ANGEL: Save as.... В этот топик я копирую всю информацию об отмене "Ангела" на шестой сезон и возможностей на продолжение, спойлеров постараюсь избегать, как могу Спасибо Васкес за идею ) *** AlhenaG Member Posts: 12 (2/14/04 5:17) Reply | Edit | Del * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Этот сезон все-таки последний. Новости с Zap2it. LOS ANGELES (Zap2it.com) - Earlier today, an announcement was made to the cast and crew at The WB's "Angel" that this season, the show's fifth, would be its last. "It's official enough to know it's real," David Greenwalt, who co-created the series with Joss Whedon, tells Zap2it. "but I haven't talked to anybody at the network or the studio. I can tell you that it's real, that it makes Mr. Whedon and myself very sad, that we wish it had kept going and we thought it was only getting better. "Joss and [executive producer] Jeff Bell told the cast and crew today. We have no understanding of the inner workings of the corporate world, but we've had a long and fruitful relationship with [producing studio] 20th Century Fox and The WB, for which we grateful. We just wish it could have gone on forever. Apparently, it's not going to. "Joss literally called me this morning, so it's very new." This news comes on the heels of airing the 100th episode of the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" spin-off, the taping of which was marked by a party on the show's sets last November. At that time, the WB's entertainment chief, Jordan Levin, said, "The work that you all do, I cannot thank you enough. This is something that will last. You can see it in the DVD sales. You see it in the fans. They give an incredible amount of attention to almost everything. "You've created a cult here, and it's pretty wonderful to be a part of it. So thank you and congratulations." Next week, on Wednesday, Feb. 18, "Angel" airs one of its most innovative episodes, called "Smile Time." Written and directed by Ben Edlund ("The Tick"), and based on an idea by Whedon, it sees the show's title character, a crusading vampire with a soul, forced to fight evil after being transformed into a walking puppet (with voice by series star David Boreanaz). "It's so brilliant," Greenwalt says. "I just love it. It's one of the finest pieces of filmmaking I've ever seen. It just cracked me up. It's so ridiculous and silly, and yet there's all this heartfelt stuff in it. It's just quintessential Whedon. "But wait until you see the episode that follows it in terms of abject heartbreak. It's just searing." Greenwalt stepped away from "Angel" a few years ago but has remained a consulting producer. Since then, he's worked on two short-lived but critically acclaimed series, ABC's "Miracles" and UPN's "Jake 2.0." But he's contemplating a possible return to his old stomping ground. "I might just go direct episode 20 [of 'Angel']," he says, "so I can say my farewell to everybody. That's something that might happen." As of press time, The WB had made no official announcement. AyurAFD Member Posts: 10 (2/14/04 8:23) Reply | Edit | Del Re: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A statement from The WB: For the last seven years Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer have been cornerstones of our network. The sum total of the work done on those shows has produced some of the proudest moments in our history. Like some of the great series that are leaving the air this year, including Frasier and Friends, the cast, crew, writers and producers of Angel deserve to be able to wrap up the series in a way befitting a classic television series and that is why we went to Joss to let him know that this would be the last year of the series on The WB. We have discussed continuing the Angel legacy with special movie events next year, which is still on the table. In a perfect world, all of these details would be completed before this information went to the press so that we could be definitive about the show’s ongoing future. But in any case, we did not want to contemplate this being the last year of Angel without giving the show the option of crafting their own destiny for this character and for this series. David Boreanaz continues to be one of the finest, classiest and friendliest actors we have had the pleasure to work with and we hope that the relationship furthers from here. The same can be said for all the actors and producers on the show. Elena S Member Posts: 125 (2/14/04 12:09) Reply | Edit | Del ezSupporter Кампании уже начались -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Я знаю об одной - на своих любимых спарклях, но думаю, что каждое уважающее себя заведение начнёт такую кампанию. Geroneja Moderator Posts: 690 (2/14/04 21:57) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Кампании уже начались -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ну вот, праздник называется.. А, может, спин-офф? Мдя-м.. Эх, теперь точно придется уговаривать СМГ, если дальше таки ничего не будет.... Список компаний на сейчас здесь Smth Blue Member Posts: 135 (2/14/04 22:23) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Кампании уже начались -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Блин, если б знала, что так испортится настроение в праздник, в жизни б не полезла в инет на пять минут... Две линки на петиции: http://www.petitiononline.com/angels6/ http://www.petitiononline.com/ai5d0162/petition.html VasquezE Member Posts: 422 (2/15/04 0:59) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Кампании уже начались -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Еще один линк на петицию http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?ai5d0162&1 Два любопытных момента. Во-первых, объявили о-о-очень заранее. В прошлом году официальное объявление сделали 12 мая. Второе - объявили вечером в пятницу, "под выходные". Типа "к понедельнику набежит много других новостей - авось забудут". Теоретически-то понятно. Даже если рейтинги в этом сезоне выше, стоимость сериала в следующем сезоне будет больше. Потому что сроки контрактов истекают после пяти лет, актерские агенты начинают торговаться и т.д. И это ясно уже сейчас. А практически... хочу услышать официальный комментарий Ведона. Интересно, что он скажет. Потому что все эти недавние фанфары ("Ангел - самый сексуальный герой на ТВ!" - на обложке TV Guide, который принадлежит той же корпорации, что и The WB) - в свете последних новостей выглядят несколько странно. Первый отзыв Ведона - пока неофициальный, на Bronze Beta joss says: (Sat Feb 14 22:31:16 2004) Some of you may have heard the hilarious news. I thought this would be a good time to weigh in. to answer some obvious questions: No, we had no idea this was coming. Yes, we will finish out the season. No, I don't think the WB is doing the right thing. Yes, I'm grateful they did it early enough for my people to find other jobs. Yes, my heart is breaking. When Buffy ended, I was tapped out and ready to send it off. When Firefly got the axe, I went into a state of denial so huge it may very well cause a movie. But Angel... we really were starting to feel like we were on top, hitting our stride -- and then we strode right into the Pit of Snakes 'n' Lava. I'm so into these characters, these actors, the situations we're building... you wanna know how I feel? Watch the first act of "The Body." As far as TV movies or whatever, I'm not thinking that far ahead. I actually hope my actors and writers are all too busy. We always planned this season finale to be a great capper to the season and the show in general. (And a great platform for a new season, of course.) We'll proceed ahead as planned. I've never made mainstream TV very well. I like surprises, and TV isn't about surprises, unless the surprise is who gets voted off of something. I've been lucky to sneak this strange, strange show over the airwaves for as long as I have. I don't FEEL lucky, but I understand that I am. Thanks all for your support, your community, and your perfectly sane devotion. It's meant a lot. I regret nothing (except the string of grisley murders in the 80's -- what was THAT all about?) Remember the words of the poet: "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." See you soon. See you soon. И довольно взвешенные комментарии со Spoiler Slayer Tensai at Spoiler Slayer posted his thoughts and speculation on the news.Thought I would bring it over. www.spoilerslayer.com/archives/002777.php Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATS: Musings On The End As expected, I am getting a inundated with emails about the announcement that Season Five will apparently be the final season of 'Angel'. It would probably be best to try to answer most of these here, rather than respond to each and every email. Did you hear the news/see this article, etc? Is it true? Unfortunately, yes it's all true. The WB has released an Official Press Release explaining their reasons for announcing their decision at this time. It also is an early announcement, as they do mention that they are still negotiating for 'Angel' specials. As articles/news is released, I will try to get the various articles posted in the News section, so please send links if you feel that I'm missing any. Why did this happen, it doesn't make sense? Actually, looking back at the stories from earlier this season, it does make some sense. Since before 'Buffy' even ended, I had been hearing rumors that the budget was a big sticking point in negotiations. Add to this the reports that the show was doing a lot of 'in-house' shooting early in the season due to a tight budget, and the very intriguing comments after the season started about finally getting the go ahead for a full season. It's my hunch, that the WB was originally aiming for the show to reach Episode 100, then based on the decent ratings okayed a full season. However, with several new (and pricey) series on The WB's horizon for next season, it's my guess that the cost of paying for another season, just doesn't make sense for the ratings they were getting. It's doing well in it's time slot, but at five years in (and with the addition of James to the cast), it's unlikely that they would improve any further. What about another network, like UPN or Sci Fi? The same reason the WB decided against Season Six, is likely going to keep another network from picking it up. SciFi is definitely out of the question in my opinion, as they're going to be shelling out the big bucks for both 'Battlestar Galactica' and a new 'Stargate' series. 'Battlestar' gave the network it's highest ratings ever, but they still took a few months to decide if it would be worth making it into a regular series. UPN is dealing with the fiasco that is 'Enterprise' and I think it would be iffy at best that they would want to invest in 'Angel', again because at this point the ratings likely aren't going to jump dramatically at this point. How can we save the show? Can you post links to my petition/postcard campaign? I'm going to be honest, I don't feel that anything the fans can do will save the show. Unless we managed to scrape up 10 million viewers, it's probably not going to happen. The WB knows that they have a core/niche audience of a few million, and yet they still determined that the show cannot continue. A couple hundred thousand signatures or postcards will probably not have any effect. However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't let your feelings be known. Send postcards and sign petitions, tell The WB how you feel. Even more importantly, let Fox know how you feel. As for the site, I've always taken the stance that in order to remain neutral, I don't want to single out any particular campaign or petition. So while I will not actively post any links or write-in info, there is a huge amount of information in the Daily Rounds linkage. Please visit these sites for information on how you can participate. We should boycott The WB or it's Sponsors. I've gotten more than a few emails suggesting this tactic, and I have to be honest and say 'Absolutely not'. I am extremely grateful for the five full seasons of both 'Buffy' and 'Angel' that the WB gave to us, not to mention the other shows that I happen to watch and enjoy on their network. I hold no ill-will towards either the WB or the Sponsors who support the show. Broadcast television is a mess right now, with cookie cutter series being produced everywhere. If you aren't a 30 minute sitcom, a reality show, or a police/medical/law drama, you don't have a fighting chance. I give a lot of credit to networks like The WB which take chances on series like 'Buffy' or 'Angel', as well as shows like 'Smallville' or 'Gilmore Girls'. All I can say is Thank You for the wonderful five years you've given me, it's much appreciated. I also know that there are fans out there who would like to thank The WB as well, so please use the Daily Rounds linkage, as many of the petition/write-in campaign sites also have the addresses to where you can send your thanks. How will this affect the final few episodes? This is perhaps the best question I've gotten, and I have to be honest, I really can't say for sure. At this time, my guess is that everything that hasn't been filmed, is subject to change. While I know that Joss always intended to wrap this season as if it was the series finale, we may see some additional faces from the past. With both Tim Minear and David Greenwalt expressing interest in Episode 20, it leads me to believe that 21 and 22 may have already been planned/written by Joss himself. I also think that this could bring an appearance by Sarah Michelle Gellar back into play, despite the reports to the contrary. I also would not rule out seeing Alyson or some of the others finding a way to make it into the series finale. So with 'Angel' ending, is this it for the Spoiler Slayer? This is a tough one, because obviously the site itself isn't solely devoted to 'Angel'. But I'd also be lying if I were to say that after 'Buffy' ended, I've haven't been doing some of my own cost/benefit ratio analysis. The site is not an inexpensive one to run by a longshot, which doesn't even take into account the personal time I devote to the site. Although I've promised that even if all the Joss shows were to go off the air, the site would still stay around and spoiling for other series, this decision by The WB does have me thinking about the future. If 'Tru Calling' were not to make it to season two (and to be honest, 'Angel' has a better chance of being renewed.), 'Wonderfalls' doesn't get picked up (which would make me angrier than 'Angel' ending), and 'Dead Like Me' doesn't get signed for Season Three, it would be a very tough call. However, 'Dead Like Me' seems to be going strong, and 'Wonderfalls' should have a decent chance. Also, as mentioned before, I will more than likely will be following spoilers for the new 'Doctor Who' series. Obviously, if any Buffyverse spin-off or mini-series were to be announced, I'd be right there in the thick of things. I also want to express my thanks for everyone who has written in during the past day, expressing their appreciation for the Spoiler Slayer site. I don't think there's any reason to think that the Spoiler Slayer will be going away anytime in the near future. Especially if you consider the last question I've gotten... Do you think there will be a spin-off next season? As sad as it is to see the end of 'Angel' approaching, I can't imagine that Joss and Mutant Enemy will not be doing anything in the near future. It's rare that a production company can create memorable series that manage to achieve not only a devoted fan following when it's on the air, but turn around and generate very strong DVD sales as well. One only need to look at the success of 'Firefly' on DVD, to show that even a project that ended earlier than it should have, can still be profitable to the studio and production company. Not to mention the critical acclaim Joss and the company has received. Is this the end of the Buffyverse, I highly doubt it. Especially since The WB is already expressing interest in 'Angel' movies or events next year. The strong fan response to the announcement is only going to prove that the Buffyverse is still very viable in terms of being able to pull in a strong, core audience. Maybe it's simply time for something new and different. While we might not see anything for next season in terms of a new series, I think it's almost certain that we won't be Whedon-less for very long. On a final note, this is all still in the early stages of the announcement. I'm certain that over the next few weeks, we're going to see a lot of interviews and comments about this news. As I've mentioned earlier, I will try to keep up with the numerous stories as they come in. In addition, although the site doesn't have the capability of allowing you to directly comment to other fans of the site about the news, I am opening up a post on my personal page for those who would like to express their feelings about the show ending. Please feel free to comment about the news there. ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine [off]ссылка на соответствующий топик оригинального форума Marstersverse[/off]

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elendenika: VasquezE(02/25/04 02:57:05) Елена, а нельзя узнать, в какой день его повесили? Потому что объявление на ASSB появилось примерно за полчаса до момента, когда я проголосовала и "сняла результаты". Мне интересно, насколько "чистым" был первый результат, сильно ли успели повлиять на него фаны. И, кстати, данные на сейчас 13.00 "Angel" has been cancelled - this season will be its last. How do you feel about this? 7485 votes to date I am furious beyond belief. 63% 4723 votes I'm sad, but it's not that big a deal. 10% 789 votes Yay! I was never big on that show. 26% 1973 votes Геро, спасибо, что поменяла название (извини, что я заморочила тебе голову... ) Из новостей Saving Angel.org Campaign UPDATE! Campaign Status Total funds raised as of February 25, 2004, at 01:30 GMT: $9,097.18! Within 38 hours, we have met our first two goals by raising funds for ads in both The Hollywood Reporter and Variety! Our original estimate was $7,000 for both ads, and we now hope to spend less, but until all arrangements are finalized, we’re holding a full $8,000 aside for the ads. Final figures and ad publication dates will be posted as soon as we sign off on each deal. We have to keep the pressure on! Our next attention-getting goal is to raise funds to buy us two weeks on Guerilla Billboards advertising trucks that cover the Santa Monica/Los Angeles area. (Although just having it drive around the block where the WB has its headquarters would be worth the price. Or, you know, park across the street from the main entrance for about an hour while the driver takes lunch? We get to work out the route taken by the trucks.) A draft of the billboard ad will be available as soon as we can finalize the design and upload it to the site. Our <billboard> ad can’t run until "on or about" March 15. If Angel is already holding a house warming party for his new place, we’ll run an ad congratulating ANGEL on either renewal by the WB or being picked up by another network... which in the latter case would make having that truck parked by the WB corporate headquarters really worth the money Я представляю себе чиновников, которые будут выглядывать в окно и видеть это объявление!

elendenika: Elena S(02/25/04 07:50:34) "Елена, а нельзя узнать, в какой день его повесили?&quo Ну, под присягой я этого не скажу, но судя по разделу View our previous polls до 23 февраля включительно висело голосование William Petersen is thinking about leaving "CSI." How do you feel about this? Fri, 20 Feb 2004 - Mon, 23 Feb 2004 А до него What do you think is the biggest media circus going on right now? Tue, 17 Feb 2004 - Thu, 19 Feb 2004 Рискну предположить, что "наше" голосование висит с 24 и будет висеть до 26-27 числа

elendenika: VasquezE(02/25/04 09:48:27) Елена, спасибо! Твои данные в общем совпадают с моими жалкими попытками вычислений по изменению числа голосов тех, кому "до лампочки": за полсуток они увеличились примерно в 2 раза, следовательно опрос идет около суток. Конечно, здесь есть нюансы дневного\ночного времени и куча прочих факторов... но так глубоко я решила не соваться. Теперь мне интересно, насколько возможен мухлеж в этом опросе. Я пока проголосовала дважды - со своего и дочкиного компьютера. Интересно, работает ли здесь такое же безобразие, как на Зап2Ите? И интересно, отслеживает ли кто-то эти опросы и (что важнее всего) зафиксировал этот "кто-то" результат "чистого" голосования, до вторжения фанатов? Ведь по большому счету только мнение мейнстримной аудитории представляет маркетинговую ценность. Хотя на Яху тоже не такая уж точная оценка: далеко не весь мейнстрим пасется в Сети.

elendenika: Elena S(02/25/04 10:42:23) "насколько возможен мухлеж в этом опросе" Не знаю, может, появилось что-то новое (сомневаюсь, правда), но способов определения уникальности голосующих я знаю всего два - по ip (даже не смешно) и с помощью cookies (маленьких текстовых файликов, запихиваемых в компьютеры). Оба варианта вполне допускают жульничество. Можно, конечно, отследить, откуда приходит основной поток народу на эту страницу, что может навести на мысль о не совсем корректных результатах, но кому это нужно?

elendenika: Geroneja(02/25/04 12:08:13) Васкес, да я всегда рада, раз народ просит поменять название - меняем Яху система очень популярная в Сети, так что пропускаемость народа за сутки колоссальная, но вот я, бывая там каждый день, т.к. у меня там одна из почт, не всегда на ту страчку захаживаю.. Хотя.. Главное, что это прошло по основным форумам, так что голосовать будут и жульничать тоже будут ) ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: VasquezE(02/26/04 05:03:48) Пишем письма? The WB решили не повторять "Ангела" в мартовско-апрельском перерыве The WB site has a contest where you can "vote" for your favorite Smallville episodes from each year. The winners will be shown for FIVE weeks from 9:00 to 10:00 on Wednesdays!! Last I looked that was Angel's time slot. So not only do we get our show cancelled, now there are going to be five weeks of Smallville repeats instead of Angel repeats. В связи с этим - новая кампания, в которой вполне могут принять участие все желающие This one has to be done carefully, since we don't want to hurt another show in order to help Angel. After all, the people at Smallville didn't come up with this special "best of Smallville" showing, the suits at the WB did it. They're having voting on the WB website to pick five episodes of ten selected by the producers of Smallville as "viewer's favorites" to be shown for five weeks starting two weeks from tonight for five weeks during Angel's timeslot instead of Angel repeats. Are we going to sit back quietly for this one? http://www.thewb.com/Shows/WithFeedback/0,9310,74510,00.html Если хотите дальнейшие подробности http://www.voy.com/14810/3425.html You can't enter anthing on the WB "vote" webpage to let them know how you feel--but you can sure flood the WB with comments about why you'd rather see Angel at 9:00 Wednesdays instead of Smallville repeats. I usually do not advocate email, but for this special purpose let's flood out their box. Be creative in how you word your emails to try to avoid spam filters: 1. Do NOT mention the word Angel in your email. Instead, mention Smallville (NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT THAT SHOW PLEASE) and say that you'd rather NOT see more Smallville on Wednesday night instead of "the show that usuallly is shown at 9:00" or "Joss' show" or "Whedon's show" or the "vampire show" or "your favorite supernatural show" or something else like that. Get past the spam filters they will be setting up. Think creatively! 2. Mention that you want to see the same Wednesday night shows next season as you see this season, and change the wording of that around too. Think like a spammer for this campaign. Here's the email address: faces@thewb.com. SEND -- SEND -- SEND and let's hope they get the message. Also, here is the WB web form for feedback where you can tell them you'd rather be watching Angel Wednesday nights instead of more Smallville:

elendenika: Geroneja(02/26/04 11:55:09) И народ уже пишет )) Но WB - гады, схлестнуть фанов "Ангела" и "Смоллика" - это ж кем надо быть.... Кстати, я там понимаю, что последней показанной серией до перерыва будет 16-я? ---------- Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(02/27/04 03:16:32) Похоже, да... хотя я надеялась на 17 - о "пригородном пыточном рае" Новости: Теледива Кристин тоже советует бороться... E!Online http://www.eonline.com/Gossip/Kristin/Archive2004/040227.html Don't Hate TV Execs for Arresting Your Favorite Series--Save a Show with Your Vote by Kristin | Feb. 27, 2004 (The artist formerly known as Wanda And so it begins. That nail-biting, hair-pulling, edge-of-your-La-Z-Boy time of year when we wait...and wait...and wait to see if our favorite shows will survive to see the light of fall. We are tubers. We have no patience. And, personally, I think it's the cruelest form of torture imaginable (well, other than that dentist dude on Alias who rips out teeth--that can't feel good). Last week's surprise cancellation of Angel was a wake-up call that some of the shows we are expecting to see next fall could instead go up to the big rerun channel in the sky. And, right now, network execs are making their decisions about what sticks around (final schedules are announced in May). SOS! So, now seems the perfect time to roll out our fourth annual (eesh, I am getting old) Save One Show campaign. This Year's Endangered Series List: Angel: To be honest, it was a difficult decision whether to include Angel because, as you know, it has already been canceled. However, as you also probably know, Joss Whedon's camp has pitched the former WB show to UPN, which would be our target here. Despite my comments in this week's chat (that the peeps at UPN say it's not likely), I never say die when it comes to my favorite undead. So, in addition to voting for Angel (if that's your calling), make sure you check out the petition at SupportAngel.org. Tru Calling: So strange. Fox put a new show up against Friends and Survivor on Thursday nights and (looky there!) it didn't do so well. Despite Buffy fans' excitement over the return of Eliza Dushku, Tru Calling is currently rated 131 out of 165 shows in the Nielsens and doesn't look likely to get a second season. Now, go vote. And if you want to testify about your TV addiction, email me about why that show is your must-see TV (put the show's name in the subject line), then check back for the results next week. And speaking of endangered faves, not to sway your vote or anything, but... Fandemonium! What's a poor, shell-shocked Angel fan to do after the show gets slaughtered? Naturally, get together with other Angel fans and drown those sorrows. That's what Angel-philes did over the weekend at a charity event called the "Wolfram & Hart Annual Revue," which benefited the Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center, a South Central revitalization project. In attendance were Sarah Thompson (Eve), Julie Benz (Darla), Andy Hallett (Lorne), Tim Minear, Jeff Bell and David Fury. I couldn't help but ask a few questions of Tim M.--love that man, as he is behind both Angel and the show I won't shut up about, Wonderfalls (premiering March 12 on Fox...set your TiVo or face my wrath!). As expected, he was saddened by the cancellation news, but that didn't stop him from taking a friendly crack at Angel boss Joss Whedon. When asked if he'll ever work with Joss again, Tim said, "I'm sure we will. Clearly, he needs me. He really had the one idea, and I kept it alive for him. And then I left, and look what happened--he had three shows on the air, and now he's gonna have none." Meanwhile, Julie Benz says that there are no plans for her to return this season (we all know what that means; she's probably on the set as we speak). But Tim spoke of another possible love interest--well, sorta. When asked if he was a Buffy-Angel worshipper or an Angel-Darla worshipper, he said, "I don't understand how you could watch 'Becoming, Parts I & II' and not be a Buffy-Angel 'shipper. And I don't understand how you could watch anything I wrote, and not be a Darla-Angel 'shipper. But really, I'm an Angel-Lindsey 'shipper."

elendenika: Elena S(02/27/04 12:18:45) Окончательный результат голосования по "Ангелу" на "Angel" has been cancelled - this season will be its last. How do you feel about this? 15342 votes total I am furious beyond belief. 60% 9357 votes I'm sad, but it's not that big a deal. 10% 1605 votes Yay! I was never big on that show. 28% 4380 votes По общему количеству голосов всё-таки не дотянули до голосования по "Друзьям". Хотя голосов "за" заметно больше - что несколько обесценивает массовость.

elendenika: VasquezE(02/28/04 09:05:04) Забавно - куда потерялись еще два процента? Smth Blue(02/28/04 09:34:05) Голосовать у Кристин: http://www.eonline.com/Gossip/Kristin/Archive2004/040227_poll.html%3Cbr%20/%3E И в понедельник люди собираются голосовать на TRL - Now as for the time difference.... TRL airs 5pm here (US East Coast). I am not sure what time difference it is to you but I do know for the English it would be 10pm. 11pm for Denmark. So perhaps that helps you some? I can safely say if you vote during the afternoon/evening for you it would be around the right time. And just to mention then in case others are not aware. There are two different editions of TRL. US and UK. So if you don't see it there it does not mean it did not happen. I don't know if the UK Edition has a site where we can vote and try to over throw both but if so let us know. The more attention drawn the better here. When you click on the link you may not see the song we need requested but you can type it in at the bottom. Be sure to include comments such as "Save Angel" and so on calling attention to why that song is picked. Please though do make comments in good taste and don't use profanity. We want them to play the song and comments and being nice will help this cause more. quote: Originally posted by ~Kassix~ ~For those of you who haven't heard there is a huge effort underway to keep Angel on the air. To that end we've decided to gain some free publicity by overthrowing MTV's Total Request Live for the week of March 1st -5th! The plan is to get a series of songs voted to the #1 spot on the chart and post messages supporting our cause. Monday- March 1- Train- Calling All Angels Tuesday- March 2- Aerosmith- Angel Wensday- March 3- Shaggy- Angel Thursday- March 4- Dido- White Flag (We get David on TV!) Friday- March 5- Mandy- Barry Manilow Thanks and looking forward to working with you all! PS Spread the word to everyone you can think of! We need as many votes as we can muster~ http://www.mtv.com/onair/trl/vote/ Ну и так, для вдохновления Люди организовывают ралли в поддержку сериала: http://www.saveangelrally.com/ И сдают кровь: The blood drive is an appeal to all Angel fans to go and give blood on a certain day, in this case it will be March 17th. It is being organised with The Red Cross. Many fans are planning to congregate outside of the WB and/or UPN and then go on to the local Red Cross centre to give blood. EDIT: I should point out that it will take place all over America, not just California. Cчастливо,

elendenika: Geroneja(02/28/04 12:26:14) Ого!!Тома, спасибо за ссылочки ) ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: VasquezE(02/28/04 14:04:32) Спасибо за ссылки! Обязательно проголосуем! А вот мой вклад: The SavingAngel.com site has raised 13,618.00!!! Комментарии с ASSB: That is amazing! I bet UPN, TNT and the WB would be surprised to see that not only do we love our show, but that we have money to spend! Wow, they could buy a 30 second ad on UPN Friday Night Movies! Новая петиция - на UPN: http://www.petitiononline.com/upn4ats/petition.html и комментарии: Here's the petition for UPN to pick up Angel. Please tell as many people as possible. Click yes that you buy products from ads during Angel. I do even if mine aren't from UPN ads И еще кое-что. Похоже, некоторые местные отделения The WB хотят, чтобы шоу продолжалось: This was originally posted by Teep on BAPS. I am bringing it over with permission. --------------------------- Hi Everyone, I think I just found some pretty exciting news. Several WB affiliates owned by Tribune Broadcasting have posted a weekly news bite regarding the Angel cancellation and urging viewers to write in to save the show!!!! I've included the link to my local station but you can also check out Tribune to find out if you WB affiliate is owned by them. Why is this exciting news? Tribune has the second largest number of stocks in The WB. If they are urging renewal, then we have a really good shot!!! Please remember that I recommend savINGangel.org as the best site to actually get things done (yes, I'm personally biased because I'm working on it!). http://wb56.trb.com/entertainment/wbnetwork/stv-angel-pkgnews.special I think Wednesday nights affiliate call in may have helped. It certainly couldn't hurt to call your local WB affiliate again this Wednesday night at the half hour mark and leave a message. Patrick J. Mullen, President Tribune Broadcasting Company Ste. 1800, 435 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA Phone: (312) 222-3333 Fax: (312) 329-0611 И - не могла удержаться - забавный комментарий со Спарклей в адрес The WB Zoriah WB: Please change your mind, it's obviously badly in need of replacing.

elendenika: Geroneja(02/28/04 16:25:22) Спасибо за ссылки ) Пошла я по петициям, но сумма впечатляет ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: VasquezE(03/01/04 08:23:15) Мэтт Р& TV Guide Online http://www.tvguide.com/tv/roush/mattask/ Roush Room ASK MATT Monday, March 1, 2004 Question: So, it's Sunday night (Feb. 22) and Arrested Development isn't on the schedule. TVGuide.com can't find it in a listings search. So where is it? Is it gone? Has what we saw coming before it even first aired come to us finally? Or will it return in March? How about airing the last episodes in the summertime? And about Angel: Is there any chance UPN will pick up the show, giving us a cool post-fifth-season Buffy dйja vь? I'm afraid that there won't be anything left to watch in the 2004-5 schedule. — Gene Matt: About Angel: No news, only speculation at this point. About Arrested Development: Not to worry — unduly, anyway. I completely understand the anxiety when a show disappears off the schedule at the last minute (Andy Richter Controls the Universe, anyone?). But Arrested Development will be back in its rightful place March 7 with the previously scheduled Heather Graham episode. And Fox is even planning to give the show a bit of a promotional boost on March 17, by scheduling a special Wednesday episode following an hour-long American Idol. (Of course, that's a mixed blessing, depending on how much of the Idol audience tunes out.) So it looks as if Fox is sticking by the show, at least through this season. Chalk up its Feb. 22 absence as a sweeps casualty. It probably made sense to get the show out of the way of ABC's Super Millionaire stunt and the Sex and the City finale. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question: I am writing in regards to your recent review of Star Trek: Enterprise. Yes, the Star Trek franchise has been around a long time and Enterprise struggled to find its own identity during the first two seasons. But, as you mention, the show has started to find its way during Season 3, so I find it hard to believe that you practically advocated its cancellation. There may have been over 600 episodes of Trek in the past, but Enterprise has stories to tell that previous Trek series could not, such as the beginnings of the Federation and the Romulan War. Plus, what do you think UPN will replace Enterprise with if they cancel it? C'mon, Matt, it's not like UPN has a load of high-quality dramas just waiting on the back burner for a spot on the schedule. You know they'll just throw more reality garbage like America's Next Top Model in Enterprise's place. Those of us who hate the reality trend need to stand behind the comedies, dramas and sci-fi shows that are trying to stay alive. We just lost Angel. — Sierra Matt: I'm not second-guessing the opinion I expressed in that Enterprise column, but I do wish the timing hadn't been so awkward, coinciding with the cancellation of Angel (which I did not see coming). Looking back on that review, I wish I had structured it differently, to make it clear I was reacting to the buzz that the show was in danger of being canceled (thus posing the question: Does Enterprise need or deserve to be saved?) as opposed to looking like I was actively suggesting it be yanked, which wasn't the intention. There is a difference between my dismay over the premature cancellations of Farscape and Angel and my feelings over Enterprise's — and for that matter, the entire Trek franchise's — tenuous situation. Just because the genre is something of an endangered species shouldn't mean we should give every show within the genre a blanket pass. If Enterprise were on par with, say, Next Generation, that would be a different story. And a different argument. This epic Xindi battle has taken Enterprise to a more intriguing new level, but I'm still not sure it's enough. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question: As you well know, Joss Whedon and his Mutant Enemy crew created the wonderful Firefly last year, only to watch it fail at the hands of Fox, who put a show that was already made for a small audience in the Friday night Slot of Doom. This year, ME alum Tim Minear has helped create Wonderfalls, a show that I have been eagerly anticipating since I heard about its conception. Needless to say, I was less than pleased with the time slot Fox has chosen for the show: Friday nights at 9 pm/ET when it premieres in March? Say it ain't so. My question: Do you have any reason to believe that Fox, or audiences for that matter, will give a genre show any more of a chance than they gave Firefly? I'm hoping that I'm wrong, but the scheduling of this debut seems to me that Fox is just throwing the show out there to see if it sticks, without showing it too much support. How many interesting shows must suffer at the network's desire to find a repeat performance of The X-Files? — Matt Matt: I wish Fox would free up a piece of its Monday lineup to give a show as special as Wonderfalls a better shot, but that's not the world we live in right now. I'm fearful that Wonderfalls will wither on Fridays, but given the surprise success of Joan of Arcadia an hour earlier, maybe there will be some crossover audience for another show about a young woman who hears strange voices where she least expects them — from funky inanimate objects like wax lions and stuffed animals. Wonderfalls isn't a Joan clone, though. It takes itself much less seriously, and is a lot more ironic and snarky. And I predict many who watch will be mooning over the romantic chemistry between the lead actress (Caroline Dhavernas) and the smitten bartender (Tyron Leitso) who indulges her strangely funny ways. My fear is that the audience smart and discriminating enough to watch something like this is not going to be in front of the TV on Friday nights in the spring. I would be thrilled to be pleasantly surprised, as I was when Joan took off in the ratings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question: Instead of begging and protesting, let's just pay the WB (or UPN) for another season of Angel. I for one would gladly fork over $50 for a new season and I don't doubt you could find thousands of other fans who would do the same. I don't have any idea how much it would take to tip the balance, but surely an extra million or two straight to the bottom line would make a difference. — Craig C. Matt: You'd think. And what a novel way of going about financing TV: sort of the grass-roots, Internet, Howard Dean approach. (Now I'm thinking of starting a telethon to raise enough money to keep CBS from inflicting another summer of Big Brother on us.) If the letters and postcards I've been getting from all over the country — and world — are any indication, the industry is going to have to develop a very deaf ear to ignore the protestations of the many Angel-Joss Whedon fans out there. It's inspiring — if it weren't so annoying that it had to come to this. _________________

elendenika: VasquezE(03/02/04 02:58:29) Делаю кросс-пост сюда и в общеспойлерную ...чтобы подключить максимум народа Вот здесь можно проголосовать на "Ангела" как лучшее шоу, и Спайка, как лучшего героя http://www.spacecast.com/shows/spaceoriginals/spaceys.asp выскочит надпись 2 annual spacey awards vote now Кликаете по надписи, грузится новое окошко, с рекламой каких-то игр, но потом в нем же спрашивают, будете ли голосовать - OK. Вылезает много разных категорий, нужно проголосовать по всем Спайк против Лекса Лютора, полковника О'Нила из SG-1, Кларка Кента и любимца Эндрю - капитана Арчера... "Ангел" против "Шпионки" (Alias) "Смоллика", "Энтерпрайза" и "Taken" (минисериал Спилберга) И новости: E!Online http://www.eonline.com/ Watch With Kristin - Chat Transcript Monday, March 1, 2004 angllvr33 asks: Anything on Angel? Kristin replies: Still crossing my fingers UPN will pick up our baby!! Coming up this week, Angel and Spike come back from England and Angel will try to contact our girl Willow (hmmm … maybe Alexis’ red-head wish will come true?) and as you know, Fred is no longer Fred but evil, crazy-eyed Illyria. On that note, can I just say I was a MESS after last week’s episode? Those scenes with Fred and Wes were heart-wrenching … as if saying goodbye to the show weren’t sad enough. Ugh. There just isn’t enough Kleenex in the world t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youngangelarosie asks: talk angel! Kristin replies: Word is that Adam Baldwin (no relation to the Brothers) will come on the show, stepping into Eve’s role as the liaison to the senior partners. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- andrs asks: What more can you tell us about Wonderfalls? I'm intrigued! Kristin replies: It's fantastic! I've seen the first four episodes and love it dearly -- but it's on Friday nights, so it will need all the support you can muster. Wonderfalls is about a girl (newcomer Caroline Dhavernas) who works in a souvenier shop and the tchochkis talk to her ... Is she crazy? Is it God? We don't know. Regardless, she becomes an unwitting do-gooder, sort of like Buffy but without the weaponry and hotpants. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- park450 asks: Did you cry when Fred die? Kristin replies: like a wee babeh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seba_88 asks: Come on, who would vote for Good Morninf Miami with shows like Angel, and Tru Calling, Miss Match, Arrested Development... I'll just stop before I fully realize of everything we'll losing this season Kristin replies: True dat. I take back the apology. The Fort Wayne News-Sentinel http://www.fortwayne.com/mld/newssentinel/8079735.htm Posted on Mon, Mar. 01, 2004 TV Gal gives midseason a fresh start BY AMY AMATANGELO WHERE HAVE I SEEN THEM BEFORE? Eric Balfour, Milo on the first season of "24," Gabe on "Six Feet Under" and Jesse in the pilot episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," is Eddie, Teresa's boyfriend on "The O.C." HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK All times listed are EST for Wednesday through Sunday. The way I see it, Fred can't die on "Angel" (Wednesday, WB, 9 p.m.). Too many women (Tara, Cordy, Anya, Jenny Calendar) have already died on Joss Whedon shows. Although I thought last week's episode was excellent, it is basically a retread of last season's story line. Except that instead of giving birth to a demon, the demon has taken over Fred's body. By the way the campaign over at www.savingangel.org is still going strong. And they have an absolutely fantastic tagline: "We will follow Angel to Hell ... Or Another Network." Keep up the good work, guys. TO THE TV GAL READER BELONGS THE SPOILS Gina Torres currently stirring up trouble as Julia on "24" will guest star on the March 11 episode of "CSI." _________________ http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/495/495567p1.html Exclusive: Angel Producer Talks to IGN FilmForce Will efforts to save the show be for naught? March 01, 2004 - The WB may have made the decision to put a stake through the heart of Angel but the fans and some WB affiliates aren't letting the series go without a fight. The online petition has now risen above 60,000 signatures and WB affiliates owned by Tribune Broadcasting (including KTLA in Los Angeles and WGN in Chicago) have protested the cancellation. Fans have already started raising money for the renewal effort, something that has Joss Whedon and series co-executive producer Jeff Bell a little worried. "We had a big fan party," Bell told IGN FilmForce staffer Ken Plume late Friday. "We told people there to please save their hard earned money. We're just telling people, 'Thanks for all your support but please don't spend your money.'" That's not to say that Bell and others at the Angel production offices aren't supportive of efforts to save the series, such as the packets of hair gel some fans are sending to executives at the WB. "Hair gel... If people want to do what they're doing because it's fun and it makes them feel like they're participating, I'm for it. It's just we're hearing about people raising a lot of money. It's telling that the fans are willing to spend more money saving the show that the WB is willing to spend to have it." There's a resignation to Bell's voice that immediately tells you he doesn't believe the outlook for the show's future is good. "If there's any shot at all, it's at UPN. That's going to happen strictly on financial reasons for them." If UPN wants the series, the clock is ticking, according to Bell. "I believe there was a ten-day window to the offer and I think that's coming up but I don't know the end date to that. It seems like a long shot. I think we all took it as we are cancelled for next year and if something else happens, fantastic but we've been 'bubble boys' for so many years now so to actually have some knowledge that it's ending and sort of treat it as such is in some ways ... at least we know. It was really difficult last year not knowing and as a show runner trying to keep all my great writers from taking a job that pays them more money on other shows, saying, 'I really think we're coming back, I really think we're coming back.' Luckily we did and I got all those wonderful people to come back. "I love the show and I love the people we work with. It's been great. They've told us we are cancelled and we're going under that umption until we hear otherwise. It's just too hard not to. "We took a big budget hit to come back this year and we really struggled to keep our show as cool as we felt it really could be with less money. I don't see it coming back, if anyone else picks it up, with more money. It's probably less again. And I would really hate to keep some sort of corpse alive that was a shadow of what it was just to keep it going. I'd much rather go out on top, with a bang with it being every bit as cool as we can make it. Right now I'm just figuring that episode 22 of this year will be our big finale. "I don't see how we can make it for a lower price. It would become some other show. I think there are so many factors for the show to come back and to succeed and all those would have to be weighed at the time. So we're really not focusing on that right now, we're just focusing on making the last handful of episodes really cool." Rumors began cirulating almost immediately about some potential guest stars helping to make those episodes even more cool but, according to Bell, nothing has been finalized in the guest star department just yet. He reports that the cast and crew are keeping their spirits up while still facing the inevitable fate of anyone that works in Hollywood: someday you'll have to look for a new job. "Like everyone else, my agent's out putting my name in the hats around town. Most of us are pretty busy here just trying to keep the ship afloat." So is there any chance that Bell would take a staff writer position at, say, Dark Shadows? Bell laughed at the obvious joke. "You know, I'm thinking I've been on a really great vampire show for three years. And I hear it's not funny." Meanwhile, there's still work to be done for this season. Regardless of what happens, everyone is under contract to stick around until episode 22 wraps, which will be in mid-April. "There's still mourning but there's a feeling of 'We have to get back to work.' The nice thing is that, by the time we get to the wrap party, it's going to be a really fun party as opposed to finding out a few weeks before we wrap that it's over and there's a sort of dark cloud hanging over it. I think the wrap party's going to be a celebration of five years of a really great TV show. "We knew we were doing really good shows this year and our [Nielsen] numbers were up. I think what [the WB] said at the 100th [episode] was true in terms of their love for the show and what we've contributed to WB. At the end of the day it really is all about their bottom line and if we don't make [financial] sense to them, they're not going to keep us hanging around. We all appreciate knowing. It's like someone finding out they only have six months to live so every one of those days is going to be precious. For all of us here, we're really enjoying one another and just loving the time we have here. We're just making the most of that." The WB had mentioned the possibility of television movies in their initial announcement. Does Bell think that is a genuine offer or just a way to deflect criticism? "I do think the WB creatively appreciates Angel and they feel it's one of their best written shows. I think it's a money thing. I think if it makes sense financially they'll do it. And if it doesn't, they won't. I really do think it's as cut and dried as that. There's very little romance left in television." _________________ TV Guide Online http://www.tvguide.com/tv/roush/review/ Roush Riff WB's cancellation of Angel after this season marks the end of a rich era in smart, scary fantasy that began in the spring of 1997, when Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer (from which Angel was spun) helped put the small network on the map. I hope Whedon's crew will have time to deliver a memorable finale, with the prospect of TV-movie adventures to follow — maybe a reunion with Buffy someday? But I foresee a long period of vamp withdrawal, and all I can say is that WB's proposed remake of Dark Shadows for next season had better be good. Trading Angel and Spike for a reincarnation of Barnabas Collins? I don't know what to think.

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