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ANGEL: Save as.... Geroneja. (02/21/04 12:05:20)

elendenika: Geroneja(02/21/04 12:05:20) ANGEL: Save as.... В этот топик я копирую всю информацию об отмене "Ангела" на шестой сезон и возможностей на продолжение, спойлеров постараюсь избегать, как могу Спасибо Васкес за идею ) *** AlhenaG Member Posts: 12 (2/14/04 5:17) Reply | Edit | Del * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Этот сезон все-таки последний. Новости с Zap2it. LOS ANGELES (Zap2it.com) - Earlier today, an announcement was made to the cast and crew at The WB's "Angel" that this season, the show's fifth, would be its last. "It's official enough to know it's real," David Greenwalt, who co-created the series with Joss Whedon, tells Zap2it. "but I haven't talked to anybody at the network or the studio. I can tell you that it's real, that it makes Mr. Whedon and myself very sad, that we wish it had kept going and we thought it was only getting better. "Joss and [executive producer] Jeff Bell told the cast and crew today. We have no understanding of the inner workings of the corporate world, but we've had a long and fruitful relationship with [producing studio] 20th Century Fox and The WB, for which we grateful. We just wish it could have gone on forever. Apparently, it's not going to. "Joss literally called me this morning, so it's very new." This news comes on the heels of airing the 100th episode of the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" spin-off, the taping of which was marked by a party on the show's sets last November. At that time, the WB's entertainment chief, Jordan Levin, said, "The work that you all do, I cannot thank you enough. This is something that will last. You can see it in the DVD sales. You see it in the fans. They give an incredible amount of attention to almost everything. "You've created a cult here, and it's pretty wonderful to be a part of it. So thank you and congratulations." Next week, on Wednesday, Feb. 18, "Angel" airs one of its most innovative episodes, called "Smile Time." Written and directed by Ben Edlund ("The Tick"), and based on an idea by Whedon, it sees the show's title character, a crusading vampire with a soul, forced to fight evil after being transformed into a walking puppet (with voice by series star David Boreanaz). "It's so brilliant," Greenwalt says. "I just love it. It's one of the finest pieces of filmmaking I've ever seen. It just cracked me up. It's so ridiculous and silly, and yet there's all this heartfelt stuff in it. It's just quintessential Whedon. "But wait until you see the episode that follows it in terms of abject heartbreak. It's just searing." Greenwalt stepped away from "Angel" a few years ago but has remained a consulting producer. Since then, he's worked on two short-lived but critically acclaimed series, ABC's "Miracles" and UPN's "Jake 2.0." But he's contemplating a possible return to his old stomping ground. "I might just go direct episode 20 [of 'Angel']," he says, "so I can say my farewell to everybody. That's something that might happen." As of press time, The WB had made no official announcement. AyurAFD Member Posts: 10 (2/14/04 8:23) Reply | Edit | Del Re: * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A statement from The WB: For the last seven years Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer have been cornerstones of our network. The sum total of the work done on those shows has produced some of the proudest moments in our history. Like some of the great series that are leaving the air this year, including Frasier and Friends, the cast, crew, writers and producers of Angel deserve to be able to wrap up the series in a way befitting a classic television series and that is why we went to Joss to let him know that this would be the last year of the series on The WB. We have discussed continuing the Angel legacy with special movie events next year, which is still on the table. In a perfect world, all of these details would be completed before this information went to the press so that we could be definitive about the show’s ongoing future. But in any case, we did not want to contemplate this being the last year of Angel without giving the show the option of crafting their own destiny for this character and for this series. David Boreanaz continues to be one of the finest, classiest and friendliest actors we have had the pleasure to work with and we hope that the relationship furthers from here. The same can be said for all the actors and producers on the show. Elena S Member Posts: 125 (2/14/04 12:09) Reply | Edit | Del ezSupporter Кампании уже начались -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Я знаю об одной - на своих любимых спарклях, но думаю, что каждое уважающее себя заведение начнёт такую кампанию. Geroneja Moderator Posts: 690 (2/14/04 21:57) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Кампании уже начались -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ну вот, праздник называется.. А, может, спин-офф? Мдя-м.. Эх, теперь точно придется уговаривать СМГ, если дальше таки ничего не будет.... Список компаний на сейчас здесь Smth Blue Member Posts: 135 (2/14/04 22:23) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Кампании уже начались -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Блин, если б знала, что так испортится настроение в праздник, в жизни б не полезла в инет на пять минут... Две линки на петиции: http://www.petitiononline.com/angels6/ http://www.petitiononline.com/ai5d0162/petition.html VasquezE Member Posts: 422 (2/15/04 0:59) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Кампании уже начались -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Еще один линк на петицию http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?ai5d0162&1 Два любопытных момента. Во-первых, объявили о-о-очень заранее. В прошлом году официальное объявление сделали 12 мая. Второе - объявили вечером в пятницу, "под выходные". Типа "к понедельнику набежит много других новостей - авось забудут". Теоретически-то понятно. Даже если рейтинги в этом сезоне выше, стоимость сериала в следующем сезоне будет больше. Потому что сроки контрактов истекают после пяти лет, актерские агенты начинают торговаться и т.д. И это ясно уже сейчас. А практически... хочу услышать официальный комментарий Ведона. Интересно, что он скажет. Потому что все эти недавние фанфары ("Ангел - самый сексуальный герой на ТВ!" - на обложке TV Guide, который принадлежит той же корпорации, что и The WB) - в свете последних новостей выглядят несколько странно. Первый отзыв Ведона - пока неофициальный, на Bronze Beta joss says: (Sat Feb 14 22:31:16 2004) Some of you may have heard the hilarious news. I thought this would be a good time to weigh in. to answer some obvious questions: No, we had no idea this was coming. Yes, we will finish out the season. No, I don't think the WB is doing the right thing. Yes, I'm grateful they did it early enough for my people to find other jobs. Yes, my heart is breaking. When Buffy ended, I was tapped out and ready to send it off. When Firefly got the axe, I went into a state of denial so huge it may very well cause a movie. But Angel... we really were starting to feel like we were on top, hitting our stride -- and then we strode right into the Pit of Snakes 'n' Lava. I'm so into these characters, these actors, the situations we're building... you wanna know how I feel? Watch the first act of "The Body." As far as TV movies or whatever, I'm not thinking that far ahead. I actually hope my actors and writers are all too busy. We always planned this season finale to be a great capper to the season and the show in general. (And a great platform for a new season, of course.) We'll proceed ahead as planned. I've never made mainstream TV very well. I like surprises, and TV isn't about surprises, unless the surprise is who gets voted off of something. I've been lucky to sneak this strange, strange show over the airwaves for as long as I have. I don't FEEL lucky, but I understand that I am. Thanks all for your support, your community, and your perfectly sane devotion. It's meant a lot. I regret nothing (except the string of grisley murders in the 80's -- what was THAT all about?) Remember the words of the poet: "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." See you soon. See you soon. И довольно взвешенные комментарии со Spoiler Slayer Tensai at Spoiler Slayer posted his thoughts and speculation on the news.Thought I would bring it over. www.spoilerslayer.com/archives/002777.php Quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATS: Musings On The End As expected, I am getting a inundated with emails about the announcement that Season Five will apparently be the final season of 'Angel'. It would probably be best to try to answer most of these here, rather than respond to each and every email. Did you hear the news/see this article, etc? Is it true? Unfortunately, yes it's all true. The WB has released an Official Press Release explaining their reasons for announcing their decision at this time. It also is an early announcement, as they do mention that they are still negotiating for 'Angel' specials. As articles/news is released, I will try to get the various articles posted in the News section, so please send links if you feel that I'm missing any. Why did this happen, it doesn't make sense? Actually, looking back at the stories from earlier this season, it does make some sense. Since before 'Buffy' even ended, I had been hearing rumors that the budget was a big sticking point in negotiations. Add to this the reports that the show was doing a lot of 'in-house' shooting early in the season due to a tight budget, and the very intriguing comments after the season started about finally getting the go ahead for a full season. It's my hunch, that the WB was originally aiming for the show to reach Episode 100, then based on the decent ratings okayed a full season. However, with several new (and pricey) series on The WB's horizon for next season, it's my guess that the cost of paying for another season, just doesn't make sense for the ratings they were getting. It's doing well in it's time slot, but at five years in (and with the addition of James to the cast), it's unlikely that they would improve any further. What about another network, like UPN or Sci Fi? The same reason the WB decided against Season Six, is likely going to keep another network from picking it up. SciFi is definitely out of the question in my opinion, as they're going to be shelling out the big bucks for both 'Battlestar Galactica' and a new 'Stargate' series. 'Battlestar' gave the network it's highest ratings ever, but they still took a few months to decide if it would be worth making it into a regular series. UPN is dealing with the fiasco that is 'Enterprise' and I think it would be iffy at best that they would want to invest in 'Angel', again because at this point the ratings likely aren't going to jump dramatically at this point. How can we save the show? Can you post links to my petition/postcard campaign? I'm going to be honest, I don't feel that anything the fans can do will save the show. Unless we managed to scrape up 10 million viewers, it's probably not going to happen. The WB knows that they have a core/niche audience of a few million, and yet they still determined that the show cannot continue. A couple hundred thousand signatures or postcards will probably not have any effect. However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't let your feelings be known. Send postcards and sign petitions, tell The WB how you feel. Even more importantly, let Fox know how you feel. As for the site, I've always taken the stance that in order to remain neutral, I don't want to single out any particular campaign or petition. So while I will not actively post any links or write-in info, there is a huge amount of information in the Daily Rounds linkage. Please visit these sites for information on how you can participate. We should boycott The WB or it's Sponsors. I've gotten more than a few emails suggesting this tactic, and I have to be honest and say 'Absolutely not'. I am extremely grateful for the five full seasons of both 'Buffy' and 'Angel' that the WB gave to us, not to mention the other shows that I happen to watch and enjoy on their network. I hold no ill-will towards either the WB or the Sponsors who support the show. Broadcast television is a mess right now, with cookie cutter series being produced everywhere. If you aren't a 30 minute sitcom, a reality show, or a police/medical/law drama, you don't have a fighting chance. I give a lot of credit to networks like The WB which take chances on series like 'Buffy' or 'Angel', as well as shows like 'Smallville' or 'Gilmore Girls'. All I can say is Thank You for the wonderful five years you've given me, it's much appreciated. I also know that there are fans out there who would like to thank The WB as well, so please use the Daily Rounds linkage, as many of the petition/write-in campaign sites also have the addresses to where you can send your thanks. How will this affect the final few episodes? This is perhaps the best question I've gotten, and I have to be honest, I really can't say for sure. At this time, my guess is that everything that hasn't been filmed, is subject to change. While I know that Joss always intended to wrap this season as if it was the series finale, we may see some additional faces from the past. With both Tim Minear and David Greenwalt expressing interest in Episode 20, it leads me to believe that 21 and 22 may have already been planned/written by Joss himself. I also think that this could bring an appearance by Sarah Michelle Gellar back into play, despite the reports to the contrary. I also would not rule out seeing Alyson or some of the others finding a way to make it into the series finale. So with 'Angel' ending, is this it for the Spoiler Slayer? This is a tough one, because obviously the site itself isn't solely devoted to 'Angel'. But I'd also be lying if I were to say that after 'Buffy' ended, I've haven't been doing some of my own cost/benefit ratio analysis. The site is not an inexpensive one to run by a longshot, which doesn't even take into account the personal time I devote to the site. Although I've promised that even if all the Joss shows were to go off the air, the site would still stay around and spoiling for other series, this decision by The WB does have me thinking about the future. If 'Tru Calling' were not to make it to season two (and to be honest, 'Angel' has a better chance of being renewed.), 'Wonderfalls' doesn't get picked up (which would make me angrier than 'Angel' ending), and 'Dead Like Me' doesn't get signed for Season Three, it would be a very tough call. However, 'Dead Like Me' seems to be going strong, and 'Wonderfalls' should have a decent chance. Also, as mentioned before, I will more than likely will be following spoilers for the new 'Doctor Who' series. Obviously, if any Buffyverse spin-off or mini-series were to be announced, I'd be right there in the thick of things. I also want to express my thanks for everyone who has written in during the past day, expressing their appreciation for the Spoiler Slayer site. I don't think there's any reason to think that the Spoiler Slayer will be going away anytime in the near future. Especially if you consider the last question I've gotten... Do you think there will be a spin-off next season? As sad as it is to see the end of 'Angel' approaching, I can't imagine that Joss and Mutant Enemy will not be doing anything in the near future. It's rare that a production company can create memorable series that manage to achieve not only a devoted fan following when it's on the air, but turn around and generate very strong DVD sales as well. One only need to look at the success of 'Firefly' on DVD, to show that even a project that ended earlier than it should have, can still be profitable to the studio and production company. Not to mention the critical acclaim Joss and the company has received. Is this the end of the Buffyverse, I highly doubt it. Especially since The WB is already expressing interest in 'Angel' movies or events next year. The strong fan response to the announcement is only going to prove that the Buffyverse is still very viable in terms of being able to pull in a strong, core audience. Maybe it's simply time for something new and different. While we might not see anything for next season in terms of a new series, I think it's almost certain that we won't be Whedon-less for very long. On a final note, this is all still in the early stages of the announcement. I'm certain that over the next few weeks, we're going to see a lot of interviews and comments about this news. As I've mentioned earlier, I will try to keep up with the numerous stories as they come in. In addition, although the site doesn't have the capability of allowing you to directly comment to other fans of the site about the news, I am opening up a post on my personal page for those who would like to express their feelings about the show ending. Please feel free to comment about the news there. ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine [off]ссылка на соответствующий топик оригинального форума Marstersverse[/off]

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elendenika: Geroneja(03/26/04 12:18:04) *скрестила пальцы и замерла* Если будет сериал о Спайке и Эндрю с гостевыми участиями остальных товарищей, то это просто мечта! ) Васкес, спасиб за новости, помню, читала, что во втором сезоне Спайка ж должны были еще в 10-й убить, но все решило не только решение Джосса, но и то, что Спайк (а лучше скажем Спайк в исполнении ДМ) так понравился зрителям ) --------- Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Loy Yver(03/26/04 21:15:58) Васкез, Спасибо большое! Новости приятные, если не сказать больше. Тьфу-тьфу-тьфу!!! Чтоб не сглазить! *скрестив все пальцы и сжав все кулачки, уползает под сковородку, надеяться* --------- Suum Cuique (c) Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Geroneja(03/27/04 16:45:49) Утащила с ВВВ, автор - Stars go blue, начало а-ля "Serenity" - вне конкуренции )) The Meeting: Place: A conference room somewhere in Hell-LAY Enter Jordan Levin accompanied by two non descript men in suits. Levin is wearing a suit, tie and a sporty bowler. A short time later Joss Whedon arrives. He is in full browncoat regalia. Brown Pants, boots, and suspenders. Surprisingly, he is cleanshaven. Whedon is followed by David Fury and David Greenwalt. Both are attired in vintage Hawaiian shirts. "You're late!" barks Levin. For some reason he has a cockney accent. "You're lying'" retorts Whedon. He has forgotten that his hat was to be in hand, metaphorically speaking. The good guys not wearing hats and all. "What did you say to me?" asks Levin. Whedon recovers himself quickly. "I meant that we are here at the appointed time. If you say we are late, it is only because you are upset about something and have decided to go on the offensive." Levin accepts what is hardly an apology, but since it is close to the truth he says what has been bothering him. Nodding he states "I have been on edge lately. Your fans unnerve me. The postcards, the flowers, the billboards," shudders, "the media attention. It is a rabid group of rebels you lead, but they are frighteningly well organized and funded." Joss grins maliciously. "That's my fandom." "Their efforts won't help, of course" Levin continues without noting the comment, "The decision has been made. "Sure, Angel's numbers were up, but this was a business decision. The money is just not there. For your production costs we can make a full season of "The Surreal Life". Chuckles happily to himself. "Ron Jeremy and Tammy Faye. Now that is good family programming." Joss idly examines his fingernails, but glances up when the laughter stops. Greenwalt and Fury exchange looks. "So why am I here," He asks carefully. "if Angel is still dead?" Levin nods. "I was hoping to make Amends." Joss' mind wanders briefly to happier times and thoughts of miracle snow, but is snapped back to reality by Fury popping his knuckles loudly. "What did you have in mind?" Levin starts eagerly. "Have you heard about this new vampire show the WB is producing called Dark Shadows? We thought that you...." Joss stops him with a dark look. "I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling. Why don't we just ignore you said that until it goes away." "If I had wanted schooling, I'da gone to school," Levin snorted. "What about my offer, Joss. Can't you see the potential? Joss winces at the word, then quickly recovers. "You just cancelled my freaking show! The one about the vampires?! And now you want to talk to me about a vampire show?" Levin stares accusingly. "You think you're better than other people." "Just the ones I'm better than," Joss retorted. Getting warmed up he starts in on Levin. "So, what made you kill my show? Were there monkeys? Some terrifying spacemonkeys maybe got loose?" Levin grins. "Keep throwing out ideas like that. Excellent." The suited men take surreptitious notes behind him. "Monkeys work cheap." "Did the price of blackmarket beagles crash?" Whedon continues. "Was that all the financial backing there was supporting my show?" Levin begins to look puzzled. "Is he, you know, crazy?" he whispers to the two Dave's. Fury nods, hiding a grin. "Bug shagging crazy." "Totally sack of hammers,"Greenwalt throws in for good measure. Whedon begins to wind down from the rant. He places a square gaze on Levin. "Angel will not die, Levin. You know why? Because my cast is so very pretty. This show is just too pretty for God to let it die." "Maybe not on the WB, but somewhere and somehow the story will continue." "In the meantime, I believe that our business here is concluded. Gentleman." Whedon nods and begins to exit the room, followed closely by his crew. Levin leans towards them. "You may live to regret this! We may never give you another opportunity like this one! You could have really taken off!" "I've been to flight school," Joss said laconically. "and now I can fly free. Universal helped me regain Serenity and no power in the 'Verse can stop me." "Will you at least call off the fans?" Levin pleads from the doorway. "I find that to be problematical." Whedon replies as he continues into the hall. I'm late for a meeting with Mrs. Laurence Fishbourne. Haven't you heard? I've got a Big Damn Movie to make!" Fury giggles. "Think Pee Wee Herman still has Larry's number from the Playhouse days?" Greenwalt elbows him. Joss sings the Firefly theme song loudly as they stride into the night

elendenika: VasquezE(03/28/04 14:17:00) Геро, спасибо, забавная виньеточка... Кстати, в среду планируется еще одна демонстрация в защиту прав чело... тьфу, вампира, - одним словом, будет ралли перед офисом Warners в Бэрбенке. Aint It Cool News http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=17268 Coming To Burbank!! Giant Wednesday SAVE ANGEL Rally!! Wednesday, March 31 2004 Time: 3 pm - 7 pm PST Location: Gate 11 at The WB Ranch 411 N. Hollywood Way Burbank, California I am – Hercules!! Someone wrote in a week or two ago about spotting pro-“Angel” picketeers around the Warner Bros. lot in Burbank, and I thought to myself, “Dang! I can carry a placard! Wish somebody told me about it!” Now imagine if every “Angel” fan in Los Angeles were to converge on Burbank. I’m pretty sure they all read Ain’t It Cool. This could be our chance. PRESS RELEASE: SAVING ANGEL CAMPAIGN Announces Los Angeles Rally Saving Angel to hold Viewer Rally at The WB Ranch on Wednesday, March 31, 2004. On Wednesday, March 31, 2004, dedicated viewers of The WB television program Angel will gather at the Warner Brothers production ranch in Burbank, California to show support for the series and protest its untimely cancellation. The rally is the latest step in a campaign orchestrated by Saving Angel (www.savingangel.org and www.savingangel.com ), the coalition of Angel viewers who have come together in hopes of keeping the show on the air. SavingAngel has collected over $30,000 from devotees around the world, funding an unprecedented series of measures which have garnered national media attention. "We had hoped that we would touch a nerve in the viewing public, but never expected the response to be so huge, nor the media coverage to be so encompassing." said Lisa Rowe, SavingAngel Media Liaison. "I believe that it sends a signal to the powers that be in TV that viewers really do have a desire to watch good scripted shows, and are speaking up about it." So far, the campaign has included thousands of postcards and emails to network and media targets on a changing schedule, full-page ads in Variety and Hollywood Reporter, and a mobile billboard driving through the streets of Los Angeles (photos attached). The campaign has emphasized its desire to see quality scripted TV programming remain on the air. Swing the crebbil!

elendenika: Ariel BtVS(03/29/04 19:44:07) Всетаки очень хочеться спинофф со Спайком в главной роли! Мне кажется что Джеймс что заслужил и уже давно. Хватит уже на вторых ролях бегать не маленький уже пра и свое шоу заиметь ем более что талант позволяет! Впринципе я согласна и на фильм со бсеми ними, но сериал было бы практичне (подольше бы светился на экране) Я тут ое что нашла.. Не знаю ...может будет кому интересно... если что не обессуте 13 февраля 2004 года руководство телеканала "The WB" объявило об окончании сериала "Ангел" после завершения его пятого сезона. Цитата из пресс-релиза: "Последние семь лет сериалы "Баффи" и "Ангел" являлись одними из основ в нашей работе. Мы очень гордимся общим итогом, который подвели эти два телешоу за время своего существования на нашем канале. Последовав примеру с великолепными сериалами "Frasier" и "Friends" которые также завершаются в этом году, мы посчитали что актёрский состав и съёмочная команда сериала "Ангел" заслуживают того, чтобы создать великолепный финал и закончить сериал так, как это должно делать классическое телешоу. Поэтому мы заранее известили Джосса Ведона о том, что это будет последний сезон "Ангела" на канале "The WB". Мы продолжаем обсуждать продолжение "Ангела" в виде нескольких специальных телефильмов в следующем году, и этот проект остаётся открытым. В идеальном случае, детали об этом должны были быть оглашены ещё до того, как информация об окончании сериала вышла бы в прессу, чтобы мы смогли полностью определиться с будущим "Ангела". В любом случае, мы не хотим объявлять об окончании сериала без возможности дать этому телешоу и его главному герою новый путь развития. Дэвид Бореаназ был и остаётся одним из лучших классических актёров на телевидении с которым мы имели честь работать. Мы надеемся, что наше сотрудничество продолжится и в дальнейшем. То же самое относится ко всем остальным актёрам сериала "Ангел", его продюсерам, сценаристам и режиссёрам..." Джосс Ведон о завершении сериала "Ангел" на канале "The WB": "... Некоторые из вас уже слышали эти весёлые новости. Думаю настало время прояснить ситуацию, чтобы ответить на самые острые вопросы. Нет, мы даже не предполагали что это может произойти именно сейчас. Да, мы будем заканчивать нынешний сезон. Нет, я не думаю что "The WB" поступает правильно, хотя я благодарен им за то, что они предупредили заранее и наши работники уже начали подыскивать себе новую работу. Да, моё сердце разбито. Когда заканчивалась "Баффи" я готовился к окончанию этого сериала, и поэтому прощание с ним прошло легко. Когда отменили "Firefly", я уже собирался переносить его на "большой экран". Но вот "Ангел"... Мы действительно начали считать что он находится на вершине успеха, что мы сумели наконец найти высокую волну... - и вот всё это неожиданным образом разрушилось. Я настолько привязался к персонажам этого сериала, его актёрам, историям которые мы рассказывали зрителю... хотите знать мои чувства? Пересмотрите первую часть "Тела" (5 сезон "Баффи" - прим. переводчика). Что касается продолжения в виде телефильмов или чего-то иного, я не думаю что у этой идеи есть перспектива. Я искренне надеюсь, что наши актёры и сценаристы найдут чем заняться. Мы с самого начала планировали, что нынешний финал будет прекрасным завершением 5 сезона и одной из великолепных сюжетных развязок для сериала в целом что разумеется, дало бы нам интригующую платформу для следующего сезона). Пока мы будем продолжать выполнение задуманного. Я никогда полностью не вписывался в картину современного телевидения. Я люблю сюрпризы, а вот телевидение сюрпризов не любит, за исключением моментов когда нужно проголосовать против чего-либо. Мне повезло создать этот очень странный сериал и работать над ним до самого конца. Я не чувствую себя счастливчиком, но я понимаю что это именно так..."

elendenika: VasquezE(03/30/04 04:07:40) Ариэль, спасибо за перевод! Немножко новостей. Ничего супер-такого нет, но кампанию продолжают освещать в СМИ Entertainment-Rewired http://www.entertainment-rewired.com/features/interviews/lisarowe.shtml Interview with LISA ROWE, co-creator of the SAVING ANGEL campaign! story by Ranting Ryan By now you've probably learned that Angel has been cancelled. And if you're an Angel fan, you've probably heard of the efforts the people over at SavingAngel.org are doing to try and save the show. We spoke with the lovely, smart and funny Lisa Rowe, who is one of the fans heading up the campaign. Not only does she kick booty for doing this, but she's also a former Penn State student. On top of thanking Ms. Lowe for doing the interview, we here at Rewired.com would personally like to thank her and everyone else at SavingAngel.org for taking the initiative to try and save a show that we too love. So tell me about the creation of Saving Angel. Tell us what you’ve done so far to save the show. Well you see, there’s always been some animosity between the Angel and Buffy communities. There are the Sparklers, the Angel/Buffy shippers, Buffy/Spike shippers, etc. The day word of cancellation came out we got together and said “dammit, if we don’t do anything, then nobody will have their favorite characters or ships.” So we got all of the groups together and pulled them in one big ol’ chat. We decided what needed to be done. So we got two ads up, one in Variety and the other in The Hollywood Reporter. We got back page in Variety, which is a great place for that. That’s really good placement. There’s an outlet called Guerilla Billboards, they get a big ol’ truck and drive it around a route of Los Angeles of your choice. So we got it for three weeks. It’s sitting in front of studios and executive offices and the Ryan Seacrest show every day. We’ve gotten really good feedback on this. Have any executive or actors noticed? The executives have noticed. We’ve gotten word that WB and FOX have seen them and they’re quite impressed that we’ve mobilized. We’re working on a rally. Some people are going to a convention in California that approached us about speaking about what we’re doing. We are being filmed and interviewed by the TV Guide channel and a couple other interviews as well. So that’s our game plan at the moment. We’re not unreasonable and we’re not delusional. We realize that there is a slim chance at that. We just felt that we needed to make a stand. Good genre TV is dropping by the minute faster than we can say. TV is becoming a wasteland. There is one other element in this also, we hear that WB is targeting the demographic that they had with Dawson’s Creek. We’ve just proven that we have funding and that we can mobilize about a show we care about. Executives need to look at their TV demographics. The largest generation is the baby boomer generations and the Gen X’s. We are not undesirable. We kind of wanted to make our stand on this. If it opens the network’s eyes, that’s great. If that means that we get Angel TV movies, that’s great, if it means we get more Whedon stuff, that’s great. But we know that there is a slim chance. It seems that the show was off to a great start this year with a new story-arc and new cast member, James Marsters. Were you surprised when WB decided to axe the show? Yeah, I think we were all surprised. I think Joss was surprised. There was a WB event shortly before this, I think it was the 100th episode, and WB President Josh Levin talked about how they had room for two vampire shows (they are remaking Dark Shadows), and then a week later they just decided to cancel it. The ratings haven’t been super great, but it’s a genre show. But you know what? The viewers are very stable. With this show, they’ve moved it around so much and the ratings have remained stable. It’s not to be scoffed at. It’s not like the WB have the next Friends. They aren’t in the top three networks. So they’re basically trying to make room in their schedule for genre shows and Dawson’s Creek them up and they’ve all tanked… Birds of Prey, Tarzan. Genre audiences are a bit picky in good plots and good writing. Have you been contacted by any of the actors, studios? Not the actors. The week that we started this, I was out for the Wolfram and Heart party. The writers were all there. Jeff Bell, Drew Goddard, and I’m the kind of person who just walks up and says hey. I brought flyers for the campaign. David Fury expressed concern. He was afraid people would take food out of their children’s mouths to help fund money to post an ad. I said no we’re not doing this, we’re just contributing here and there, just to let you and them know we want good TV. Some are just pitching in a few dollars. We don’t’ want any more Get Me Off Survivor With Dates shows. So he knew we really were about making our feelings known about this. Especially initially, they felt there was no chance. Realistically, these are their jobs. They have to figure out how to pay their mortgages like everyone else. So they have to keep their eyes open on the next horizon as well. Living in limbo isn’t a cool thing. They were very touched and moved and they also felt that this is one more demonstration on how good the Angel/Buffy fans are for the show. How long have you yourself been an ANGEL fan? I’ve been a genre fan ever since I could read and watch movies. I’m a big fan geek. In some of the interviews I’ve done, I’ve been trying to communicate that we’re not nutty people. We’re normal people that have a love for well-made programs, some that have genre tendencies. And we’re kinda annoyed. That’s how we all got together on this. We’re pissed off that these shows are disappearing. So what’s the age range of the people who are contributing to Saving Angel? We range in age from around 20-mid-to-late-40’s. There are some women who don’t want to say as well (laughs). The contributors that we’ve had spans from 15 years old and up. We’ve had kids who had their parents contribute for them. Most of our donations have been in $5-20 donations, and then some have given only a couple of dollars. It just shows how many people are out there. We were actually pretty stunned by how fast we got donations. We kept looking at the totals and kept saying, “Oh my god, it’s that high already?” We shut off the donations when we hit our first three target goals because we didn’t want anyone second-guessing how our funding was being used. We’re not getting paid to do this; we’re contributing our own time. That’s how much we love this show. How can people help? They can go to the Saving Angel website and learn more. They can donate time, money, call their cable providers, etc. www.savingangel.org or www.savingangel.com

elendenika: VasquezE(04/01/04 15:29:38) Новости с ралли: Date Posted: 18:48:43 03/31/04 Wed Author: mackettric Author Host/IP: 209-232-190-200.ded.pacbell.net / Subject: Saving Angel Rally Report I was at the Saving Angel rally briefly right when it began. So far there are 17 people, including me and I'm at work now. More were showing up all the time, so hopefully there will be a lot more. The billboard truck is parked right across the street from the rally, and the TV Guide tv crew were there to do some filming, and Jeff Richter (I believe that was his name) from the Television Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror (the folks who put on the Saturn Awards) was there to give his support to the campaign. I took a few pictures, a few didn't turn out of the billboard (darn cars), but you can get a feel for the set up. There are more people there then the pictures represent, but we really do need to get more people there, so if anyone can ditch work early and get down to the Rally, please do. Here's a link to the pictures. http://homepage.mac.com/mackettric/PhotoAlbum4.html AND: Date Posted: 19:16:01 03/31/04 Wed Author: mackettric Author Host/IP: 209-232-190-200.ded.pacbell.net / Subject: More information In reply to: mackettric 's message, "Saving Angel Rally Report" on 18:48:43 03/31/04 Wed Just talked to someone at the Rally, there's A LOT more people there, it's packed. Several TV camera crews including a crew from On Air w/ Ryan Seacrest. Looks like it's a huge success.

elendenika: VasquezE(04/02/04 08:27:25) http://www.skyone.co.uk/programmes/features.asp?fID=Angel%20editor%20questions&prog=22&pollresult=1 Q And Angel Most of you just want to know why Angel has been cancelled but here's a selection of your Angel questions, answered by the editor of the Official Angel Magazine, Martin Eden. Vicki: Will we be able to buy Angel season six on DVD even though it’s not going to be shown in the UK? I’m afraid not, Vicki. After filming finishes on Season Five, there are no plans – at the time of writing – to film any more seasons of Angel. Having said that – who knows? – there might be a TV movie or something , maybe even a mini-series, which would most probably be available on DVD eventually. Candace Behrens: Are the rumours true that Sky One is trying to save Angel? I would really like to know because I am just dying for some good information! Can you also give me any more new information about Angel’s current situation? I would really appreciate it! Sky One actually released a statement to some of their viewers who made enquiries. Sky’s statement basically said: "Unfortunately, the decision not to commission another season is with the network in question (i.e. The WB) and beyond our influence." As for the show’s current situation - filming finishes in the middle of April and then, for the time being, that’s it. At the time of writing, there is no official news of any more Angel or any Buffyverse spin-offs - although the President of Mutant Enemy has stated that "Mutant Enemy already has plans for more tales from the world of Angel". There were no further details, so I don’t know any more! It's frustrating, isn't it?! Michael Findlater: Does the magazine have any plans to lobby The WB for a stay of the show’s execution? To be honest, Michael, we're quite a small fish in a very big pond. We would have just the same impact as popular websites and such like, so we’re happy to let them continue their hard work while we focus on putting the magazine together. What we have been doing, however, is alerting readers to established campaigns/petitions and updating information, both in our news pages and in personal replies to readers' emails. Adam Hughes: Is the Save Angel campaign going to make any difference? Yes, and no. I think the campaign makes a very big difference in terms of making the TV executives sit up and take notice. It makes people realise how much the fans love the show and how hungry they are for more. Look at Farscape - a popular show, cancelled in a very similar (i.e. stupid) way to Angel, and they're filming a mini-series right now - and I'm sure that happened, in part, because of the massive Save Farscape campaign. Hopefully, the Save Angel campaign will also make executives think harder about cancelling other popular shows in the future. Personally, I was baffled by the decision, especially since Angel was doing so well in the ratings. To answer the question from a business perspective, however, I think that when this type of announcement is made, a lot of meetings have already been had and a lot of decisions have already been set in stone. When a show gets cancelled, the actors and writers are going to start to look for new projects to work on - life has to go on. Lauraleafo1: Will both magazines continue now that neither Buffy nor Angel will be on the air? Absolutely, and the same goes for the Buffy Magazine. There are still a lot of exciting things happening. Plus, you never know what’s around the corner in terms of spin-offs, movies and TV movies. Joss Whedon is too talented not to be a regular presence on our screens. If you'd like to put an Angel question to the editor of the Official Angel Magazine, Martin Eden, e-mail us at contact@skyone.co.uk, subject line 'Angel'. Напомню, что SKy One - часть империи Руперта Мэрдоха, которому принадлежит Fox И на той же страничке голосовалка - с кем должна быть Баффи: Сейчас результаты таковы: Ангел - 46% Спайк - 54%

elendenika: Geroneja(04/02/04 10:52:24) Васкес, спасибо большое за новости ) ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(04/08/04 11:39:03) Пошли какие-то невнятные слухи, что шестой сезон может состояться на канале USA network Date: 04-07-04 18:33 Posted by Tony http://50.lycos.com/ No fooling it says theyve heard Angel migh be getting picked up by another network.Scroll most of the way down,it says the save angel from cancellatton got dropped from the lycos top 50,but they hear Angel might move to another network. heres the link to the whole thread http://www.cityofangel.com/phorum/index.html Интересный комментарий с ASSB crumpet USA network is owned by Universal Studies. Universal Studios bought the movie rights to FIREFLY from 20th Century Fox; they're the guys who "wanted to work with Joss Whedon for the longest time" and are currently bankrolling SERENITY. Joss has a good relationship with Universal Pictures right now - whether that could translate into a relationship with USA is anybody's guess. (And you FIREFLY fans: if 20th Century Fox were to relenquish their television rights to Universal as well, then FIREFLY could show up on USA. Вопрос лишь в том, насколько люди выдают желаемое за действительное...

elendenika: Geroneja(04/08/04 15:27:54) Хм, так таки USA... Я сразу подумала, что они с Юниверсал связаны, но также сразу начала сомневаться.. Эх... Посмотрим ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Ariel BtVS(04/09/04 01:13:07) Эх надежда урает последней! Може т нам еще чего перепадет! Впринципе фильм как продолжение был бы пристижнее! Но из чисто эгоэстическиж соображений (чаще и дольще его буду видеть) хочу сериал!

elendenika: VasquezE(04/09/04 12:30:49) Да, привыкли мы иметь Спайка регулярно и большом количестве... Кстати, посмотрите, какие открытки насчет спиноффа делают фаны для посылки телебоссам http://www.sparklies.org/gallery/categories.php?cat_id=30&page=2

elendenika: Geroneja(04/09/04 15:34:03) Ой, какие открытки!!! Ням-ням, я тоже такие хочу )) ----------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: Ariel BtVS(04/13/04 03:28:25) А здесь Баффи и спайк и прямо на рабочий стол!

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