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Спойлеры и рассуждения. VasquezE. (10/25/03 03:20:11)

elendenika: VasquezE(10/25/03 03:20:11) Спойлеры и рассуждения 1. Почему хронология пятого сезона сдвинута ровно на четыре месяца назад? а) сценаристам необходимо, чтобы события финала происходили в январе 2004 (то есть через 8 месяцев после Chosen) и) это просто оплошность вроде "потерянного месяца" в середине 7 сезона "Баффи" 2. Почему к матери Лайлы вернулась память сразу же после того как Уэс убил отца? а) их души встретились на высшем уровне бытия, и теперь мама Лайлы вернулась с посланием от Роджера Уиндэма-Прайса к Уэсли или ко всей Банде Клыка б) просто совпадение 3. Почему амулет и материализующее волшебство были посланы по почте? а) бюджетные ограничения б) Сценаристы не нашли другого способа подсунуть Хармони Спайку в момент его материализации 4. Зачем сценаристы спаривают Спайка и Хармони? а) они намерены радикально переписать обоих персонажей и сделать их них "комическую разрядку" шоу б) они готовы принести Хармони в жертву гнева фанатов для того, чтобы другие кандидатуры в "девушки Спайка" (Фред, Ева) казались бы фанам более приемлемым 5. Почему в чаше страданий оказалась Mountain Dew? а) Если это идея Джосса Ведона - чаша страданий окажется настоящей, что бы в ней ни находилось. Ведон не раз говорил, что в его понимании "цель путешествия - в самом путешествии". В соответствии с этим кредо единственное, что имеет значение - то, что Спайк все-таки выпил эту чашу. Можно начинать готовиться к тому, что Спайка снова будут мучить... б) Если это идея Дэвида Фьюри - значит, чаша страданий - всего лишь "оживляж", дешевый предлог для демонстрации драки двух крутых мачо А ваше мнение? [off]ссылка на соответствующий топик оригинального форума Marstersverse[/off]

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elendenika: VasquezE(01/07/04 15:06:25) Сказала бы я про внешность Ангела... да не хочу ангелистов обижать. Поэтому скажу только одно: иногда нужно брать себя в руки и радикально худеть. Хотя, конечно, сейчас его трудно с кем-нибудь спутать... Небольшая новость про СМГ. http://www.suntimes.com/output/zwecker/cst-ftr-zp07.html PLANNING AHEAD ... way ahead! Even before ''Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed'' hits theaters (March 26), the producers reportedly have inked deals to re-sign the entire cast for ''Scooby-Doo 3.'' Apparently early test marketing of rough-cut screening audiences has proved so positive, Warner Bros. is lining up Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prinze Jr., Alicia Silverstone, Matthew Lillard, Linda Cardellini and the gang for the third flick. Если так и дальше будет продолжаться, мы ее и в шестом сезоне не увидим...

elendenika: Elena S(01/07/04 15:45:55) "да не хочу ангелистов обижать" :)Да уж, ангелистов лучше не обижать, их может быть много, они могут быть темпераментными (хотя до спайкофилов, наверное, не дотягивают) - это только бедных райлистов всякий обидеть норовит. Ибо мало их и они способны только горько плакать в уголке. Мне вообще-то всё равно, мне нравятся и Ангел, и Спайк, и Райли (и ещё десятка полтора персонажей), но жалко бедных забитых райлистов. Райли за пределами шоу чморят так, как Спайка на экране не чморили самые разнузданные сценаристы. Это так, просто поговорить захотелось, а спойлеров нету, темы нету, не обращай внимания.

elendenika: Geroneja(01/07/04 17:03:06) А мне вот ксандеристов жалко... Помню, так мы гадости товарища Харриса обсуждали.... Наверное, от температуры все или от прочитанного интервью Ника Брендона )) ------------ Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(01/08/04 04:28:46) Новости Spoilerslayer сообщает что 15 серию точно будет снимать Ведон и что он наверняка постарается блокировать любую информацию по своей серии: http://www.spoilerslayer.com/archives/002645.php As for episode 15, just more confirmation that Joss will be both writing and directing the episode. It's possible that more info may break next week, but it's going to be hard to tell (I have a feeling Joss is going to work hard on blocking info on this episode) И еще одна неожиданная новость: на вчерашнем (или позавчерашнем) концерте GoTR фаны заметили, что у ДМ не хватает одного зуба! К счастью, он совершенно не комплексует по этому поводу. Извольте фото: http://www.sparklies.org/gallery/details.php?image_id=1739 Похоже, опять какую-то крутую драку снимали... С зомбями или с куклами? Появились обложки седьмого сезона "Баффи" и 4 сезона "Ангела": http://www.ezydvd.com.au/item.zml/225702 http://www.ezydvd.com.au/item.zml/225701 Элисон Ханниган получила приглашение сниматься в следующем сезоне в сериале в жанре семейной комедии http://tv.zap2it.com/tveditorial/tve_main/1,1002,271|85565|1|,00.html NBC Sibling Comedy Eyes Hannigan (Wednesday, January 07 02:55 PM) LOS ANGELES (Zap2it.com) - NBC has given a greenlight to a sibling rivalry comedy from Matt Tarses and Bill Wrubel. The show's producers are hoping to score "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" co-star Alyson Hannigan to topline the project. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the untitled comedy focuses on an estranged brother and sister who haven't spoken in 18 months. "It's about a brother, who is quite a bit of a ne'er-do-well, reentering his sister's life and them beginning to reconnect," says Jamie Tarses who, along with Karey Burke, will executive produce through the NBC Studios-based Untitled Burke/Tarses Project. Matt Tarses and Wrubel worked together on ABC's "Sports Night" and the future "A Guy Thing." Tarses is currently a co-executive producer on NBC's "Scrubs," while Wrubel holds the same position for fellow "Must-See" entry "Will & Grace." "It just seems like a very relatable dynamic in that our relationships with our siblings, who we love very much, can also be fraught with a lot of complexity and emotion," Wrubel says. Hannigan, who will take the London stage this spring in "When Harry Met Sally" opposite Luke Perry, has a talent holding deal with NBC and has been looking for the right project. She reportedly has met with the show's creative team, though no further commitment is in place.

elendenika: Geroneja(01/08/04 11:16:54) Васкес, пасибо ) Ага, эти зубы уже который день обсуждают, все читаю и читаю, а концерт был 4-го, прощальный концерт для Аарона - барабанщика их ------------ Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(01/09/04 03:25:39) Голосование http://www.loudvision.co.uk/ Можно проголосовать за любимого актера на телевидении и в кино

elendenika: Geroneja(01/09/04 11:42:00) Понятное дело, за кого голосуем Васкес, спасибо )) Ежели кто желает посмотреть на Эли и Люка Перри, по-моему, неплохо смотрятся: http://www.slayerverse.de/tanet/net_buffy_us/?navi=news.php&id=4480 http://www.slayerverse.de/tanet/net_buffy_us/?navi=news.php&id=4487 ------------ Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(01/09/04 14:51:17) Спасибо! Эли потрясающе смотрится - похоже, она пришла в себя после года пребывания в шкуре персонажа, придавленного чувством вины. А вообще, конечно, легкий сюр на фото присутствует - подружка теле-Баффи и бойфренд кино-Баффи...

elendenika: Geroneja(01/09/04 17:48:53) Да, парочка потрясающая )) Что правда, то правда ------------ Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(01/11/04 09:14:59) Ведон разразился первым интервью за полгода. Сайт whedonesque.com/ почему-то пишет, что Whedon UK Sunday Times interview. Apparently this is the first time he has sat down with a reporter in over a year. (а как же поток интервью в мае-июне 2003 года?) Ну да ладно... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2101-954416,00.html Адрес есть, но само интервью запаролено, целиком его достать не могу. К счастью, Simon с ASSB перепечатал отрывки по Спайку и Марстерсу: Author: Simon Host/IP: cache3-blfs.server.ntli.net / Subject: Excerpt from a new Joss Whedon interview regarding Angel's sixth season Whedon, son and grandson of influential scriptwriters, whose chipper days (a shared Oscar nomination for writing Toy Story) have far outnumbered the lame (Alien: Resurrection, anybody?), was suddenly facing membership of the Hollywood hellfire club, where writers such as The X Files’ Chris Carter and Ally McBeal’s David E Kelley are paired up with monkeys typing Shakespeare until they create another hit. So, Whedon is a little on edge. As he talks, he is stabbing himself with a retractable Buffy stake and his knee is bobbing. Finally, unable to sit still, he picks up my minidisc recorder and weaves around the furniture. It works — at home, later, the machine spits out a few words, groans and melts down. Luckily, old-fashioned shorthand is less vulnerable to demonic influence. Whedon’s battle to save Angel, which starts its fifth series on British television this week, has left its bruises. Last spring, studio bosses told him to cut costs or shut up shop. “I had too many stories left to tell. The series was not the pot of gold everyone might think: at least, that’s what the suits told me. It was painful dealing with those people. But we rescued Angel from the grave, again, at least for this series and maybe the next.” While Kelley sacked high-priced stars to save The Practice, Whedon expanded his cast, sharpened the writing and pushed Angel higher in the ratings than ever before. Key to its overhaul is the resurrection of the goodish vamp Spike, once a Victorian aesthete known as William the Bloody (thanks to his awful poetry), who had apparently sacrificed himself in the final, big-budget Buffy. Now Spike is back, still played with British cockiness and snarling wit by the Californian James Marsters. Think Karen out of Will & Grace with better cheekbones and slinkier moves. “The studio wanted him: it was me they were not sure about,” says Whedon, half joking. Fans are happy, too — last November, they raised Ј5,000 for a full-page advert in Variety, thanking Whedon for saving Spike. Ох, не нравится мне это. Может быть, Ведон и шутит, но, как известно, в каждой шутке есть доля... шутки. Буквально два дня назад я упомянула на украинском форуме, что мне кажется, будто Ведон опасается персонажа, который выходит из-под контроля. Теперь я вижу недвусмысленное подтверждение, что это так.

elendenika: VasquezE(01/11/04 14:27:51) А вот и полный текст интервью Ведона в Sunday Times http://www.buffyboardnow.com/TimesOnline.htm New Joss Whedon Interview with the Sunday Times (UK, broadsheet). Television: Throw off your anoraks and rejoice Angel and Spike are back from the dead — again. And it’s all thanks to the weird science of Joss Whedon. By John Harlow The letter, pinned to a notice board, is well typed and politely phrased, but barking mad. “Did you notice,” asks the writer, “an intruder materialise in your office the other night? I was practising my teleporting skills at home in Folkestone, and I think I may have ended up in your office in Los Angeles by accident. Sorry.” Welcome to the off-kilter world of Joss Whedon, master of the Californian twilight zone. For the past decade, Whedon — creator of the slyly humane satire that was Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spin-off, Angel, about Buffy’s vampiric ex-boyfriend, who has a soul of gold and a dodgy Galway accent — has been the unchallenged monarch of television’s bloodsucking hordes (or, in Hollywood PC terms, undead Americans). Questions of super-natural nomenclature are taken seriously in Los Angeles, and not just by teenage goths. The Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, where fundamentalist scholars regard mental illness as satanic possession, is drawing up a map of demonic activity in LA — and Fox Studios, where Whedon has his office, is splat in the middle. Maybe they are on to something? The 39-year-old writer looks too young and innocent to be true. As he steps into the shady domain of his production company, Mutant Enemy, and taps a 6ft plaster demon on its knobbly head, you cannot but think: what if Auberon Waugh and Renйe Zellweger had had an auburn-haired surfer love child? He would have looked uncannily like Mr Whedon. Dressed in cargo pants and a T-shirt emblazoned with an image of the 1940s starlet Joan Leslie — big bonus points for obscurity there, Joss — the press-shy writer is taken aback by my materialisation in his sanctum. He has not sat down with a reporter for a year. The trap has been set by his corporate pals, because, frankly, since Buffy dusted her final “big, bad” last summer, the scene has not been rockin’ in the Jossiverse. Buffy has gone, largely because Sarah Michelle Gellar, known on set as “the Duchess”, wanted to spread her artistic wings — and ended up filming Scooby-Doo 2. A cartoon Buffy has failed to get off the drawing board: “Too expensive, allegedly,” Whedon says tightly. His next venture, Firefly, a futuristic space saga, was sucked into a black hole after 13 episodes, criticised as dull. It may come back as a feature film with the original cast. “That is a non-negotiable,” he says firmly. “Firefly was the best experience I ever had in television, and it was killed before it could walk.” Even Angel faced deep scrutiny in the mass audience shrinkage that has unnerved the TV suits over the past year. Whedon, son and grandson of influential scriptwriters, whose chipper days (a shared Oscar nomination for writing Toy Story) have far outnumbered the lame (Alien: Resurrection, anybody?), was suddenly facing membership of the Hollywood hellfire club, where writers such as The X Files’ Chris Carter and Ally McBeal’s David E Kelley are paired up with monkeys typing Shakespeare until they create another hit. So, Whedon is a little on edge. As he talks, he is stabbing himself with a retractable Buffy stake and his knee is bobbing. Finally, unable to sit still, he picks up my minidisc recorder and weaves around the furniture. It works — at home, later, the machine spits out a few words, groans and melts down. Luckily, old-fashioned shorthand is less vulnerable to demonic influence. Whedon’s battle to save Angel, which starts its fifth series on British television this week, has left its bruises. Last spring, studio bosses told him to cut costs or shut up shop. “I had too many stories left to tell. The series was not the pot of gold everyone might think: at least, that’s what the suits told me. It was painful dealing with those people. But we rescued Angel from the grave, again, at least for this series and maybe the next.” While Kelley sacked high-priced stars to save The Practice, Whedon expanded his cast, sharpened the writing and pushed Angel higher in the ratings than ever before. Key to its overhaul is the resurrection of the goodish vamp Spike, once a Victorian aesthete known as William the Bloody (thanks to his awful poetry), who had apparently sacrificed himself in the final, big-budget Buffy. Now Spike is back, still played with British cockiness and snarling wit by the Californian James Marsters. Think Karen out of Will & Grace with better cheekbones and slinkier moves. “The studio wanted him: it was me they were not sure about,” says Whedon, half joking. Fans are happy, too — last November, they raised Ј5,000 for a full-page advert in Variety, thanking Whedon for saving Spike. Let’s be frank. Obsessive fans — from Russian tweenies to scholars who organised a congress on slayerdom at Oxford — know that the Angel series has never quite equalled the intensity, tenderness and optimism that lay at Buffy’s ensemble heart. Lines such as “What is your childhood trauma?” and “I am love’s bitch, but at least I am man enough to admit it” have entered dictionaries of pop-culture quotations. Angel has not yet reached the heights of Buffy episodes such as The Body, which dealt with the death of the slayer’s mother, or the almost-silent Hush, or the episode staged as a musical, called Once More, With Feeling. But, suddenly, with Angel’s Anakin Skywalker whiner of a son written out, it is almost as wickedly funny as Buffy at its peak. It gives us hope again. Angel has taken over an evil law office that runs a “dial-a- sacrifice” phone service: “Press one for goat, two for pets or loved ones.” He seems a little bit less scowly, despite Spike floating around, goading him and trying to have sex with the gorgeously dumb vamp Harmony. She is played by Mercedes McNab, whose dad, Bob, was an Arsenal full-back when they won the FA Cup in 1971. But that is another tale from the twilight zone. Whedon is an unashamed anglophile. He named his first-born Arden, after the Shakespearian forest. The scripted but unfilmed opening line of the film version of Buffy was pure Python — a medieval knight chatting up a wench: “Some plague we are having, eh?” Even more tellingly, Whedon loves Danger Mouse. His father, Tom, who wrote The Golden Girls, introduced Joss to England in the 1980s. “I was at Winchester College for three years. I nearly took my A-levels there. It was all British authors, except for Emily Dickinson, but I loved it. I named Rupert Giles (his pukka librarian, played by Anthony Head) after Mrs Giles, our matron, a rare point of comfort in a cruel world,” he says, mocking his own nostalgia. “My public-school education was not wasted. For instance, I can write British slang for Giles or Spike, like ‘wanker’, or worse, which nobody here understands. I can get away with it.” He can mock the Brits, too — Spike to Giles: “Bet your whole life flashed before your eyes, didn’t it? ‘Cup of tea, cup of tea, nearly had a shag, cup of tea.’” What about this talk of a Giles spin-off, set in Britain? “I still want to do something with Tony Head, even if it’s only a one-off ghost story for the BBC. There is a clamminess there I look forward to. But I would not do an English school story — Rowling has the lock on that.” Are there any lingering regrets about Buffy? “More music. There were some musicians I wanted to get onto the show. I wrote Lovebomb after hearing Britney Spears wanted to come on, but, of course, it never happened. But we did get Aimee Mann, and when I met her, I said: ‘Oh, God, oh, God, I am such a fan — and now I have to finish this sentence.’” Will Whedon ever break away from the world of ghosties and ghouls? “Why should I? You can make big points without getting pompous, such as showing how a teenage girl can be strong without being bad. I almost wish we had never been nominated for an Emmy for Hush, stayed underground and away from award shows. I am genre, through and through, and this is where I shall remain.” At least until he is teleported to Folkestone, anyway. The new series of Angel starts on Sky One on Tuesday Мне интересно, откуда взялась фраза насчет СМГ- "герцогини" - от Ведона, или товарищ интервьюер работал с независимыми источниками?

elendenika: Geroneja(01/11/04 19:10:21) По СМГ - думаю, что это не Ведон ) А в целом мне понравилось, хорошо написано и читается интересно ) Васкес, спасибо, что достала это дело для нас ------------ Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(01/12/04 14:50:38) Насчет девятой серии До ее показа еще больше суток, а фаны уже начали анализировать еще не сказанные слова... Hesadevil's Babblings HesadevilsBabblings@groups.msn.com The Sacrifice; the final temptation of Spike By Pat hesadevil2003@yahoo.co.uk December, 2003 Some of my ideas are echoes of those so eloquently expressed in "Redemption: Milton, Dante, and Spike" by Iris which I read after I had started this piece. My intention is not to further the argument for Spike's redemption; that case has already been proven. I was inspired to write this by the debate that has taken place on various boards about the spoilers for episode 9 of Angel Season 5. In this episode, Spike tells Harmony that he decided not to take a trip to find Buffy because it would detract from his sacrifice in 'Chosen'. Many fans could not understand his reasoning. I thought I did. For me, it was all about the nature of sacrifice. I took a closer look at what Spike's sacrifice entailed. I believe that Spike died not only because he felt it was the right thing to do but also because it involved overcoming the greatest temptation he has had to face since he fell in love with Buffy. Since he became conscious of the love he felt for Buffy in 'Out of My Mind', Spike has been on a journey of redemption. After gaining his soul, his journey is Christ-like in its imagery; the cross in 'Beneath You'; crucifixion in 'Never Leave Me'; scourging (in the form of beating and drowning) in captivity in 'Bring On the Night' and 'Showtime'; betrayal by Giles in 'Lies My Parents Told Me'; and the temptation by the First Evil in the form of Drusilla, himself and even Buffy. The temptation in the form of Drusilla offered Spike a return to a relationship that he thought was gone forever; one that had lasted over a hundred years. A return to the "side" of Drusilla who had provided him with a destiny as a "creature of the night." In rejecting Drusilla, Spike rejects Evil and actively chooses to be on the side of Good. The temptation in the form of himself is an even more powerful one than that of Drusilla. This is Spike's demon, the part of him that provides the strength and power, the part of him that Buffy needs to help her fight the First Evil. Spike offers to sacrifice himself at the end of Sleeper when he realises he has been killing again, even though he doesn't know why or how. More than that, he actively seeks his demon's destruction by Buffy. When she refuses, Spike sacrifices his power and strength when he asks for her help, something he said earlier (if only to himself in a madness-induced hallucination) he could never do. Realisation that the First Evil is controlling his demon motivates Spike to taunt Buffy in the hope that she will kill him in 'Never Leave Me.' It is only after Buffy pledges her faith in him that Spike is able to begin to rebuild some form of self-worth that is not rooted in the strengths of his demon. He begins to believe in himself as something more than a monster, someone who can once again be a good man. The First Evil makes use of Spike's dependence on Buffy every time it appears in her form. It is Buffy's form who goads Spike to kill the girl he meets in the street and it is Buffy's form again who tries to undermine his attempts to stay true to his desire to fight on the side of Good, when it tells Spike that Buffy doesn't value him enough to save him. (Showtime) When Spike is finally freed from the control of the First Evil (in 'Lies My Parents Told Me'), he finds for the first time since becoming a vampire with a soul, that he has gained more power than he has lost. He has regained control of his own Free Will. He knows that he has the power of choice and he recognises that he can choose to resist temptation or give in to it. The First Evil can, and does, make use of Free Will and Buffy inadvertently provides the First Evil with its most powerful weapon, in Chosen, when she tells Spike "I love you". Spike is about to die, willingly, because it is the right thing to do. He even accepts the method of his death, unable to fight or move, pinned in place by the power of the amulet working through his soul to seal the Hellmouth forever. This in itself is a huge sacrifice for Spike to make. He is a powerful vampire, whose joie de (un) vivre is rooted in the fight. He once told Buffy that he was willing to die to protect Dawn, that he always knew he would "go down fighting." He regained his fighting power for Buffy in ‘Get it Done’ when he put on the duster "costume". Acceptance of the power of the amulet and yielding his own power is part of the sacrifice; it's what marks him as a true Champion. When Buffy tells him she loves him, he is offered the one thing he thought he never deserved; to be loved, by her. This is his final temptation. When he denies Buffy's words of love, Spike overcomes this last temptation. What would be the consequences had he not done so; the Hellmouth might not have been sealed? By staying, Spike becomes the final guardian of the Hellmouth, releasing Buffy to "go on living". His sacrifice is at its most powerful in this, his release of Buffy, his loss of being the beloved. Я лично с дэвушкой не согласна, но все равно интересно было прочитать...

elendenika: VasquezEНачинаются волнения насчет нового сезона www.thefutoncritic.com "The Television Critics Association began its winter press tour this week in which the various broadcast and cable networks talk about their upcoming plans to the nation's top critics and entertainment reporters." The WB встречается сегодня, 13 января И чепуха из колонки Ванды\Кристин (так, на всякий случай...) E!Online www.thefutoncritic.com "The Television Critics Association began its winter press tour this week in which the various broadcast and cable networks talk about their upcoming plans to the nation's top critics and entertainment reporters." The WB встречается сегодня, 13 января И чепуха из колонки Ванды\Кристин (так, на всякий случай...) E!Online http://www.eonline.com/ Watch With Kristin - Chat Transcript Monday, January 12, 2004 evanichole asks: Anything on HBO, Sex and the City, Sopranos, Six Feet Under? Kristin replies: Oh, just a little exclusive, breaking casting news you won't find anywhere else. (But I'm not one to brag.) Michelle Trachtenberg (you know, Buffy's sis) and Peter Facinelli (Fastlane, and Mr. Jennie Garth) just closed deals to guest star in the upcoming fourth season of Six Feet Under. As you know, scripts can change, but producers are planning to use Michelle as a young diva-ish singer for whom Keith (Michael St. Patrick) provides security. And Peter Facinelli will be sliding his easel next to Claire (Lauren Ambrose) at her esoteric art school. This comes after plans for Drew Barrymore, then Cameron Diaz, fell through (as I reported a while back). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jnila asks: The Television Critics Association Winter Press Tour has started right? When does the WB give their presentation?! I really want to know what they say about Angel. Kristin replies: Angel has a panel session tomorrow, the party is tomorrow night. You know I will come back with deets! If you've got pressing Qs for any WB stars...email them to me. (tvdiva@eonline.com) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- angelbaby277 asks: Can't wait for Angel on Wednesday...any tidbits to share on what's to come? How long is Lindsey going to stay around? Kristin replies: For at least three episodes. He and David B. are very close friends in real life, so David has been pushing hard to get him back for good. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lonebuffs asks: New here, and desperate for Angel goodies! Kristin replies: Welcome! Got confirmation that Tom Lenk will definitely be returning for the 11th ep, and he'll be with the Watcher's Council. (Is that old news? Are you all about to kick my couch potato kiester?...I promise to have more after tomorrow!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sydvaughn asks: When does your stint on Tru Calling air? This show has really gotten better and better. Kristin replies: February. Glad you're watching! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ssuwilson asks: We knew about Andrew!!! What else can you tell us about Angel? Kristin replies: He's bringing a dozen slayers with him. Did you (cringe, cringe, cringe) know about that?

elendenika: Strenger(01/13/04 07:27:44) Я понимаю, как жутковато это звучит, но то ли это Старый Новый год (сюрреальный праздник ) влияет, то ли настроение у меня в последнее время не такое, а только... что-то мне это не нравится. Гленн Куинн тоже был Дэвиду buddy, соответственно некоторым журналам (говорят, даже научил его играть на барабанах, уже ПОСЛЕ того, как его попросили из шоу). И тоже на него было часто интереснее смотреть... *Сматывается, от души надеясь, что сглазила*

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