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Спойлеры и рассуждения. VasquezE. (10/25/03 03:20:11)

elendenika: VasquezE(10/25/03 03:20:11) Спойлеры и рассуждения 1. Почему хронология пятого сезона сдвинута ровно на четыре месяца назад? а) сценаристам необходимо, чтобы события финала происходили в январе 2004 (то есть через 8 месяцев после Chosen) и) это просто оплошность вроде "потерянного месяца" в середине 7 сезона "Баффи" 2. Почему к матери Лайлы вернулась память сразу же после того как Уэс убил отца? а) их души встретились на высшем уровне бытия, и теперь мама Лайлы вернулась с посланием от Роджера Уиндэма-Прайса к Уэсли или ко всей Банде Клыка б) просто совпадение 3. Почему амулет и материализующее волшебство были посланы по почте? а) бюджетные ограничения б) Сценаристы не нашли другого способа подсунуть Хармони Спайку в момент его материализации 4. Зачем сценаристы спаривают Спайка и Хармони? а) они намерены радикально переписать обоих персонажей и сделать их них "комическую разрядку" шоу б) они готовы принести Хармони в жертву гнева фанатов для того, чтобы другие кандидатуры в "девушки Спайка" (Фред, Ева) казались бы фанам более приемлемым 5. Почему в чаше страданий оказалась Mountain Dew? а) Если это идея Джосса Ведона - чаша страданий окажется настоящей, что бы в ней ни находилось. Ведон не раз говорил, что в его понимании "цель путешествия - в самом путешествии". В соответствии с этим кредо единственное, что имеет значение - то, что Спайк все-таки выпил эту чашу. Можно начинать готовиться к тому, что Спайка снова будут мучить... б) Если это идея Дэвида Фьюри - значит, чаша страданий - всего лишь "оживляж", дешевый предлог для демонстрации драки двух крутых мачо А ваше мнение? [off]ссылка на соответствующий топик оригинального форума Marstersverse[/off]

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elendenika: Strenger(01/19/04 14:23:29) Вот и посмотрим, когда - в смысле, если - до дело дойдет *зловредно хихикая*. (Нет, это еще пока только слухи, и очень мутные, так что спойлера не конституирует). А что касается контрактов, Васкес, то я не думаю, что могут быть проблемы с Эми, Августом и даже Алексом (не сглазить бы, конечно, как всегда ). По крайней мере, пока разговоры о Денисоффе - Бонде не выйдут за пределы wishful thinking. Я понимаю, как цинично (и старо) это звучит, но пока у них нет серьезной альтернативы... Халлетт же вроде бы и вовсе приятель Джосса, и хотя дружба дружбой, а табачок врозь, этот "гиг" ему как будто пока только на пользу в смысле музыкальной деятельности. Дэвид же... никто настоящей правды не говорит, пока не случится (случай с Куинном - все же исключение), но если погружаться в дедуктивное гадание , то интонация "я не ожидал, что будет так хорошо" внушает некоторый осторожный оптимизм. Особенно в контексте "Ворона" - вроде бы такой случай намекнуть, что у него "может не хватить времени на сериал в связи с занятостью в кино"...

elendenika: Geroneja(01/19/04 16:48:31) И еще, насколько я помню, бывают 4-хлетние контракты, но это так, к теме о контрактах. А информация про ДБ думаю вплыла очень даже не зря ------------ Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(01/20/04 03:18:23) Элисон Ханниган... будет занята и в следующем сезоне... Alyson Hannigan to Star in New NBC Comedy Source: The Hollywood Reporter Monday, January 19, 2004 American Pie series and Buffy the Vampire Slayer actress Alyson Hannigan will star in NBC's untitled Matt Tarses/Bill Wrubel comedy pilot. The project revolves around the relationship between a brother and his sister who haven't spoken in 18 months The Hollywood Reporter - это уже серьезно...

elendenika: Naisica(01/20/04 05:03:24) Это что ж значит, что Виллоу не будет?! * впадает в небольшую истерику* Не-не-не, не надо нам такого счастья! Блин, и так СМГ откзалась, теперь ещё Элисон Ханиган что-то там... Ну что такое, а?! * пошла пить валерьянку* ------ Spike:Out...For..A...Walk...BITCH! Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(01/20/04 08:33:44) Небольшое прояснение на спойлерном горизонте Пандора сообщает список действующих лиц и исполнителей в 14-15 сериях. Ep 14: CAST Angel DAVID BOREANAZ Charles Gunn J. AUGUST RICHARDS Winifred "Fred" Burkle AMY ACKER Lorne ANDY HALLETT Spike JAMES MARSTERS and ALEXIS DENISOF as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce ADDITIONAL CAST Harmony MERCEDES MCNAB Knox JONATHAN WOODWARD Nina JENNY MOLLEN Gregor Framkin DAVID FURY Doctor Sparrow MARC VANN PRODUCTION CREDITS Written and Directed by BEN EDLUND Ep. 15: CAST Angel DAVID BOREANAZ Charles Gunn J. AUGUST RICHARDS Winifred "Fred" Burkle AMY ACKER Lorne ANDY HALLETT Spike JAMES MARSTERS and ALEXIS DENISOF as Wesley Wyndam-Pryce ADDITIONAL CAST Eve SARAH THOMPSON Roger GARY GRUBBS Trish JENNIFER GRIFFIN Knox JONATHAN WOODWARD Delivery Man JOHN DUFF Lawyer JEREMY GLAZER Drogyn ALEC NEWMAN PRODUCTION CREDITS Written and Directed by JOSS WHEDON Я отдельно повешу эти списки в спойлерных ветках, а пока общие соображения: Во-первых, возвращают вервольфшу Нину из 3 серии. Значит ли это, что теперь, когда точно стало известно, что СМГ не будет и любовный треугольник раскрутить не удастся, Ангела все-таки решили с кем-то спарить? Во-вторых, можно со спокойной душой забыть о безумных сочинениях со spoilerfix. Деза, как и предполагалось с самого начала. В-третьих (довольно гладит себя по пузу) я была права, предположив, что сайдзы мы получили на ведоновский эпизод (в связи с чем прошу модераторов перенести сайдзы и рассуждения о них из 516 в 515). Интересно, что не было сайдсов ни на Doctor Sparrow MARC VANN в 14 серии, ни на вот эту троицу Roger GARY GRUBBS Trish JENNIFER GRIFFIN Lawyer JEREMY GLAZER в 15 серии. Я вроде бы проверила - предыдущих сериях таких персонажей не наблюдается. Может быть, я чего-то не заметила?

elendenika: Geroneja(01/20/04 12:34:39) Пусть спаривают Ангела с кем хотят, только Спайка не трогают Хотя эта мне девушка Нина.. Мдя-м.. She gave him a look, я помню ) Модератор учел, пошел переносить спойлеры ) ------------ Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Elena S(01/20/04 13:13:18) Если верить спарклям, то Roger and Trish in episode 15 are Fred's parents. Что же до лоера - мало ли в Бразилии Педров! В W&H куда ни плюнь - попадёшь в лоера.

elendenika: VasquezE(01/20/04 13:15:39) Геро, умные люди мыслят синронно... Ты тут рассуждала о том, что Ганна могли подмениь , а вот некто undeadenglish patient со Stakehouse выдвинул еще более смелую теорию - что подменили всех, кроме Ангела и Спайка. Поскольку он сам перепечатал это на ASSB (общей доске), думаю, его можно перепечатать и здесь... Re: SPOILERS - OMG, the most way-out, brilliant speculation on 15 yet! -- undeadenglishpatient, 23:52:41 01/19/04 Mon (78.chicago-18rh16rt-19rh15rt.il.dial-access.att.net/ Thanks for the compliment veggieburger! Feel free to snag anything I post, it doesn't bother me in the least. For anyone interested, here is the spec. I put together: Just to get the spec ball rolling again, I thought I would post some spec I'm working on. Not done yet, and probebly to early to really tell, but, it's spec, it's fun and well, since there are 3 more days till show time, why not. I was watching the episode "Peace Out" the other day, because of WTP's mentioning of the word 'peace' in one of his posts and came across an interesting scene that I needed to rewind......another word WTP used in one of his posts. After the Fang Gang gets out of the cage at the hotel, they go upstairs and talk. They then decide, after finding the head of the 'keeper of the word' that they need to go out and find Angel and Cordelia before Jasmine does. The scene ends with the entire gang at the door, opening it up, and in 'shock' face, just standing there looking at something we don't see. The next scene is Connor killing Jasmine and then running off. The next scene is back at the hotel, with Angel coming in and seeing the Fang Gang. However, in this scene, every single one of The Fang Gang has changed their clothes and is cleaned up - different, every one of them, except Angel. This is also the scene were we see Lilah, back from the dead. With Lilah in the hotel, and only a short time from when Angel returns(unless Time is an issue here), why would they all change clothes and clean up so close to the end of the eppy? This part of the episode was in the middle of the season finale big bad fight. Also, they were on their way out to find Angel and Cordelia, and didn't go because Lilah showed up. I'm really not sure why Lilah's presence would have stopped them from going to find Angel or Cordelia, as shocking as seeing a dead person walking may be.......they've seen stranger things before. What if, and yes, this is far out speculation, in the first scene, it wasn't just Lilah at the door. Maybe it was Lilah and a swat team? I was thinking - Wouldn't it be cool if ME.........replaced them all. What if, like the Matrix, each of the Fang Gang got wired into Angel's reality and their real bodies are somewhere else. The Fang Gang that we see now are basicly replicas of them, with all their memories (or lack there off from the mindwipe) and history, but ultimately controlled by someone else.......puppets. My next question was 'why' would Lilah do this and how many other players are involved to pull it off. I think the senior partners and Lilah have always wanted a 'dark' souled Angel for their coming apocolypse. Maybe, and I'm guessing here, this scenario is a way for Angel to loose all his friends, but to also insure that they are holding all the cards. The whole 'working at W&H' is just a way to further Angel's demise quicker, and Angel thinking he has his friends with him, would be just an illusion. I was thinking, and definately many 'what ifs' here, but like Season 4 of BTVS, this scenario would be a great way to separate Angel from the friends that have held him together all these years and make it easier for them to turn him dark. Also, if these replacement Fang Gang members are not really 'real', then Lilah could have them all meet an untimely end just to heap loads of guilt on Angel and make him more miserable. Also, the show could have a free for all with what they do to any of them this season. Lots of fun to be had. VampFred, Dark Wes, Evil Gunn, Movie Star Lorne. Apologies in advance if this was talked about already. Still needing a new episode and a new WTP post to go over. Peace Out Script exerpts: Scene 41 GUNN: (picks up the keeper's head) Yeah. And here's its head. WESLEY: Angel. FRED: You sure? Wesley heads toward the door, and the others follow. GUNN: Where we goin'? WESLEY: We have to find him and Cordelia before Jasmine does. Wesley opens the door and stops still in his tracks. Everyone stares out the front door at the same thing. FRED: Oh, my god. Scene 42 Connor killing Jasmine, Connor running off Scene 43 43 INT. LOBBY AT HOTEL / ANGEL INVESTIGATIONS - NIGHT Weakly, Angel stumbles in through the front door. The rest of the gang is in the office. When they hear him come in, they all go out to the lobby. FRED: Angel. ANGEL: Oh, my God. You're alive. WESLEY: Angel. ANGEL: Jasmine's dead. I brought back her name and her powers were destroyed. (sits) Connor killed her. FRED: Connor? WESLEY: Um, there's something - ANGEL: I've never seen him like this. He wasn't hurt or angry, he just... killed her. And his face, it - it was just blank, like he had nothing left. WESLEY: (shakes his head) Angel, you really - ANGEL: I've got a bad feeling. He's just...given up. I think he's gonna do something. You know, he might - LILAH: End world peace? (Angel looks over to see her standing in the office doorway) Well, you already took care of that. Congratulations. Cut to: Closing credits. _--------------------------cont....... Oooops, I didn't mean they would all be traitors, quite the opposite, I think they would all be hostages, hooked up to a machine and unable to control the actions of their replacement, only providing the nessesary realism, memories, behavior patterns to the machine.......while the machine creates the actions they take. I like your theory as well, what if only some of them are replacements and one of them is really real....like Wes. So, going back again, if all of them were taken hostage and replaced by replacements that are also hooked to the machine, Lilah would have ultimate control over how these replacements behave and provide a living hell for Angel to go thru.......watching his friends destroy themselves......because of a deal he made.....making Angel responsible for their own demise is more painful then having them just be pissed off at him for messing with their minds. All of this done without really harming them, reminds me of what that guide to Gunn was saying....'how do you know it's Angel we're after'. There could be other things we don't know about too. Note to Angel.......be sure to check all those 'other' cells in that dungen. - I like that Allen. Hey, it could all be nothing, just fun to spec. That being said, I just thought the scene was really odd. The Fang Gang stop in their tracks from going off to find Angel and Cordelia - to save them from Jasmine, and then decide not to go because of the Lilah shock, but then leave her to whatever to go shower and change. Thanks for stopping by, I need to change my clothes. LOL I was thinking of why they would do this and how it could be brought back into the story. This is actually the easy part. (Crazy ideas do have to be able to work back easily, without alot of effort and this one does.) If the Fang Gang were all taken hostage, all the show would have to do is finish off that one scene.....the scene of them opening the door but then showing who was on the other side and them being taken away. Then power up a sound stage or two with a bunch of techy kinds of machines with tubes and wires running out of all of them and walla........easy retcon. Я не совсем с ним согласна (как же тогда Фред была ранена в Lineage, и мы видели кровь), но такие вещи опытный сценарист может доделать задним числом. И хочу добавить в этот же пост - очаровательную заеточку об Элисон Ханниган и Алексисе Денисоффе Zap2it *http://tv.zap2it.com/tveditorial/tve_main/1,1002,274|85842|1|,00.html (ссылка действительна - скопировать в адресную строку без звездочки. прим elendenika) Hannigan and Denisof Find Love in the Whedonverse By Kate O'Hare All in all, life in Joss Whedon's imaginary universe has been pretty good to Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisof, both of whom landed roles in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Hannigan co-starred as Buffy's best pal, witch Willow Rosenberg. Denisof guest-starred as stuffy British Watcher Wesley Wyndham-Pryce. That on-set meeting sparked a friendship that led to dating and eventually ended up with a wedding. It's the kind of story Jane Austen probably would have loved -- except for the vampires. After a courtship that didn't turn serious until Denisof left "Buffy" to join the cast of its spin-off, The WB Network's Wednesday-night "Angel," the pair tied the knot last October in Desert Hot Springs, Calif. "It was wonderful, even better than we wanted, and we had pretty high expectations," Hannigan recalls. "We had raised the bar pretty high for ourselves, saying, 'This is our dream wedding.' We were expecting everything to go terribly wrong." The bride wore a traditional gown by Badgley Mischka. "They made me the most beautiful dress," Hannigan says. "It was amazing." The groom did not wear a tuxedo. "I wore a black suit, bordering on a tux," Denisof says. "I always feel that tuxedos are indoor, nighttime things, and this was an outdoor, daytime thing. She was radiant." Over the course of "Angel," Wesley has gone from a rule-quoting killjoy to a grim demon-hunter with enough inner demons to staff a haunted house on Halloween. Outwardly, his old-school-tie look gradually was supplanted by a scruffier roughness. But in recent episodes, it seems that Wesley has found his razor once again. "I've got less and less beard as the season goes on," he says. "And it got to a point where it just seemed right to shave it. My wife doesn't love [the unshaven look] so much, for practical reasons. More so, it's with a view to what's going on in the future this season. There were some reasons I wanted to clean up this look. It will all be revealed later. "They've got some cool ideas, which I hope they'll be able to work in this season." One thing not yet worked out this season is a guest appearance by Hannigan as Willow, who periodically has visited good vampire Angel (David Boreanaz) and his evil-battling allies in Los Angeles. Most recently, she dropped by near the end of last season to help restore Angel's missing soul, without which he becomes the merciless Angelus. So far this season, the only former "Buffy" denizens joining "Angel" have been that other vampire with a soul, Spike (played by James Marsters), who is now a regular cast member, and the soulless but thus-far-harmless vampire Harmony (Mercedes McNab). But another "Buffy" guest is in the pipeline. "I'm very excited that Tom Lenk, who played Andrew, is coming back," Hannigan says. "I love him. He's one of my best friends." Andrew was one of three technogeeks that plagued Buffy during the last two seasons of the show. The sole surviving geek, Andrew fought on Buffy's side in the last battle of Sunnydale in the finale last spring. He's currently scheduled for episode 11, "Damage," set to air later this month. Despite constant speculation, a visit from Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) to "Angel" is looking all but impossible this year. "Sarah made all the right noises when 'Buffy' wrapped up," Denisof says. "But frankly, I never thought she was coming back. Anything can happen. She can show up, but I'd be pretty surprised if she does." So, fans are starting to talk about why Willow hasn't dropped by yet. "I've heard the talk, everywhere but the proper channels," Hannigan says. "I haven't heard anything from Joss or anybody that is involved in the show." At a Jan. 13 press conference in front of assembled TV critics in Hollywood, Whedon addressed the question, saying, "I do not believe we have any 'Buffy' people slated for the rest of the year." With Willow firmly established as a lesbian in "Buffy," it seems unlikely that even if she does visit, she and Wesley will have a romantic interlude. In general, Wesley hasn't seen much romance of late, and that suits his new wife just fine. "I don't want to see him smooching," Hannigan says. "It was already weird when we were engaged and dating. Luckily, he hasn't had to deal with anything except me kissing women. "It's weird to see your beloved kissing anyone else, but I would imagine it's easier for him to see me kissing a female, than another guy. But we'll see how he deals. He's an actor. He understands." "I swore I would never date another actor," she says. "But it's been so much better to share something that's so much a part of our lives and understand it completely." Another thing both actors have received from the "Buffy" and "Angel" writers is the chance to play a character that evolves and changes over the years. Willow went from a shy, stammering outcast to an all-powerful witch in "Buffy," and Wesley's transformation has been just as dramatic (but with less special effects). While introducing Denisof to press during an on-set party for the 100th episode of "Angel" (set for February), Whedon said, "He's transitioned from ridiculous, poncy moron to kind of a cool guy ... ." At this, he paused and leaned forward for emphasis, "on the show." Everybody laughed, including Denisof. "Wesley's always been a surprise to me," he says, "and that's a credit to Joss and the writers. They've kept finding ways to twist him up."

elendenika: Geroneja(01/20/04 17:24:05) Васкес, ого, вот до такого я бы точно не дошла, а идея очень интересная, ведь если так повернуть, то тогда можно такое закрутить, что точно весь следующий сезон будем расхлебывать ) Надо будет на досуге подумать на эту тему )) Спасибо за информацию ) А статья про Алекса и Эли - просто класс ------------ Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine ---- Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(01/21/04 13:10:53) Героя, я потом спросила у товарища с ASSB, как он видит подмену - они стали клонами, андроидами, киборгами или как? Он ответил, что, скорее всего, все они в Матрице... Но тогда не только FG, но и Ангел со Спайком должны быть там же. Ну да ладно, я тут увидела новое интервью Ведона... http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2004-01/21/11.30.tv Angel Looks Ahead Joss Whedon, co-creator of The WB's Angel, told SCI FI Wire that the show's upcoming fifth-season finale will wrap up the current storyline but leave open the possiblity of returning for a sixth season. No word has come yet on whether the show, which recently shot its 100th episode, will be picked up for another year. Capping the current season while setting up the next is "what I usually do, and I didn't do it last year, because I didn't know we were in danger of getting canceled," Whedon said in an interview. "And I didn't do it the year before, because I knew we weren't going to be [canceled]. But usually, my philosophy has always been, do an episode that ties up everything, but opens up some other things. And this season is no different. It's very much a good way to go out, and a good way to start a completely new season." Reaching the 100-episode milestone was a chance to look back on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spinoff's accomplishments, he added. "To take stock, that's really what a 100th episode is for," he said. "To go back and say, 'Here was the mission statement. If we made 100 of these, there's a reason we were talking about this. So let's talk about it some more.'" Angel airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT. Что-то мне с большим трудом верится, чо Ведон не знал об угрозе аннуляции сериала после 4 сезона. Конечно, все, что он говорит, нужно принимать с долей здорового скептицизма. И я что-то не вижу current storyline, которую трудно было бы свернуть за 1 серию. Чем дальше, тем сильнее у меня ощущение, что односерийные бэды - все эти ниндзя, ПТБ и проч. - так и останутся односерийными. А под конец они слегка сразятся с Линдси и поспорят на тему, кто из них хороший, а кто плохой. << Previous Topic

elendenika: Elena S(01/21/04 13:19:33) "Что-то мне с большим трудом верится" Когда-то Анна Ива про Марстерса сказала "Вот же трепло, прости Господи" - ужасно хочется повторить то же самое про Ведона. "I didn't do it last year, because I didn't know we were in danger of getting canceled" Может, я чего плохо помню (это моё нормальное состояние сейчас - плохо помнить , но скорее пятый сезон был как неожиданный подарок, а не как неизбежное продолжение. Не смогу сейчас подобрать цитат из источников, но для меня весь четвёртый сезон прошёл в ощущении, что он скорее всего будет последним. Я понимаю, что Ведона прикалывает вечно говорить наоборот, но это начинает казаться уже не попыткой сохранить информацию, а психическим сдвигом.

elendenika: VasquezE(01/21/04 14:04:08) Мне тут подвернулась ссылочка на рейтинги "Ангела" по всем сезонам. Да, скажу я вам... Я в прошлом году не следила за его рейтингами - а то бы тоже оч-чень удивилась, что сериал продлили http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/angelbuffy0/Pictures/ratingschart.jpg

elendenika: Geroneja(01/21/04 17:04:40) Васкес, в Матрице? ) Все понятно, пошла жара ) Если делать заворот под матрицу, то уже как-то оригинально, да и они с этим в 5.10 играют, хотя я все же хочу глянуть сначала, а вот если бы они все оказались клонами - вот тут было бы интересно, как бы выкручивались ) ------------ Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Chammy Dee(01/21/04 23:59:21) Привет всем!! Я тут давно не слежу за новостями, поэтому сразу спрошу - А ЧТО, БАФФИ НЕ БУДЕТ? Это уже точно? Так может, и смотреть не стоит дальше? И Виллоу не будет? А хоть кто-то из наших будет? Кроме Спайка, конечно. --------------- Buffy: What I Do Is Too Important To Show The World

elendenika: VasquezE(01/22/04 03:02:40) В 10 серии вместо Баффи под Спайка подкладывают дублершу. В 11 будет Эндрю (см. спойлеры по 11 серии, там все подробненько описано). А остальные - вряд ли. Если, конечно, Ведон не темнит и не готовит нам такого же сюрприза, как с Линдси...

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