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Спойлеры и рассуждения. VasquezE. (10/25/03 03:20:11) (продолжение)

elendenika: VasquezE(10/25/03 03:20:11) Спойлеры и рассуждения 1. Почему хронология пятого сезона сдвинута ровно на четыре месяца назад? а) сценаристам необходимо, чтобы события финала происходили в январе 2004 (то есть через 8 месяцев после Chosen) и) это просто оплошность вроде "потерянного месяца" в середине 7 сезона "Баффи" 2. Почему к матери Лайлы вернулась память сразу же после того как Уэс убил отца? а) их души встретились на высшем уровне бытия, и теперь мама Лайлы вернулась с посланием от Роджера Уиндэма-Прайса к Уэсли или ко всей Банде Клыка б) просто совпадение 3. Почему амулет и материализующее волшебство были посланы по почте? а) бюджетные ограничения б) Сценаристы не нашли другого способа подсунуть Хармони Спайку в момент его материализации 4. Зачем сценаристы спаривают Спайка и Хармони? а) они намерены радикально переписать обоих персонажей и сделать их них "комическую разрядку" шоу б) они готовы принести Хармони в жертву гнева фанатов для того, чтобы другие кандидатуры в "девушки Спайка" (Фред, Ева) казались бы фанам более приемлемым 5. Почему в чаше страданий оказалась Mountain Dew? а) Если это идея Джосса Ведона - чаша страданий окажется настоящей, что бы в ней ни находилось. Ведон не раз говорил, что в его понимании "цель путешествия - в самом путешествии". В соответствии с этим кредо единственное, что имеет значение - то, что Спайк все-таки выпил эту чашу. Можно начинать готовиться к тому, что Спайка снова будут мучить... б) Если это идея Дэвида Фьюри - значит, чаша страданий - всего лишь "оживляж", дешевый предлог для демонстрации драки двух крутых мачо А ваше мнение? [off]ссылка на соответствующий топик оригинального форума Marstersverse[/off]

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elendenika: Elena S(02/24/04 00:31:44) О шансах я и сама догадываюсь :) Меня просто удивило, откуда у СанАнн такое категоричное знание, когда ещё не все возможные каналы сказали определённо "нет". А что за прикол с тем, что UPN подобрало "Баффи" после того, как WB от него отказалось? Сколько я помню, это было больше похоже на то, что UPN увело его из-под носа WB - и WB тогда надулись. UPN дали 2,3 млн. за серию против WB'ский 1,8, причём делали они это, заранее сознавая, что не окупят эти деньги. Им это было нужно из каких-то других соображений - раскрутки, что ли.

elendenika: VasquezE(02/24/04 02:57:03) Дня три тому назад Эдди на Спарклях выкопал интересные статьи за 2001 год о переходе "Баффи" с канала на канал. Я перенесла их к нам в ветку, которую Геро категорично назвала "Пятый сезон "Ангела" последний". Почитай их у нас или найди на Спарклях (кстати, я похихикала тем над твоей фразочкой насчет cookie dough). Если коротко по поводу статей - то дела были еще хуже, чем я думала. Проблема, похоже, упиралается не столько в актерские контракты, сколько в стоимость лицензии, которую держит Fox. Об этом вскользь упоминал USA Today, когда писал насчет "совместной собственности", а в статьях, найденных Эдди, все расписано очень подробно. Собственно говоря, выход есть очень простой - снимать на Fox, но, похоже, у Ведона там не слишком хорошие отношения с начальством после "Светляка" (недаром же он ушел с киноверсией на Universal). Ладно, чего там о грустном. Немного новостей: Отчет "Утки" Люсинды: Okay. So I was in the same crowd surrounding Fury. I had actually forgotten (forgive me!) that Ruth WAS with me. So was Deb. So there were at least 3 B/Aers in the group. Bubonic and Lisa from Sparklies were also there. We started off talking about the puppet episode. I mentioned that I loved it but was disappointed that he didn't sing. He reminded me that he did sing...."Courage and pluck, courage and pluck"....he said he came up with the tune himself. *g* I never heard one mention of any campaign aside from the save Angel campaign. So IF he said he was aware of a Spuffy campaign, he said it later. Lisa mentioned the save Angel campaign, showed him the flyers, talked about the progress. I showed him my "Save Angel" button and asked him if he thought there was any chance of the show getting renewed, and he not only didn't think the chances were good, he was of the opinion that no show should go longer than 5 years anyway. He was very candid about it all...not wanting the fans to waste their hard earned money, but understanding and appreciating the need to do something. Somebody mentioned selling Muppet Angel and he said that that might actually save the show.... When I talked to him later, he mentioned the ads that fans had done, he was very touched about it all...and he IS and WAS aware of the B/A ads as well. And that was his word..ads-plural. He also mentioned the ads placed in the 100th ep edition of HR. He loves that kind of fan loyalty. He did mock the anti-campaigns, calling them a waste of time and money...far cry from the good campaigns.... Bubonic was HILARIOUS! She went right up to him, smiled, shook his hand and said that no other writer ever pissed her off as much as he did. LMAO! He seemed to really like that. He said, "Good! Thank you...so are YOU the one sending me hate mail?" I was rolling. He then seemed genuinely interested in knowing what, specifically, she hated about how he wrote Spike...which led to a long and actually very interesting debate about Spike pre AtS season 5 and Spike now. Basically, Bub thinks they regressed Spike back to season 4. And Fury agreed to an extent. He said that he preferred the snarky, kick-ass Spike who didn't take crap from anyone. A lot of us agreed on that point. He also said that too much schmoopy Spike was boring. We also agreed. He also mentioned that the danger in making Spike too sweet or nice was to make the mistake of making him the new St. Cordy (again, his words on the Saintly one)...at which point Deb launched into a St. Cordy diatribe. It's a hot button issue for her. Fury then said he could only do one argument at a time. I had to let Fury know that I hated Spike in season 6 and 7 of Buffy, but that they were making me like him again in season 5 of AtS....didn't want him to get the false impression that everyone dislikes this Spike characterization. He talked about Destiny and how Spike had to win the fight with Angel because he'd felt so "put upon" by Angelus all those years. He said that WILLIAM was "morally superior" to LIAM....NOT that Spike was morally superior over Angel. So get that out of your minds. Someone was really misconstruing what he was saying there.... He DID say that Spike would die in the finale and it would end with a Buffy/Angel kiss...and YES, he was JOKING...he's Fury, he does that. And it's not likely he'd tell us what was going to happen for heaven's sake. However, FURY brought up B/A, it was NOT brought up by the B/Aers in the group in any way, shape or form. He also didn't mention B/S so take that for what it is. And when he mentioned the B/A ending, of COURSE the B/Aers in the group cheered. It was fun. *g* And it was nice to see other B/Aers there as well. But I did tell him that I was going to run to the board and tell everyone on the net that he said Buffy and Angel would end up together. He and I both had a good laugh over that. It's even funnier when you think of who actually ran to the board with misinterpreted comments... Fury said that Angel and Spike were the "love story" of the season...and someone commented that that would get the slashers going...that's when he said the real ending would be an Angel/Spike kiss. It was funny, but also kinda squicky...not into slash here people. He also said the same thing about probably not resolving the A/B/S thing because he couldn't say that SMG would even come back....but again, nothing new there. Hell, nothing even concrete. "Probably" isn't a strong statement, after all. Seriously, what else can he say? If it was gonna end B/A would he tell us that at a party? Hardly. So nobody anywhere can draw any real conclusions on the status of B/A or B/S. No matter what they prefer to believe. He talked about the Sparmony sex, once again confirming that it was Joss' idea so they put in in there. Which is really funny when you think of all the people who said that Joss should come back to fix that or take it out cause Joss would hate it cause he loves and respects Spuffy. Umm...okay. Basically, Joss felt Spike needed a release. So he said, Sparmony sex. Fury then said the scene could have been shot differently but that James basically said he was "going to hammer her"....that he's very good at being the jack-hammer. Ewwwww. Okay, moving on to Bell...cause he was easy. I didn't speak to him as much. No real reason, but he's not as personable and outgoing as Fury. Still very nice though. When I first came up to him, he was with 3 other people, including Camden Toy. They were talking about a new project for Camden if I recall correctly. Then talk turned to The Prince of Lies, which Camden played in "Why We Fight"...this led to a talk about how it's NEVER a bad idea to have Angel in a black turtleneck and any opportunity to do so was good. I chimed in that Angel in a black turtleneck was HOT as HELL...and that if we couldn't get him shirtless, a black turtleneck was the next best thing. *g* Another woman mentioned that WESLEY in a black turtleneck was even better....and I agreed that Wesley would also look hot in a black turtleneck, but I still preferred Angel. We had a mini-convo about the virtures of Angel and Wesley naked and in black turtlenecks. Lol.. It was at this point that Bell commented that guys would also look good in a black crew neck shirt...and pointed to the black crew-neck shirt he was wearing himself....lololol. I told him that I absolutely LOVED The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco. He seemed pleased about it himself. When others had started to disperse, I mentioned how sorry I was that Angel was leaving the air, that I had loved both Angel and Buffy very much and that I wanted to thank him for his participation in both shows. I also told him that I was particularly touched by the Buffy/Angel relationship (he hears that a lot. *g*)....and that no matter what happened, I was looking forward to a great series finale and I would always be grateful for what we'd been given...both from the shows and from the B/A relationship itself. He was very gracious in thanking me, I wished him luck in whatever future projects he worked on and that was it for Bell. Again, very nice man, but a far cry from the very funny, outgoing Fury. And it's noticeable because Fury always seemed to be surrounded by a group of people, while I spoke to Bell one on one after the initial small group dispersed. And he didn't look like I would have imagined...goatee and earring... Okay....who shall we do next...how 'bout Tim Minear... I first saw him being completely monopolized by 3 people and I couldn't get to him at all. Then he went back to the VIP room. So I moved on. Val stayed behind to wait for him to come back out of the VIP room...and this part I missed, but I am assured that it was quite hilarious by Ruth who actually witnessed it.... Val saw Tim come back out into the lobby and, from her seated position on the floor across the way, she shouted, "Timmayyyyy!"...and waved at him. He got a huge smile on his face, jogged across the way to her and gave her a big hug. Now that is both funny as hell and very sweet. Apparently his handler was chasing after him looking rather peturbed. Which is also funny. *g* At any rate, when I finally got to chat with him, I told him that I missed him SO much on Angel, that I loved Home...it was my favorite season finale so far, and that I was so disappointed when we found out he wouldn't be able to come back for one final Angel episode after all. He is such a lovely man. He seemed quite happy to hear that he was so missed, he said that he missed Angel too and was disappointed himself that he couldn't do another episode but that he just didn't have the time with Wonder Falls. I asked him when Wonder Falls was going to show and he confirmed the date as March 12. He said they had the first 7 episodes done already. He seems very excited about Wonder Falls, and I know I personally can't wait to see it either, even though I've got the pilot here already. Lisa from Sparklies mentioned the Save Angel campaign and he said it was a great idea, even IF Angel couldn't be saved. That it was important to let people know how wrong this whole thing was. I love Tim. Did I mention that? Later, after the party when several of us (*waves to Bub, Lisa, Letitia, Partyman*) were up in our hotel room, Bub told us that Tim said he was a B/A shipper while he was outside with her. And you have to love that. I always knew that he respected and appreciated the B/A ship, but this was even more lovely to hear. And I know Bub would never say THAT without it being true. And thank you Bub! Wish I'd heard it myself....lol On to Drew Goddard.... Drew had quite the female minion population swarming around him most of the time, with flashbulbs popping so often you'd think he was being hounded by papparazzi. It was something to see. The Drew Goddard Minions were presenting him with a birthday present (don't know what it was) and it's clear that he very much enjoys interacting with the fans. Aside from being quite the cutie, he's frelling hilarious! At one point when he was standing with Steve DeKnight, he shouted out really loudly..."Steve killed Tara!!!!"...and got the predictable reaction. It was so funny. Poor Steve. When I got to speak with Drew, I started off by telling him that I loved having him on the Angel writing staff since I fell in love with his writing style on Buffy with the brilliant "Selfless". He said that he had a soft spot for that episode as well, joking that he was never going to get past that. I told him it was just so obvious that a fan had written that episode. I also told him that the Buffy comment about loving Angel more than she would ever love anyone else gave me a lot of renewed Buffy/Angel hope. He smiled and said "oh yeah I love that"....*happy sigh* I love Drew. I also said that I loved Lineage and Damage (which was co-written by him and DeKnight).... Later in the evening, I went up to him and Deknight (surrounded as usual by hordes of people) and they were talking about Damage and the fight scene in Destiny. Steve talked about the fight he and Fury had over the script because, as Steve said, "Fury kept poking at me"...Fury wanted Spike to win, I think DeKnight disagreed. They were quite candid about the fight itself. Steve actually said that he finally said, "@#%$ you Fury, write it yourself" and stormed out. Bell smoothed things over and Fury and Deknight were all lovey again shortly afterwards. Drew was simply sorry he missed it since he was filming Lineage at the time. It's so obvious that Drew and Steve just have SO much fun together, they had everyone cracking up all evening. The talk turned to the episode they wrote together, Damage...apparently they got together to discuss how it would go, Steve said, "You don't touch my half", Drew said, "You don't touch my half", and "neither of us touched each other". They both apparently can't get enough of Tom Lenk. They always want to work him in somehow.....no matter how insane. LOL. And they were both very surprised by the depth of drama that Lenk was capable of. Drew said that when Lenk talked about Buffy not trusting Angel at the end, they were all blown away by his performance. It was at that point that I said the mere implication that Buffy didn't trust Angel simply broke my heart. Drew then said it broke his heart too, but he continued that before it broke my heart too much, we should all remember that Andrew wasn't the most reliable person to trust with big information. Lots of agreement on that one! Hell, we were saying that when the ep aired...another woman piped up saying that Andrew always embellished, I commented that in addition to that, I found it highly unlikely that Buffy would ever confide such deep and personal feelings to Andrew anyway. Drew also agreed with that sentiment. The only other thing I mentioned about the whole Damage thing was that it couldn't break my heart too much anyway, because it was clear that at least to some degree, Buffy was still clearly a motivating influence on Angel's mind and heart. Which Drew also agreed with. I love Drew. *sigh* I think that at the very least, Drew is very well aquainted with the whole Buffy/Angel romance and he clearly has a lot of respect for it. And I love that. How many times have I said the word love? Hmmm...no matter. Drew rocks. It's that simple. And DeKnight. *sigh* He's so cool. I think I may have started off on the wrong foot though. But it was funny....I told him that I always loved his episodes, that he did dark so well and that he was one of my favorite writers. I said it amazed me that he could do so well when he got all the crap to write. Ooops. He was laughing and saying, "I get all the crap to write....makes you wonder doesn't it?" I tried to furiously back-pedal, but it was too funny to take seriously, so I let it go. He didn't look at all how I pictured him. Not really sure how I *did* picture him, but still...he's very mild-mannered and funny as hell, especially with Drew. He made the usual comments about needing to learn to keep his mouth shut...remnants of the Willow/Tara debacle....a lot of fun to listen to. Another writer who clearly enjoys the fans. Also met with Camden Toy, told him my favorite character of his to this day was still The Gentlemen from Hush because that was the only episode to ever scare me. His personal fave is Gnarl because it gave him a lot to sink his teeth into. I told him Gnarl was quite creepy as well. The demon Skip was there (don't know if the actor who actually portrayed him was there or if it was just someone they had wear the costume), some demon I couldn't place, and the pee-pee demon from Life of the Party.... Mark Lutz was there looking quite delicious, Sarah Thompson was there...I didn't speak to either of them really cause their characters mean nothing to me. Sounds harsh, but it's true... Did chat very briefly with Julie Benz...SOOOO tiny. But absolutely gorgeous. I'll edit in the stuff about Andy Hallet. I'm tired of typing right now. But he kissed Bub on the lips. Bitch! He's yummy. I mean, YUMMY. Such a shame to cover him in green.... Колонка Кристин: E!Online http://www.eonline.com/Gossip/Kristin/Trans/Archive2004/040223.html Watch With Kristin February 23, 2004 A Satisfying Sexual Conclusion; an Angelic Fall from Grace Feb. 23, 2004 This bittersweet week sees the last episode of Sex and the City and the sudden news of Angel's cancellation. Plus, Alias speculations, SAGs sallies and Survivor situations round out the bill. From larrypigtails: Enough Sex and the City! What say you of Angel?! Kristin: That it's quite possibly the greatest tragedy I've ever endured, aside from that one time my Barbie Big Wheels got crushed by the neighbor's Winnebago. Honestly, guys, I have been in a serious funk for a whole week with Angel's cancellation and the end of Sex and the City. I feel as if they've ripped out my heart and fed it to me with a spoon. But my misery aside, here's where it all stands, as far as I know: Joss' camp and the studio are not giving up. Sources say the show has been pitched to UPN and "it's being discussed." You can lend your support by contributing to Variety and Hollywood Reporter ads, or signing a petition, at these Websites: SupportAngel.org and SaveAngel.org. Go now! From end_of_the_road: Regarding Angel's impending end, I heard that Sarah Michelle Gellar is reconsidering an appearance on Angel. Is this true? Kristin: Yes, though at this point it's just "considering." Joss really wants her back for the very end--as we all do--and she has been offered a spot. If she says yes, I'm guessing it will take some rejiggering from the writers. I hear they'd already begun writing the finale script. From rachelbee: Why didn't you warn us Angel was getting canceled? It's your job! Kristin: I know! But I didn't know, and I'm sorry. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, was stunned to learn of the show's cancellation, including the reps at the studio and the network, the cast and, of course, Joss Whedon. In case you missed it, here is Joss' statement about the cancellation: "This news is, needless to say, surprising, but it's really wonderful that the WB let us know so early on that we were picked up for a sixth exciting season! Angel is hitting new strides in terms of creativity and appeal, and everyone is so full of energy, of new stories, it's just comforting to...[rereads memo]...Oh. Oh, that's different. That sucks. Especially since the whole 'new strides' thing was actually true. Angel is as strong as it's ever been--except for that's it's dead. Truthfully, I'm heartbroken. This is a show, a staff and a cast I've felt privileged to work with. I only wish to continue that. I can't speak for the WB's reasoning, and this would probably be a bad time for me to comment on any of the shows they're not canceling. But they provided a home (albeit a temporary foster home) for both Buffy and Angel that otherwise would not have existed, and I'm grateful for that. All we have left on Angel is to end the season with episodes as strong and meaningful as we can muster--but then, we were gonna do that anyway." From aliciajo: Can I just say RIP Angel? Kristin: You can. But you likely won't get out of this chat alive. Run! Run for your life! From platypirock: What's the deal with Angel? Any hope for a save by UPN, Ё¤ la Buffy? Kristin: An insider close to UPN tells me higher-ups are trying not to pick up other networks' "leftovers" anymore, so I'm thinking it's not likely. I wish I could tell you otherwise! If the price is right, UPN might, just might, pick it up. They should, dammit, after seeing from Buffy that this devoted fan base will follow a show anywhere. But I'm guessing that would mean a smaller price tag and possibly cast or staffing cuts, and that is something Joss has said he'd never do (a reporter at TCA asked him if he'd ever pull a David E. Kelley-Practice move, and he said if they couldn't do the show well, they wouldn't do it at all). Also, don't forget that David Boreanaz sounded more or less ready to move on during his recent Q&A with us. "I'm really itching to explore other characters and do other projects. I think I've been stuck in this medical school for a while, and I need to open up and get out." So, like I said, it is not likely, but crazier things have happened (think Roswell), and we should muster all the support we can. Rah-rah! As SupportAngel.org says, "Love the show? Show the Love!" From kyleeb: When does Wonderfalls start on the WB? Kristin: March 12 on Fox. Please watch--please, pretty please, with naked James Marsters sugar on top. It's my favorite new show! From angelfanuk: Can we expect a second season of Tru Calling? Kristin: It doesn't look like it. From jennerbeth: Do you have any idea of what's coming up on Angel? Kristin: I ran into Tim Minear at an Angel fan party on Saturday. He and Julie Benz were in attendance. I'll have more in this week's column, but for now I can tell you this: He said two parents come to Angel for help with their supernatural son, and it turns out that son is Connor. http://www.voy.com/14810/2796.html Date Posted: 05:10:59 02/24/04 Tue Author: Geordiegirl Author Host/IP: host9.audit-commission.gov.uk / Subject: News re Alysson Hannigan AH is currently appearing in a stage version of When Harry Met Sally in London (which has had mixed reviews apparently). However I have just seen an announcement that she will not be appearing in the play from the 17th to the 24th March. Could she be flying back to the states to film an appearance in AtS? образец DVD 6 сезона "Баффи" http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/newsitem.cfm?NewsID=1164 Zap2it http://tv.zap2it.com/tveditorial/tve_main/1,1002,271|86521|1|,00.html Fans Bid Farewell to 'Angel' (Tuesday, February 24 08:03 AM) By Kate O'Hare LOS ANGELES (Zap2it.com) - One would like to think the hordes of limousines and folks in evening dress dodging raindrops outside the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles the night of Saturday, Feb. 21, were all there to mourn the end of The WB's recently axed "Angel" -- but, not so much. More likely they were there for the Writers Guild of America Awards, also taking place at the hotel, but at least a few of the folks filing into the hotel were planning to celebrate the afterlife and death of their favorite vampire. About 250 fans gathered for the Wolfram & Hart Annual Revue ball, a fan-organized event that featured a raffle and auction of "Angel" props and memorabilia, with proceeds going to the Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center, a neighborhood nonprofit group benefiting children. The event was scheduled long before anyone knew that The WB would cancel "Angel," the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" spin-off created by Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt. That announcement that the show's current season would be its last, came on eight days earlier, catching cast, crew and fans by surprise. Wearing badges that proudly displayed their online names, the fans mingled with a few cast members of the show, including Andy Hallett (Lorne), Julie Benz (Darla), Sarah Thompson (Eve), Jonathan M. Woodward (Knox) and Camden Toy (multiple costumed roles on "Buffy"; seen most recently as the Prince of Lies in the "Angel" episode "Why We Fight"). Ron Glass of Whedon's also-axed "Firefly," who is chairman of the board for the Wooten Center and accepted the donation, was there as well. Also attending were several behind-the-scenes staffers, like executive producers Jeff Bell and David Fury (just seen as a possessed puppeteer in "Smile Time"), writer Steven DeKnight, special-effects expert Rob Hall of Almost Human -- who came with demon pals, including a fully tricked-out Skip -- writers Drew Goddard and Steven S. DeKnight, Chris Buchanan, president of production company Mutant Enemy, and former executive producer Tim Minear (now working on FOX's "Wonderfalls"). Whedon was reported to be in London, attending performances of "When Harry Met Sally," starring Luke Perry and "Buffy's" Alyson Hannigan, and "The Pirates of Penzance," featuring "Buffy" star Anthony Stewart Head. Among the topics under discussion among the "Angel" insiders were whether UPN would pick up "Angel," as it did with "Buffy" (not that likely); whether there would indeed be a "Firefly" feature film (more likely); and whether The WB would indeed produce "Angel" TV-movies (still in the talking stages). http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/news/buffy/2004/02/24/9652.shtml Angel axing reaction Top TV people's response to show's demise. Whilst we were in Los Angeles, we took the opportunity to gauge top TV people's reaction to the cancellation of Angel. Former Angel Executive Producer Tim Minear - now in charge of Wonderfalls - heard the news the night before The WB issued their cancellation announcement. "I got a call from Joss the day before the news broke. He told me that he'd had dinner with (WB President) Jordan Levin, where he said, 'I need to know whether the show is coming back so I can tell my crew and my actors what to plan for.' He was told right then and there that it wasn't going to be coming back. Joss was a little taken aback - I don't think he was expecting that. "My reaction was, 'What do you expect, you didn't have me [working on it]'" Tim joked. "We couldn't really expect it to go on much longer, because the big brain was over here doing Wonderfalls." Jeph Loeb, who co-developed the aborted Buffy: Animated series with Joss, was sad to see Angel go. "I don't like it when any show that I'm friends with all the people on goes away. "All the people who were involved in the show from the very beginning really gave it their all. I don't think there are any lazy episodes. They put a lot of heart and effort into a very difficult premise and came up with a show that I'm a very big fan of. I'll miss the characters and I'll miss the writing, because I think it was very smart." Former Buffy writer Drew Greenberg was baffled by the decision. "I wish I could understand it. I feel for my friends over there - it's never an easy call to get. Why was that decision made? The show is doing so well, and they were having such a good year. It's a decision I don't understand." Over at Smallville, Angel's Wednesday night scheduling partner, series creator Al Gough was equally baffled. "I don't know why they cancelled Angel. With Smallville on at 8pm and Angel at 9pm, we had a really good block of programming and a lot of fan crossover between the two shows. Considering the ratings and the quality of the show this year, we were shocked that they cancelled it." The last word goes to Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane. "I didn't realise that Angel was still on the airе I guess I'll never get to work on a Joss Whedon show now." Ouch.

elendenika: Elena S(02/24/04 10:02:41) "сколько в стоимость лицензии" Т.е., WB надеялись "сломать" Fox'ов на мЕньшую сумму ("Да разве ж это бычки? Это же воши!"), и UPN обломали им это дело. Payback's a bitch?

elendenika: VasquezE(02/24/04 10:14:12) Вот туточки http://www.buffy-vs-angel.com/news/news.php?subaction=showfull&id=1077566195&archive=&start_from=&ucat=& Есть еще одна версия событий. Но это с фанатского сайта, так что взгляд наверняка пристрастный. Whedon vs The WB Fans of Angel are still wondering why the WB chose to axe one of it's most successful shows at a time it is losing the battle for ratings. The official line is that the cost of making the show far outweighs any gain by the giant network but many refuse to believe this. There certainly is no love lost between the Buffy and Angel creator, Joss Whedon and the WB network after the two came to blows after Buffy the Vampire Slayer was axed from the network after five seasons. As the five year contract for Buffy drew to a close on the WB, things turned rocky. Fox were spending $2 million per episode producing the show but only received $1 million per episode from the network but the production were expecting a large increase in its fee. This is normal for television business. Production companies typically sell their shows for less of the production costs, making a difference with the international and syndication sales for their hits. And with large increases in fees at the five year renewal point. While this is typical for the television business, it isn't typical for the WB, which at the time Buffy came up for renewal, was a fairly new network which was losing $50 million per year and had never before had a show reach the five year mark. During the negotiation process for a sixth season of Buffy, the man running the WB, Jamie Kellner took a hard line and refused to pay over $1.8 million per episode. Despite the show defining the network, he downplayed the importance saying it was a niche show that appealed mainly to teens and certainly was not "irreplaceable." Whedon was furious and publically said, "For Jamie Kellner to call it a teen show and dismiss his own product angers me. It doesn't breed love." Whedon felt disrespected and sent Kellner a stern letter complaining about his remarks. Ultimately, the WB lost out to the UPN who offered $2.3 million per episode. Whedon blamed the loss squarely on Kellner. "Jamie said "I won't budge and inch,"" said Whedon, indicating that other top WB Executives supported Buffy. Although the shows star Sarah Michelle Gellar was dead against the move to UPN, she later retracted a statement where she said she would not continue playing the Slayer on any other network other than the WB. After the move was announced, Gellar announced that the UPN had been wonderful. At a Television Critics Association Press tour the following year, witnesses were surprised to see Jamie Kellner approach Whedon and shake his hand. Whedon accepted the gracious attempt to put their differences behind them particularly as Angel was still being aired on the WB. But was the love still lost? Well yes. Whedon said, "You know, I didn't like the way the business was handled. I don't like doing business because I tend to take things personally." After the season five finale, The Gift was aired on the WB, the program ended with a shot of Buffy's tombstone which faded into black and a message appeared, "Five great years. We thank you." For a split second, Whedon was moved until realisation kicked in. "The WB decided to pretend the series was ending," said Whedon. He even went so far as to describe it as "cheesy." A WB spokesman, Paul McGuire said it was "a shame" if any Buffy fan had been misled. In the end, Whedon said, "They're just trying to protect their network and not help the other guys." Is history repeating itself? Well, the WB is no longer a new network and has in fact renewed some its shows after five seasons. Charmed has been renewed for a seventh season despite the show drawing in the lowest amount of ratings on Sunday nights at 8pm. On the 22nd February, the show only drew in 3.1/5 million viewers compared to the CBS's 9.5/15 million who watched new drama, Cold Case which aired in the same time slot. If cost really is the issue then the WB will start to question the series, Smallville which is only two places ahead of Angel in the overall ratings battle. One has to imagine how much the special affects cost to produce for the show about Clark Kent's alter ego, Superman growing up in a small town. Whether the real reason for axing Angel is cost or something far more sinister, one thing is for sure, the fans will go on asking questions. In the meantime, the army of loyal and dedicated viewers of the show will continue to campaign until they know for sure that Angel has no chance of being picked up by another network. Online petitions and a postcard campaign have given them hope that they may see a sixth season of their favourite show. The fans are not done and neither are the production crew and the cast of Angel. Following Buffy's transition to UPN, we went on to enjoy two wonderful seasons of our much loved show. We wouldn't mind seeing history repeating itself. Season six and seven of Angel anyone? Yes please. By Andrea Clarke at Buffy-vs-Angel 23 Feb 2004 by Andrea

elendenika: Elena S(02/24/04 10:21:13) Хм. Читаю и всё больше и больше убеждаюсь, что я хорошо помню события. Почему же тогда речь зашла о том, что UPN больше не будет подбирать leftovers?

elendenika: Geroneja(02/24/04 11:29:35) Васкес, думаешь, переименовать в неспойлерном "последний на WB" или оставить ветку, как есть? Елена, что-то я где-то читала, что UPN сейчас в глубоком финансовом кризисе и именно поэтом думают, что они "Ангела" не возьмут, хотя если они остаются без жанрового шоу... В общем, туман понад яром стелыться Третийно мер журнала "Ангел": 1. Сканы итервью Энди Халлета. 2. Сканы интервьюМерседес МакНаб --------- Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Elena S(02/24/04 11:52:38) Как-то у меня не получается внятно выразиться :) Я не тому удивляюсь, что UPN может не купить "Ангела". Я удивляюсь тому, откуда взялась трактовка, что "Баффи" она подобрала, как никому не нужный. За него вполне приличная шла драка. А то, что "купил бы, да кусается" - это как раз мне очень хорошо знакомо.

elendenika: VasquezE(02/24/04 12:53:59) Елена, я тоже удивлена, откуда взялась такая трактовка. Я такой трактовки нигде не видела. Все аналитики в основном говорят, что The WB отказалась от "Баффи", потому что Fox слишком много запросила за продление лицензии. Похоже, нечто подобное случилось и сейчас. По крайней мере, если внимательно читать статью в Variety, видна их трактовка: вопрос решался не между The WB и Ведоном, а между The WB и Fox. Насчет UPN и leftovers - думаю, это реакция канала на большие финансовые потери от 6-7 сезона "Баффи". Как совершенно справедливо говорит Геро, они сейчас в очень тяжелом финансовом положении. Геро, я тут подумала: а может быть, назвать ту ветку ANGEL: save as... (я каждый раз буду мысленно добавлять The Spike Show). Шансов, конечно, почти нет - но почему не развлечься?

elendenika: Geroneja(02/24/04 16:30:18) Действительно, а почему бы и нет?? )) *пошла переименовывать * --------- Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Elena S(02/25/04 05:45:35) "Я такой трактовки нигде не видела. " Мне, конечно, лень ходить и заново собирать цитаты, но из твоего же поста - пожалуйста. UPN picked up two more seasons of Angel's predecessor series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, after The WB canceled it. Когда UPN picked up "Баффи", The WB вовсе не canceled it, а всего лишь отчаянно торговались. В других статьях тоже проводятся аналогии между тогдашним положением "Баффи" и нынешним "Ангела". Что истине не соответствует - тогда WB не шли навстречу пожеланиям Ведона (сказав заранее о закрытии, давая комплиментарные отзывы), а всячески пакостили (например, запретив гостевые визиты "их" актёров из "Ангела" в уже "не их" "Баффи" и - согласно твоим же находкам - вступив в словесную войну). Я хорошо запомнила эти события, т.к. на тот момент я ужасно уважала Ведона, и даже писала на форуме Рен-Тв, что он создал шоу, из-за которого передрались две телекомпании. Тогдашнее поведение WB жутко напоминало вот такую газетную заметку "Сотрудники аппарата нового президента США Джорджа Буша обнаружили, что в офисах Белого дома на клавиатурах компьютеров отсутствуют клавиши " W". С этой буквы начинается второе имя нового президента США Джорджа Уокера Буша. На непременном использовании этого имени или, по крайней мере, инициала Буш настаивал во время избирательной кампании.", т.е., пакостили по мелочам. Да и основной состав, перейдя на UPN, получили дорогие подарки - что было бы довольно странно, если бы UPN подобрали шоу после его закрытия, а вот с учётом того, что СМГ одно время настаивала, что она любит только WB - весьма логично. Возможно, дело в том, что журналисты не помнят эти события, а WB, опомнившись, стали подавать их в том смысле, что это они были инициаторами развода с "Баффи"?

elendenika: VasquezE(02/25/04 05:45:35) Елена, думаю, если ты о профессиональных СМИ, я все же не вижу никакой особой подоплеки, никакого скрытого плана. Специально посмотрела по Лингве: cancel 1) вычеркивать, стирать 2) аннулировать, отменять; отказываться 3) изглаживать, вычеркивать ( из памяти ) 4) погашать ( марки ) 5) сокращать ( дробь, уравнение ) 6) сводить на нет; нейтрализовать, погашать 7) ставить знак бекара вычеркивать ( в корректуре ) Можно перевести, что The WB "отказались" от шоу, потому что оно им слишком дорого стоит. Не исключено, что The WB действительно хотят дистанцироваться от Ведона. Думаю, их обещание телефильмов на следующий год - вялая попытка сделать хорошую мину при плохой игре. А насчет "пакостили по мелочам" - насколько я знаю, они уже успели поменять трейлер сегодняшней серии и убрать из него Written and directed by Joss Whedon (я не стала качать версию с The WB.com, но фаны этот вопрос уже обсудили). Из новостей - (думаю, стоит ввести традицию Спарклей и делать кросс-посты по спасательной кампании здесь и в неспойлерном разделе) Saving Angel.org Campaign UPDATE! Campaign Status Total funds raised as of February 25, 2004, at 01:30 GMT: $9,097.18! Within 38 hours, we have met our first two goals by raising funds for ads in both The Hollywood Reporter and Variety! Our original estimate was $7,000 for both ads, and we now hope to spend less, but until all arrangements are finalized, we’re holding a full $8,000 aside for the ads. Final figures and ad publication dates will be posted as soon as we sign off on each deal. We have to keep the pressure on! Our next attention-getting goal is to raise funds to buy us two weeks on Guerilla Billboards advertising trucks that cover the Santa Monica/Los Angeles area. (Although just having it drive around the block where the WB has its headquarters would be worth the price. Or, you know, park across the street from the main entrance for about an hour while the driver takes lunch? We get to work out the route taken by the trucks.) A draft of the billboard ad will be available as soon as we can finalize the design and upload it to the site. Our <billboard> ad can’t run until "on or about" March 15. If Angel is already holding a house warming party for his new place, we’ll run an ad congratulating ANGEL on either renewal by the WB or being picked up by another network... which in the latter case would make having that truck parked by the WB corporate headquarters really worth the money Мне нравится оптимизм организаторов кампании. У меня его, к сожалению, гораздо меньше. Елена, знаешь, ты немного сдвинула меня с места, я решила все-таки сходить и почитать, что говорят на "сайтах-тяжеловесах" - тем более чо по работе мне нужно было сегодня покопаться на Cool News. На последней ветке по "Ангелу" http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/tb_display.cgi?id=17053#736655 нашла кое-какие любопытные высказывания. Причем можно считать их почти out-of-the box, поскольку это не фанаты "Ангела" конкретно, а фанаты хорошего жанрового кино и ТВ WB decided to ignore the fact that the Buffiverse helped MAKE the network, once the more "realistic" teen dramas started bringing in decent ratings. You'd think Fox, which produces "Angel", would be an easy choice to pick up the series, if only they hadn't passed on "Buffy" and were bent on saving room for "The Littlest Bachelor" or whatever other reality drek they're churning out this week. WB's reasoning behind dropping "Angel" is pure crap. Repeating shows? That's what they do on Sundays. And most of their NEW programming sucks! How many dramas have they lost already this season? And less than half a season's notice to wrap up the entire show is crap. What have they got to replace it with? Nothing! Give 'em another season at least, so they can go out on Joss' terms, not with a quick wrap-up cobbled together at the last minute. I think TV movies/films would only tarnish the legacy. Babylon 5 was a great TV series, but when it went to TV movies, it was still great but could be missed if necessary. I don't want that to happen to ANGEL. The whole purpose of the Petitions Online business is to generate buzz in the media against WB's cancellation decision. Have we forgotten the power of the petition last year following Moriarity's review of the leaked Superman script? I seem to remember 50,000 signatures against the storyline and the surrounding media buzz triggering the executives at Warner Bros. Pictures ordering the script sent back for a re-write. Or, like the good Doctor, did I wake up in the parallel universe of Inferno? If you want to save the show, for goodness sakes, sign the petition. At the time of this posting, its almost up to 40,000 signatures and counting (I'll post the link at the end of this message). There are plenty of resources to go to to join the campaign to save the show. They are at these locations: www.supportangel.org, www.saveangel.org, www.cityofangel.com, www.slayage.com. I agree with Marsters on the post card biz though, buy up postcards from your hometown and send them to the various network contacts listed. Angel could do well on UPN (a revitalized sci-fi evening perhaps? Enterprise and Angel on Saturdays?), TNT, SciFi, or even F/X. I like F/X myself since they allow *The Shield* and *Nip/Tuck* to get away with so much, plus its a 20th Century Fox division. I'd just like to make it known to everyone the irony of what happened Monday. TV Guide now does "behind the scenes" promos with host Ken Taylor with featured television programs and these clips are sent to TiVo owners for their viewing. Guess which program was featured Monday? Yep, it was Angel. Angel was described as the "successful spinoff of Buffy the Vampire Slayer." They spoke with Boreanaz, Marsters, Richards, and Denisoff. They showed a clip from Whedon's speech at the 100 Episode Party. You gotta love irony sometimes. Of course, the naysayers will spotlite the fact that TV Guide still has business arrangements with News Corp., parent company of 20th Century Fox Television, the company that produces Angel. TV Guide is a shareholder of TiVo after an intellectual property settlement. And News Corp. itself is a shareholder of TiVo through its newly acquired DirecTV division. Still, the irony was not lost upon me. idiotic article at the Star Ledger Comment: The writer claims moving Angel to a basic cable network like TNT for Season 6 would gut the show's funding compared to it on the WB. I highly doubt it. I seem to remember TNT taking over Babylon5 for a while. The other night's Chris Noth produced "Bad Apple" movie on TNT also showed no signs of a cheap Canadian budget. I think Stargate has done well on SciFi (although I am not a fan of it) as has the re-imagined BattleStar Galactica. Then of course are all the original programming on F/X Network. Someone should send this writer on a fact checking exercise. http://www.nj.com/entertainment/ledger/index.ssf?/base/columns-0/107708850750701.xml А вот эту забавную информацию я обнаружила на Cold Dead Seed Ocipital Dachelle (of DrewGoddard.com) has began a write up of the W&H annual Revue over at her LJ http://www.livejournal.com/users/dachelle/ Its an intresting account (though not quite finished yet), and good to see Drew getting some more VIP members. Also some gossip. Guess who Drew's dating!!! Nina (well the actress who plays her). Geez do I need anymore reason to be jealous of him. Mere Smith and Steve DeKnight are still an item. Which is nice to know, because I was wondering if they split and Mere left Angel as a result. Course now I have no idea why she left Angel. However she was fired from Tarzan before it was cancelled, because she couldnt take the show serriously (hehe), and stupid motherfucking Tarzan, no wonder you got cancelled Drew did try to put on Mere's dress, but it didnt fit. He and Steve DeKnight did pose for pictures while pretending to piss in the urinals and grabbing each other arses. I expect these pics will hit the web soon.

elendenika: Geroneja(02/25/04 12:26:54) Мдя-м, народ все интересуется личной жизнью сценаристов ) Васкес, спасибо за новости )) Вчера читала, что Майлс Миллер и Альфред Гоуч (создатели и исполнительные продюсеры "Смоллвилля") тоже страшно недовольны, т.к. считают, что два жанровых шоу подряд дают вместе очень неплохие рейтинги, плюс фаны, мол, кроссоверят сериалы, а это привлекает зрителей как с одной, так и с другой стороны Интересные фото - я такого ДМ еще не видела ) --------- Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: Elena S(02/25/04 14:14:59) А как сейчас на спарклях обожают Фьюри! :) После того, как выяснилось, что то, за что его ненавидели, принадлежит вовсе не ему.

elendenika: Elena S(02/25/04 14:20:43) "Интересные фото - я такого ДМ еще не видела" А какого года фотка пятая сверху????? Я к тому, что он там исключительно юн - с работой осветителей в "Ангеле" я уже отвыкла от такого его вида.)))

elendenika: Geroneja(02/25/04 16:09:12) Насколько я поняла, это все фотки 2003 года, вернее, капсы из проморолика, WB делает такие, к "Смоллвиллю" я видела, а вот к "Ангелу" нет.. где б еще сам ролик достать ) --------- Marstersverse Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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