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General News-2. Geroneja. (11/11/04 17:25:12)

elendenika: Geroneja(11/11/04 17:25:12) General News-2 Пришло время открыть новый топик по новостям ) Итак, начнем... Загадочный новый фильм, косвенно связан с "Баффи". Душку на премьере. --------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine [off]ссылка на соответствующий топик оригинального форума Marstersverse[/off]

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elendenika: VasquezE(01/15/05 11:39:30) Геро, Саби, спасибо за новости и ссылочки! Сабинчик, дорогая, бить я тебя не буду никогда и ни за что! Картинку постараюсь найти и прислать - только не помню, куда я ее сохранила (и сохранила ли вообще). Спешу тебя успокоить - от Марстерса там только голова, а все остальное... ЖЖ сегодня целый день не работают, так что ссылки на них, увы... Но мне кажется, я видела вчера манипуляцию "в коже" в ЖЖ Sueworld - если это та самая - действительно не для слабонервных. А вот эту анимашку вы наверняка еще не видели! Автор - неповторимая Tubbyk, второй пост сверху http://forum.colddeadseed.com/viewtopic.php?t=445&start=160 Насчет "Револьвера". Насколько я помню, Southland Tales тоже должны сниматься в феврале-мартею Надо будет сходить на форум СМГ, посмотреть, что там народ пишет.

elendenika: SanAnn(01/15/05 17:33:05) О боже мой!!! Это действительно нечто! Лена, большие пасибки! Новый фан-арт слейерверса. Хорошие работы. Новые фотографии Джули Бенц на вечеринке Showtime TCA от 13 января: 1, 2 и 3 часть. И еще сексуальные фотографии Джули. Прелестная фотка Марстерса, собирающегося снять черную футболку. И фотография ДМ в образе вампира за сценой, актер о чем-то сильно задумался. Капсы Никки из сериала "Женаты... с детьми". Редкие фотографии Элайзы. И еще одни потрясающие фото Душку для Face Magazine. Элайза Душку оказалась в числе звезд, собирающихся принять участие в акции благотворительности жертвам Цунами. Дэвид оказывает помощь нуждающимся! Сравнивают двух Сар: нашу Сару Мишель и Сару Джессику Паркер по одному и тому же платью. Я вообще заметила, что обе эти актрисы часто предпочитают один стиль. Рекламки 4 баффского сезона. Новые видео выложили на слейерверсе: клип об отношениях Энджела (ням, внимание: отношения только с женщиными ), видео к эпизоду Chosen (если кто не видел). Небольшой интроклипчик к эпизоду Smile Time. Нелестный отзыв о фильме Мишель Ice Princess. Такаши Шимузу подписал контракт на режиссуру второй части Grudge, однако о Саре речь не идет.

elendenika: VasquezE(01/16/05 12:20:45) Сабина, спасибо за ссылки! ************ Сходила посмотрела насчет Southland Tales на SMGfan. Насколько я поняла из фанатской болтоdни - "Сказки..." откладываются на какое-то время. Очевидно, поэтому СМГ и согласилась сниматься в другом фильме.

elendenika: Nozomi san(01/16/05 13:18:13) Васкез, Фред, спасибо за информацию. Пока Геро нет, тащу на хвосте новость: Появилась информация, что кто-то из актрис, снимавшихся в "Баффи", появится в сериале "Вероника Марс" на следующей неделе. Ходят слухи, что это Элисон Ханниган. И не забудьте глянуть еженедельные о бои, которые выложил Слеерверс. Every person, all the events of your life,are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you.

elendenika: Nozomi san(01/17/05 04:47:17) И еще новостей от Слеерверса: На сей раз Джосса Ведона упомянули в сериале "The OC". Все-таки Ведон и его творения прочно вошли в культуру, раз его постоянно упоминают в разного рода сериалах. Алексис Денисоф и его чувство стиля Фото молоденькой и темноволосой СМГ Благодаря "Баффи" имя Уиллоу становится все более популярным. А что, очень хорошее и женственное имя! Видео и музыка: Клип "Playground Love", автор Cherry, тема - Баффи и ее любовники за семь лет. Энтони Стюарт Хэд исполняет песню "Owning my Mistakes" (с альбома "Music for Elevators") Скрин-капсы с СМГ из "Крика 2" Несколько хороших фотографий Марка Блукаса на природе и Элайзы Душку на премьере "Coach Carter" ------------ Every person, all the events of your life,are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you.

elendenika: SanAnn(01/17/05 16:02:56) Снова всем пасибки! Новое интервью с Сетом Грином, где он говорит о себе и о своем новом шоу "Robot Chicken", где в качестве приглашенной звезды засветится и Сара. Фотографии Мишель с презентации Golden Globe Style Lounge, сие мероприятие состоялось 16 января. В этот же день Элайза Душку появилась на вечеринке Miramax Golden Globes Awards 2005, представляю вам две ссылки с ее фото:1, 2. А на следующий день Мишель вновь вышла в свет, на этот раз - на HBO Golden Globes Awards. Да уж, наши девочки не умеют сидеть на одном месте

elendenika: VasquezE(01/17/05 16:56:50) Спасибочки за новости! Да, сейчас ведь "наградной сезон", поэтому у них там сплошные гулянки и вечеринки. Кстати, насчет вечеринок. Marsters_daily выложил фото ДМ с какой-то вечеринки 2000 года, я такой не помню... http://www.livejournal.com/community/marsters_daily/263340.html?#cutid1

elendenika: Geroneja(01/17/05 17:34:17) Дамы, огромное спасибо, что подменили )) Это ж надо, два дня меня не было в Сети, а тут уже столько событий. Зак упомянул Джосса в "О.С." - самое смешное, что я сначала это увидела, а потом об этом прочла, представьте реакцию, но круче была у меня реакция, когда я узнала, что Эли будет играть сестру моего любимого персонажа в "Веронике Марс" ) Но это детали ) Васкес, это кажется фотка с награды Young Hollywood, а может и нет ) Но Табби - это все )) Полжизни ) Джули Бенц на Глобусах. Жалко, что фотки маленькие, она там с Керром Смитом, эх... Джосс разговорился о финале "Ангела" - сама не читала, но народ гудит. По-моему, мы уже это видели ) Имена в Баффиверсе - тоже не читала, но они раньше немогли повесить? А то сейчас я уже диссертацию по этому вопросу писать могу ) Кое-что про мейк-ап --------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: VasquezE(01/18/05 05:09:17) Марти Ноксон заявила, что хочет пригласить ДМ на гостевую роль в свой новый сериал http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire2005/index.php?id=30201 Noxon Wants Marsters On Point Former Buffy the Vampire Slayer producer Marti Noxon told SCI FI Wire that she wants to get former Buffy and Angel star James Marsters on her new supernatural Fox series Point Pleasant. "Adam Busch, who was on Buffy as one of the super nerds, has a small role right now," Noxon told reporters at Fox's winter press preview on Jan. 17 in Universal City, Calif. "And I would really love to bring James Marsters [Spike] in at some point. We've been talking to him." In a separate interview, Noxon said that she took on the job of executive producer of Point Pleasant because she liked the way it incorporated elements of Peyton Place, The O.C., Carrie and The Omen. "It's got all of that and, after the first few episodes, we'll be leaning even a little bit more toward Twin Peaks," Noxon said. "You've got a small town with lots of strange people with secrets, and the main character, Christina [Elisabeth Harnois], has this effect of drawing that out of everybody in this once-sleepy place." Set in Point Pleasant, N.J., the show centers on Christina, an attractive teen who washes up on the shore of the well-to-do town. She's not just any teen, but rather the daughter of Satan and a mortal woman, and forces both good and evil will battle for her soul. The show also stars Grant Show, Dina Meyer, Sam Page, Brent Weber, Cameron Richardson, Aubrey Dollar, Susan Walters and Richard Burgi. "Tonally, it's so different from Buffy that I was really eager to take a run at it," Noxon said. "It's hard to see the forest from the tree when you're in it, but I will tell you I always feel like a good indication of how something is going is if you're enjoyingy writing it. And every time I sit down to write [Point Pleasant] I get carried away by it. It feels like there may be something here." Point Pleasant debuts on Jan. 19 before moving to its regular time slot Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT Фраза дня: I am still wondering how we can redeem Satan, if James is playing that part. (С) Spikeylover

elendenika: VasquezE(01/18/05 05:44:42) Досье по "Пойнт Плезант" вообще и по Сатане в частности ( по страницам CDS) SEATTLE POST 'Point Pleasant' proves sodden viewing when evil washes into town By MELANIE McFARLAND Out of all the entertainment treatment Satan's spawn received through the decades, very few can be classified as good. Knowing that, you'd think anyone adding to the family album would feel the pressure to really make it cook. Sadly, there's little hellfire to speak of in the premiere of "Point Pleasant," split between tomorrow and Thursday at 9 p.m. on KCPQ/13 -- an even more disappointing notion when you realize the show is in part the creation of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" executive producer Marti Noxon. The trademark wit, depth and intelligence sparkling throughout Noxon's retired TV masterpiece is miserably absent from "Point Pleasant's" dragging first hour. This is "North Shore of the Damned," a beach community populated with the kind of beautiful people usually disemboweled by the likes of Freddy Krueger. The town's unnaturally pretty youths are frolicking on the beach when a fierce storm angers the waves, bringing the doe-eyed, nearly drowned Christina Nickson (Elisabeth Harnois) bobbing into view. Rescued by Jesse (Sam Page), a lifeguard and the town Adonis, sweet Christina is unaware that her father is the Prince of Darkness. And the Kramers, a family who let Christina crash in their dead daughter's bedroom, let her stay at the urging of their reclusive daughter Judy (Aubrey Dollar) who, like mother Meg (Susan Walters) and father Ben (Richard Burgi), pines for her lost sister. From the moment she arrives, the town starts behaving strangely in the usual ways. Things explode. People make out or draw a strange symbol that naturally occurs in Christina's iris. In another city, a shadowy businessman (Grant Show), who is related to Christina in some way, waits patiently for hell to break loose. Ax murders can't be far behind. Accursed as the first hour looks, we will concede that "Point Pleasant" isn't beyond improvement. It is midseason, and if shows such as "Medium" are hitting a chord with viewers, well, why not this noise? Besides, Harnois shows a titch of potential. She already works the same magic with her coy glances that Benjamin McKenzie's Ryan does on "The O.C.," which is pretty much all you need to star in a Fox series. So "Point Pleasant" could end up being a decent match with "The O.C." once it settles into its Thursday night regular time slot. Mind you, that assessment should be considered a sign of faith in Noxon rather than anything you'll see after tomorrow's "American Idol." The Washington Post. ------------------- 'Point Pleasant' Preview Wednesday at 9 p.m.; regular time slot Thursday at 9 p.m. on Fox The tagline you'll never see: "Something wicked this way comes . . . and she's hot!" The basics: Christina Nickson (Elisabeth Harnois) is the new girl in the ocean town of Point Pleasant, N.J. On the surface, she's your typical teenager -- crazy about the beach, crazier about the boys and not immune to severe jealousy fits. But Christina has one seriously whacked family tree that she isn't totally clued in about: Dear old Dad is Satan himself and mortal Mom is MIA. After a dramatic and mysterious arrival in Point Pleasant -- she is rescued at sea during a freak storm -- Christina, inadvertently or not, begins to stir things up in the sleepy community. She comes between studly lifeguard Jesse (super hunky Sam Page) and his possessive girlfriend Paula (Cameron Richardson), pits best friends against each other and even gets the seemingly pious town elders to do some bad things. While this is going on, the Princess of Darkness seeks the truth about her past. The lowdown: This drama about the devil's spawn looks an awful lot like Fox's hit "The O.C." -- good-looking teenagers with too much money cavort in skimpy bathing suits in a sun-drenched beach community. And just like "The O.C.," the lead character is taken in by a caring family where she becomes fast friends with their reclusive daughter. (Maybe Fox should have called it "The P.P." Or, um, maybe not.) Fox isn't showing much faith in "Point Pleasant," sticking it in the competitive Thursday 9 p.m. time slot against TV's top-rated "CSI" and round three of the Donald Trump series "The Apprentice." Let's face it, the devil is no match for the Donald. Reality check: Although there are more than a few "Carrie"-inspired scares throughout the premiere, "Point Pleasant" is essentially a run-of-the-mill teenage drama disguised as a show about the supernatural. Lovers of the paranormal who are hoping for a full hour of creepiness will be disappointed -- along with anyone older than 30. But fans still pining for "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," which shares a producer with this show, just might find it pleasant in "Point Pleasant." ---------------------------------- And the Richmond Times Dispatch: Adults Richard Burgi and Susan Walters are among the stars of this hourlong drama hoping to ride the "Desperate Housewives" wave, but it crashes before it ever reaches shore. More important, however, is the interchangeable cast of teenage characters trying their best to make Point Pleasant, N.J., the equivalent of the beaches of "The O.C." (That Fox series -- a much better one is set in California.) There's the usual triangular plotline (A lusts after B, but B only has eyes for C) suddenly complicated by the arrival of a stranger. And what a strange arrival it is. A pretty blond teenager played by Elisabeth Harnois is found floating in the ocean with no boat or parent in sight. Soon, odd and unpleasant things are happening in Point Pleasant -- power outages, gusts of wind, a teen queen saying yes when she had been saying no. We're not giving away any secrets by telling you that the floater, named Christina Nickson, has unusual parentage. "She's the child of darkness. She's under his protection. She's his child," says Grant Show early in Wednesday's premiere. We're not sure who Show is supposed to be, or even where he is when he delivers these "Omen"-ous lines. But we hope the former "Melrose Place" star is being paid a lot to pretend to be creepy. When not focused on lustful teens -- with occasional hints of adult hot flashes -- the hour is spent detailing Christina's blossoming powers. For instance, in a minor fit of jealousy involving the lifeguard who saved her, she causes an explosion at a gas station. Plus, she looks amazingly good for someone just plucked from the ocean. This is no Sissy Spacek version of Carrie in need of a makeover. Fox, never shy about copying a competitor or itself, apparently wants to cash in on the popularity of "Desperate Housewives" while maintaining "The O.C." demographic. ("Point Pleasant" will normally follow "The O.C" at 9 p.m. Thursdays.) But "Point Pleasant" lacks a key ingredient found in both of the other prime-time soaps: a nudge, nudge, wink, wink tone that demands the viewer share in the joke. "Point Pleasant" could use one of Seth's comic icebreakers from "The O.C." or one of Teri Hatcher's clumsy moves from "Desperate Housewives." Anything to make you forget lines like "Do you ever think things happen for a reason?" Instead, we get killer bees. Wait -- now I am giving away too much. But let me just add: Those bees are the best part of the show. ------------------------------- http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire2005/index.php?category=0&id=30207 Quote: Tru Is Dead, But Not Gone Gail Berman, president of entertainment at Fox, confirmed to reporters that the supernatural series Tru Calling won't be coming back—but she added that six as-yet-unaired second-season episodes will eventually see the light of day. "We finished six episodes of Tru Calling, and we anticipate putting them on air at some point," Berman told reporters at Fox's winter press tour Jan. 17 in Universal City, Calif. Berman added that the upcoming supernatural series Point Pleasant was the deciding factor in pulling Tru Calling from the schedule. "What changed for us was when we saw Point Pleasant, we really felt we had a show that was incredibly compatible with The O.C.," Berman said. "So our thoughts changed, not so much about Tru Calling, but the possibility of not only having an exciting show and a winner at 8 o'clock, but also something that could really make headway for us at 9 o'clock in an incredibly competitive time period." Tru Calling, starring Eliza Dushku and Jason Priestley, had been picked up for a second season, but the show was put on hiatus before the season began. Point Pleasant premieres Jan. 18 and will air Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT. Evenstar дает урок теологии для начинающих: Lucifer in medieval Christian theology was the name of the chief of angels who rebelled against God and was cast down into Hell. He is identified with Satan. The name means "morning star". Satan on the other hand... In medieval Judeo-Christian theology, Satan ("adversary") is the personified concept of evil, and the jealous enemy of mankind. He is the chief of the angels who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. The belief that Satan is in Hell is a product of cartoons and movies rather than the reality portrayed in the Bible. The Bible states that he still roams heaven and earth. Job 1:6 states that Satan appeared with other angels "before the Lord." Presumably in heaven. When God asked Satan where he had been, Satan replied, "From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it." Satan has not been and is not in Hell. 1 Peter 5:8 declares, "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." It is clear from passages such as these that Satan is not in Hell and probably spends most of his time on earth, seeking to destroy the lives of human beings and to keep them separated from God. Satan will be cast into the lake of burning sulfur (Hell), but it is only after the battle involving Gog and Magog (which means the nations of the earth). When the enemies of God are defeated, "the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet were thrown." Rev 20:7-10 (New International Version). In the Apocrypha, Satan represents the forces of evil. The rabbis taught that he was responsible for all the sins recorded in the Bible and, according to legend, the shofar is blown on Rosh Hashanah in order to confuse him. The word "devil" is, in European languages, a corruption of the Greek diabolos, meaning "adversary, prosecutor", which is in turn a translation of the Hebrew Satan. In the plural it was also used in medieval theology to denote Satan's attending spirits. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Отдельные фразы по поводу: spikesfool! He'd make a magnificent Satan. Why his eyebrow alone could play the part. Or his tongue. ramses Remember, according to plot Satan has somehow seduced a very good and moral woman....so whoever plays the part has to be sexy... tubbyk So James plays satan and Marti hires DB to play the good and moral woman he seduces. See? Simple! arkady James as Satan -- could he not have some fun with that? Although, the method acting implications could be kind of tough . . .

elendenika: VasquezE(01/18/05 11:49:42) Последняя новость на хвосте: вроде бы кто-то из продюсеров (не Марти!) сказал, что отца Кристины они вообще не собираются показывать воочию - по крайней мере, в ближайшее время. Новая версия - что ДМ хотят пригласить на роль священника (а что, тряхнет стариной, вспомнит "Северную звезду"...)

elendenika: Geroneja(01/18/05 17:56:22) Как не будут показывать? Я тут уже, понимаете ли, настроилась!! Васкес, спасибо огромное за все материалы, действительно, судя по описанию похоже на "The O.C.", но надо увидеть, а потом уже посмотрим, в любом случае у Марти должно получится что-то интересное, а если там еще и Джеймс будет!! Лучшая цитата - это о ДБ в роли дамы ) Эли не будет играть в ситкоме с Дженнифер Лав Хьюит, что увеличивает наши шансы на более интересный вариант - "Веронику Марс". Интересный постер. "Баффи" и концепция современного феминизма. Два трелера - ангельский и баффский. МТ, ДБ с женой и Душку - и все это "Золотой глобус". Кстати, видела шикарные фотки оттуда же с "Лостом" Имена и их значения в "Ангеле". ДБ с семьей в хорошем качестве. --------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

elendenika: SanAnn(01/19/05 03:18:54) Всем пасибки за новости! Выложили коллажики из скринкапсов Prophecy Girl. Симпатишные. Кристиан Кейн подписал соглашение с рекорд-компанией EMI. Что ж, можно ждать альбома. Вторая часть фоток с баффи.ну Элайзы на Golden Globes Awards. Отснятые 6 эпизодов Тру все-таки собираются показать.

elendenika: VasquezE(01/19/05 13:08:45) Спасибо за ссылки! 4 рецензии на Point Pleasant (в нижней половине страницы) http://forum.colddeadseed.com/viewtopic.php?t=454&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=100 Особых восторгов критиков не наблюдается. Фаны также выяснили, что первые 13 эпизодов ПП будут сниматься в Сан-Диего (2 часа езды от ЛА, расстояние 112 миль) и беспокоятся, согласится ли ДМ туда мотаться. А если сериал будет иметь успех, продюсеры хотят продолжить съемки в настоящем ПП на Восточном побережье. "Фангория" пишет о новом проекте Николаса Брэндона: http://www.fangoria.com/news_article.php?id=3400 FANGORIA just got the details on UNHOLY, a new horror yarn starring Nicholas (BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER) Brendon and Adrienne (THE FOG) Barbeau. Lensing in Northern New Jersey and Queens, New York, the film deals with a grieving mother (Barbeau) who uncovers a conspiracy dealing with Nazi witchcraft. Daryl Goldberg makes his directorial debut on the film, with fellow NYU grad Sam Stephen Freeman serving as executive producer (with Joshua Blumenfeld) and screenwriter. Thomas (BLADES) Rondinella produces. Besides Barbeau and Brendon, UNHOLY also features Susan (THE FACULTY) Willis, Siri (BLOOD ANGELS) Baruc, Richard Ziman, Cheyenne Casebier and Joe McKenna in the cast. "The film starts off with Martha [Barbeau] coming home to find her daughter Hope locked in the cellar, contemplating suicide," Freeman, an associate producer on ZOMBIE HONEYMOON, tells Fango. "Despite a heart-wrenching attempt to stop her, Martha fails. Hope doesn’t give a reason, but her last words are, ‘Beware of the experiment.’ While delving into the reasons for her daughter’s suicide and the secretive cellar Hope spent most of her time in, Martha, along with her son Lucas [Brendon], uncovers a conspiracy involving an experiment called ‘The Unholy Trinity,’ which involves Nazi witchcraft that our very own government smuggled into small-town Pennsylvania following World War II. "The plot is based on real myth," Freeman continues. "Legend says the government continues to utilize unwilling subjects around Dowington, PA to progress the outstanding technology the Nazis started. Was Hope one of the lab rats? In their search for answers, Martha and Lucas find themselves as targets of an unknown enemy and unravel truths that should have never been brought to light…" Вопрос на засыпку: кто-нибудь знает, где и когда Ведон это сказал (одна девушка на СDS спрашивает): "When we did the Fool for Love flashbacks we really learned that these two guys represented two completely different aesthetics and they've gone through two completely different processes. Angel was the most evil person, he was cursed with a soul. He went through a century of navel gazing agony before becoming a champion. Spike was actually something more of a heroic figure in that he was never as evil as Angel. He was a bad guy and a killer but he was never quite the sadist Angel was. He was more of a populist. He really reresented the sort of birth of the middle class in the 20th century. He liked working class people, he liked the plebian stuff. He liked brawls.. it wasn't all poetry and pain. Let's face it Angel was a puffy shirt and we all know it. And then Spike himself was the most human of vampires who went out and sought a soul. It's been complicated for both of them having one, but their processes were so different their reactions were so different.. they are so different and they love the same girl. Очень знакомый кусок, я совершенно точно его раньше видела, но где - убейте не помню.

elendenika: Geroneja(01/19/05 19:49:46) Что-то мне сдается, что это интервью перед пятым сезоном "Ангела" по поводу перехода туда ДМ, но вот из какого именно - хоть убейте! Ссылки от меня Слеерверс вешает фотки ДБ в потрясающем качестве (Саби, это для тебя . Пытаюсь уследить на The Futon Critic и их 50-ю лучшими эпизода на ТВ в 2004-м году. Статья о Саре. Одни из моих любимых фоток ДМ, если кто не видел - просим, просим ) Это съемка для SFX Снова о Эли в "Веронике Марс". Цитатки из пятого сезона "Ангела". Ревьюшки ПП. --------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine

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