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General News-3. Nozomi san. (05/30/05 07:39:37)

elendenika: Nozomi san(05/30/05 07:39:37) General News-3 Продолжаем новостить здесь. -------- Every person, all the events of your life,are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you. [off]ссылка на соответствующий топик оригинального форума Marstersverse[/off]

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elendenika: Jaruschka(09/25/05 06:20:16) Еще фото с премьеры Серинити Господи, что мое сокровище с собой сотворило??? --- "I don't want to hurt you, baby. Doesn't mean I won't." Spike, 2.22 Becoming, BtVS Buffy and Angel in Ukraine The Watcher's Library

elendenika: lag9(09/25/05 10:23:54) И ещё очень симпатичные фотографии с премьеры 1 , 2

elendenika: Uktalynka(09/25/05 11:08:26) Очередная серия фотографий Сары со съемок http://img297.imageshack.us/my.php?image=092405southlandtales1co.jpg человек выложил для скачивания первые серии Bones, Kitchen Confidential, Supernatural и еще кое-что. но какие тяжелые...я в расстроенных чувствах...

elendenika: VasquezE(09/25/05 11:52:01) Спасибо за новости и фотографии! А я обнаружила сканы ноябрьского SFX - страницы, посвященные ДМ http://www.livejournal.com/users/pokerkitten/137588.html#cutid1

elendenika: Uktalynka(09/25/05 12:43:55) Васкез,спасибо Слава Вендону,авторы Смоллика не стали делать ДМ зеленым, выглядит просто ужасно

elendenika: Geroneja(09/26/05 04:28:40) Огромное всем спасибо ) Не могу налюбоваться на фото с премьеры "Серенити", просто супер ) Новости о Сэте Грине. -------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: VasquezE(09/26/05 05:47:32) В свежем номере американского издания журнала Buffy magazine: В списке 10 лучших "прологов" в сериале "Ангел" на первом месте In the Dark - классический монолог Спайка. Дайана Галлагер, автор Spark and Burn дает интервью о своей книге О Спайке: "Spike is like the character. He's just it. He's so intriguing and exciting," Diana enthuses. "I was talking to the editor (Patrick Price, of Simon Spotlight books) and he said the fans were clamoring for a Spike book, so I came up with this idea. First of all, I knew there were certain parameters.[Simon Spotlight] was setting all the new Buffy books in in the second season before Angel was turned. Of course, the later part of that season was when Spike came to town. Moving ahead to the early seventh season, Spike is in the basement of the high school going crazy - and then he comes out of it, but they never actually defined what happened that triggered that turnaround. In "Lessons", he was completely bonkers. Then in "Beneath You" he was better, but when he stabbed the worm guy that turned back into a human, Spike lost it again. There was always the assumption that The First and [Spike's] own misdeeds were torturing him. But I thought it would be really interesting to take that segment in the seventh season and have something that happened in the second season be what he remembers that triggers his turnaround. О том, как она "продала" свою идею издателю "When we first approached the show they do a book where Spike was crazy. Their reasoning was very sound, which was that he got over it, moved on. In order to sell it, I came up with a single spaced, 16 page outline that went from the beginning right to the end, with all the psychological progression and the epilogue, which it gave them their 'He's okay now!' It had to be something very profound, hopefully I succeeded." Слава Ведону,авторы Смоллика не стали делать ДМ зеленым Ну, пока еще ничего не известно, сезон только начинается. И потом, зеленый - его любимый цвет... (шутка)

elendenika: lag9(09/26/05 20:59:20) Новое обращение ДМ к своим фанатам по поводу Риты

elendenika: novichok74(09/26/05 22:59:20) 12 -часовой минисериал Christian Kane и Alan Tudyk "Into The West" выходит на ДВД 14 октября Персонаж Эми Аркер в Шпионке будут звать Kelly Peyton Ведон о своем новом проекте "Goner" He says it is about "the ugly side to humanity.. a part of modern world most people don't get to see normally" Итак, в этом сезоне Вероники будут играть: Джосс, Харизма и Эли Ханниган Обойки и видео по Серинити от UIP --------- "Удача улыбается смелым, но потом долго ржет над ними" Риша "Маггла на тропе войны"

elendenika: Geroneja(09/27/05 01:58:01) Всем спасибо за новости ) Свежая Душку. Капсы с Эли )))) Еще Душку. -------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

elendenika: VasquezE(09/27/05 14:21:51) Кристин описывает, как Джосс снимался в "Веронике"... He [Joss] filmed it last week and was actually fantastic in the part. He said he was more nervous about doing this than just about anything he could remember. His scene called for some ad-libbing, chewing out an employee. He's a rental-car manager, and we just needed him to riff, chewing out his employee, and it's really some of the funniest stuff. I don't know how much of it will make it to air, but I could've strung the 12 takes together, and it's an amazing, amazing rant! And actually, [with] Kevin Smith, we gave him sort of the structure of the scene and wrote some dialogue for him, but just told him to do whatever he wanted to do, and what was a half-page scene for him became about two-and-a-half pages by the time it was said and done! He did an amazing job.

elendenika: Hope82(09/27/05 14:46:18) Интервью с Джоссом и актерской командой "Серенити" Эми Акер в "Шпионке" - промки МТ Классические фото СМГ Вышел новый журнал Buffy & Angel Игрушки

elendenika: lag9(09/27/05 19:57:48) Скан Сары И ещё раз Душку 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

elendenika: VasquezE(09/28/05 02:18:40) Спасибо за ссылки! Жалко, что Сара больше не дает интервью о Баффи - даже в "специальных изданиях". ********************** Объявлен календарь Спайка на 2006 год http://www.calendars.com/Product.asp?TID=%7BA4D449FE-19E1-440B-9B7A-6CBC33D043D6%7D&PID=1&MGID=-1&IID=23754

elendenika: Geroneja(09/28/05 06:45:10) Всем большое спасибо за новости Веселое фото Джосса. Капсы с Эли. -------- "Killing people is my job!" (c) Joss Whedon Marstersverse The Watcher's Library Buffy and Angel in Ukraine Smallville-Lost-Veronica Mars-Point Pleasant

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